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Technical Note - Number FF-25-02-08

Notes on Cleaning of Continuous Vacuum Pans

Compiled By : Mike Getaz

Date Prepared : 25 February 2008


1.1. All continuous vacuum pans (CVPs) need to be periodically taken off-line for cleaning, generally to remove
accumulated sugar encrustation but sometimes also to remove scale accumulations on the heating surface.
Therefore appropriate procedures need to be put in place for carrying this out and each installation also
requires suitable facilities to enable efficient execution of the task.

1.2. Since encrustation build-up is greater with high purity massecuites the frequency of cleaning when processing
high grade massecuite is much greater. This makes the cleaning task a more important operation, where the
benefits of careful planning and investment in providing the right facilities will be well rewarded. Among the
aspects needing careful consideration is the type and size of the temporary massecuite holding facilities and
how the CVP is emptied and refilled both with massecuite and cleaning fluid (water/juice/steam).

1.3. It is the objective of this note to describe a set of typical procedures for carrying out the washing-out
operations and to detail some recommendations for the facilities required.


2.1. Sugar encrustation in a continuous vacuum pan (CVP) can affect operations in two ways viz.;

2.1.1. Progressive encrustation of the heating surfaces. This results in a gradually declining rate of heat
transfer, which then requires an increasingly higher temperature differential between the heating steam
and massecuite to maintain the same rate of water evaporation in the massecuite. Therefore, as the
CVP heating surface becomes more encrusted the calandria steam pressure has to be increased to
compensate for this. When the required calandria steam pressure reaches the maximum that can be
supplied any further deterioration in heat transfer rate will mean the required production rate cannot be
maintained. Shortly before this point is reached it will therefore become necessary to take the CVP off-
line to wash/clean off the encrustation by means of either a prolonged “steaming-out” of the pan, or by
flushing with hot (clarified) juice, or by boiling water in the CVP.

2.1.2. Sugar encrustation build-up on the exposed surfaces. The accumulation of encrustation on the
exposed surfaces of the CVP (i.e. above the massecuite boiling level) if left to grow unchecked will
result in pieces eventually breaking off, causing blocking of tubes, transfer ports, pipes and valves. The
resulting operational difficulties and disruptions affect not only the CVP but also downstream
equipment such as centrifugals. A build-up of this type of encrustation can be completely prevented by
regular and routine practicing of either one of 2 procedures viz., either spraying a fine mist of water
onto the exposed surfaces or by carrying out a so-called “steam-out-on-the-run”.

As example of extremely severe encrustation build-up is shown in the photographs in Figure 1 and 2
below. In Figure 1 it can be seen that the sugar build up on the sight glass is so great that it blocks the
whole glass. The photo in Figure 2 was only able to be taken after there was some preliminary water
spraying and washing off of the encrustation to clear the sight glass.


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Technical Note Number FF-25-02-08

Figure 1 Figure 2
Completely Encrusted CVP Sight Glass Encrustation on CVP Exposed Surfaces

2.2. The strong effect that massecuite purity has on encrustation rates has a consequence on CVP cleaning
frequencies. An empirical estimation, based on Fives-Cail experience, of the length of CVP operating intervals
between cleanings, based on massecuite purity is illustrated in Figure 3 below. Reasons for the wide range
between the shortest and longest intervals are not fully understood but these are known to be partly influenced
by operational aspects, with poorly operated CVPs generally requiring more frequent washing. In addition it
has been observed that higher boiling rates generally result in reduced length of the operating interval.

Figure 3
Typical CVP Cleaning Interval Illustration (Estimated According to Massecuite Purity)

Continuous Vacuum Pan Typical Operating Intervals
(Approximate Time Between Two Cleanings)
Longest intervals
Period between 2 Cleanings (Weeks)

Mean intervals
12 Lowest intervals
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Massecuite (Apparent) Purity

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3.1. The required frequency of CVP cleaning influences the extent of the investment in facilities provided for aiding
the filling and emptying of CVPs. For example C-massecuite CVPs are often only filled and emptied at the
beginning and end of a season or campaign and it is therefore not normally necessary to provide any special
facilities for these operations other than maybe a cut-over facility for filling the CVP. Whereas for an A-CVP
which requires frequent cleaning it is important that CVP downtime is minimised by providing good quality
facilities for cleaning and for quick emptying and refilling of the CVP.

3.2. The cost of providing temporary massecuite storage facilities for CVP washing is not insignificant and
obviously becomes more important as the size of the CVP increases. This provides an important secondary
reason for supplying double and split CVPs, which is that since only half the unit is cleaned at a time the
temporary holding facilities required is also reduced by half (see Appendix 3 for further notes on this subject).

3.3. Temporary Massecuite Holding Facilities.

The choice of how and what to provide as temporary massecuite holding facilities varies both according to the
grade of massecuite being processed in the CVP and also according to the each individual factory’s own
situation. It is often possible to make use of existing batch vacuum pans and receivers for providing these
facilities, whereas in other cases and for new factories there will be a need to install new equipment. A
description of some typical approaches adopted for providing these facilities for each grade of massecuite is
presented below, in reverse order of massecuite grade.

3.3.1. For C-Massecuite CVPs. In general no special temporary massecuite holding facilities are provided
for C-CVPs. Although a massecuite receiver is generally provided it is normally a small unit used for
providing a barometric seal for the massecuite discharge and as a pumping surge tank for transfer of
massecuite to the C-crystalliser station. The size of the seed receiver is normally designed to hold
between 1.2 to 1.4 times the volume of the seed batch pan’s strike capacity. It is preferable to be
able to fill the CVP by transferring the massecuite via a cut-over facility from a batch pan, but in a
number of cases this has not been possible which means the CVP can then only be filled via the
seed pump.

3.3.2. For B-Massecuite CVPs. Since B-CVPs generally need to be cleaned at least once during a crushing
season it is normal to provide some facilities for quick emptying of the unit, although dedicated
temporary storage is generally not considered a necessity. A common strategy is to size the seed
and massecuite receivers so that the can their combined holding capacity is sufficient to hold the full
contents of the CVP. Typically this is arranged so that half of the CVP can be drained to the seed
receiver and the other half to the massecuite receiver. Re-filling the CVP after a clean is then
achieved by cutting over fresh seed/massecuite from a batch pan or by pumping from the seed

3.3.3. For A-Massecuite CVPs. The only way to effect a really quick CVP cleaning operation is by utilising
some form of temporary holding capacity for the massecuite so that the CVP can be both quickly
emptied and refilled. As noted earlier in existing factories this if often achieved by sharing facilities
already installed such as batch pans and vacuum receivers. Where these facilities either don’t exist
or cannot be used then some dedicated installation has to be provided.

The solution considered both most efficient and cost effective is to provide this dedicated facility as a
holding receiver positioned below the CVP at a sufficiently high level to allow the contents to be
sucked back into the CVP after it has been cleaned. Although it does not need to be adjacent to the
CVP it should be located at the nearest convenient position relative close to the CVP in order to
facilitate quick transfer.

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3.4. The general target time taken to empty the bulk of the massecuite into in an A-CVP to either a holding receiver
or to transfer it (“cut it over”) to a vacuum receiver or batch pan should be in the range of 20 - 30 minutes.
Equally the time to return the massecuite to the CVP should be in the same general range. Around 10-15
minutes is the record time taken for each of the emptying and filling operations, this has been achieved in at
least 2 factories.

An efficient operation such as this can only be achieved if the facilities are well designed. In addition to the
provision of conveniently located and adequately sized temporary storage for the massecuite it also vital to
ensure that transfer pipelines are well designed, both in terms of size and lay-out to ensure they are not prone
to blockages. The valves should be easily accessible and seal properly, as leaking valves cause many

Other design aspects to remember:-

• General access for operators.
• The provision of sufficient strategically placed steam-out points.
• The provision of good lighting and facilities to enable operators to see tank levels.

The penalties for poorly designed facilities is long delays, much frustration and a tendency for operators to
take short cuts (such as not emptying a pan fully) which have significant detrimental effect on the efficiency of
the overall cleaning operation.


4.1. Proper preparation is important to the success of CVP washing. Things to consider and check are that there is
sufficient spare volume in the syrup/liquor storage tank(s) to support a reduced take off of syrup. There must
be adequate and reliable services, steam, water or juice depending on which is going to be used at the time of
the clean and the batch seed pan will be available for the clean with the cutover line check and steamed.

4.2. In addition to these checks the following action needs to be taken:

• Briefly open the drain valves that will be used, one by one, to suck a little air into the CVP to
ensure these valves are not blocked.
• Steam out and warm-up all the piping in the massecuite transfer piping that will be used.
• For full-split CVPs, change the brix profile of section to be left in operation so that product
massecuite will exit the CVP at the required brix, if necessary change the seed inlet point and or
the massecuite exit point.
• Change the cell probe set-points so that the massecuite brix in the CVP (or section to be
cleaned) is reduced to a level that will enable it to be easily transferred from the CVP.


5.1. Three methods for cleaning CVPs to remove encrustation are being employed with FCG installations viz., (1)
Boiling water in the CVP; (2) Flushing, soaking or boiling clarified juice in the CVP; (3) Steaming out the CVP.

5.2. Water Boiling:- This is the most commonly used method and involves vigorously boiling water in the CVP until
all the encrustation is dissolved or washed off. Whilst generally completely effective this method is the most
time consuming and most wasteful of the three methods. This is because, owing to the quantity needed, cold

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water generally has to be used and so some time is therefore needed to bring the water to boiling temperature
and it is wasteful because quite a large quantity of sweet-water washings are generated.

Appendix 1 contains an extract (of the sections dealing with CVP washing and steaming-out) from the
standard Fletcher Smith CVP operating manual. This details two options for water boil-outs viz.,
“(1) Boiled out fully with top tube-sheet covered, using the main steam with help from the jigger system,
similarly to the initial boil-out as above, and
(2) Cleaned out with only the bottom tube-sheet covered and using the jigger system to provide the agitation
through the small volume of water in the bottom of the pan.”
Option (1) is intended for use when the encrustation is moderate to severe, whilst option (2) would be used
when the encrustation is light to moderate which would typically occur when a CVP is be cleaned on a routine
basis that fits in with other scheduled stops of the factory rather than when it is really needed for the CVP

Appendix 2 gives a report of water boil–out test conducted during the commissioning of an A-CVP in
Guatemala in December 2005. This illustrates the feasibility of conducting a full water boil-out within a 3 hour
time period.

5.3. Clear Juice Washing:- The use of clarified juice in place of water is practised in a number of installations with
good success. Since the clarified juice is already very hot the rate of encrustation dissolution is much faster
and a quick soak and short boiling period of 20-30 minutes is generally sufficient, compared with a typical hour
or more duration for water boiling. At the Enterprise factory in Louisiana, where this technique is practised, the
total CVP downtime for cleaning has been reduced to as low as 2 hours on occasion, with an average duration
being 3-3½ hours. Using clarified juice also means the resulting washings do not represent any additional
water load, but adequate storage facilities need to be provided to ensure the withdrawal and return of the
required fairly substantial quantities of juice from the process stream does not cause operational disruptions.

5.4. Steaming Out:- The third method, consisting of simply steaming out the CVP, has successfully been used at
Felixton, in South Africa, to shorten the cleaning time for a CVP from around 6¼ hours down to 3½ hours
(Montocchio, 1991). This technique is also being successfully used in several other installations.

In some cases steam cleaning has not always been able to fully remove encrustation in all compartments. In
particular difficulties have been faced with clearing blocked tubes and heavy encrustation in the final few
compartments. The solution to this has been found to install a water spray facility located above the calandria
to provide a short duration drenching of the calandria with hot water (or clarified juice!). This then provides the
means to effectively dislodge any difficult to remove encrustation and to clear blocked tubes. It is also useful
for washing off any last remaining encrustation coating on the tubes.

This cleaning method is the quickest, provides the least disruption to the operations and requires the least
equipment and it is recommended as the first choice option. It is therefore considered worthwhile investing in
effort and facilities to make it effective, efficient operation, even if the occasional water/juice boil is still


6.1. Based on FCG experience the estimate duration of each of the steps involved in cleaning a CVP is presented
in Table 1. It presents these for each of the three cleaning methods described and is based on the assumption
that each operation is carried out efficiently. The typical times are what could reasonably be expected on
average for such operations. The optimised times could become typical in a well designed well operated

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Technical Note Number FF-25-02-08

Comparison of CVP Cleaning Times

Continuous Vacuum Pan Cleaning - Comparison of Time Taken for Different Washing Methods

Time (in minutes)

Water Boil Clear Juice Boil Steam-Out
*** Typ. Opt. Typ. Opt. Typ. Opt.
Shutting-down CVP (from closing off-steam to opening drain valves). 15 10 15 10 15 10
Transferring massecuite from CVP to holding facility 30 20 30 20 30 20
Fill CVP with water or clear juice 25 15 25 15 - -
Initial steaming plus water spray flush 5 5
Perform cleaning (water/clear juice boil, steam-out) 90 60 30 20 25 20
Final steaming plus water spray flush - - - - 10 5
Brix up sweet-water 45 25 - - - -
Empty sweet-water/clear juice from CVP 25 15 25 15 - -
Transfer massecuite back into CVP 35 25 35 25 35 25
Start-Up CVP (from closing drain valves to putting liquor feed loops on auto) 30 20 30 20 30 20
TOTAL TIME 295 190 190 125 150 105

*** Time estimates are for what would be considered proficient operations - Typ. = Typical/Average; Opt. = Optimised/Best


7.1. The cleaning of a CVP is often seen as a difficult and time consuming operation and this has discouraged
some factories against using them for processing high purity massecuites. However, with some modest
investment in good equipment and a good plant layout the operation can be quick efficient and easy.


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APPENDIX 1 – Page 1 of 3




In addition to the Short and Long stops above, at the end of the operating period, or should the internal surfaces
become encrusted with sugar, it will be necessary to empty out and clean the pan.

Depending on the circumstances, if the material in the pan has to be made the same as the normal output (e.g. for
centrifuging), before discharging it will be necessary to increase the crystal size in the first few cells. Thus:-

(1) Stop the seed masse / magma flow to the pan.

(2) Increase the brix in the first cells of the pans to make the crystals grow, by moving the feed set points.
(3) When the crystals are sufficiently large to be easily handled in the centrifugals, close off the steam to the
calandria and isolate all the feed lines. Shut all jigger steam lines and the main steam isolating valves.
(4) Shut down the vacuum system and open the vacuum breaker.
(5) When pan shell pressure reaches atmospheric, open up the drain valves and drain out massecuite.

Depending on the degree of encrustation, time available or other circumstances, the pan can now be:-
(a) steamed out (similarly to a batch pan), using the jigger system and steam-out connection.
(b) boiled out fully with top tube-sheet covered, using the main steam with help from the jigger system, similarly to
the initial Boil-out as above, or
(c) cleaned out with only the bottom tube-sheet covered and using the jigger system to provide the agitation
through the small volume of water in the bottom of the pan.

It is good practise to keep a record of any blocked tubes by filling in a blank form showing the tube and cell pattern.
This is a direct indication of the degree of encrustation and how well the pan has been cleaned out. If some cells are
more prone to blockages, the reason should be checked. The Jigger steam can be preferentially applied to problem

The division plate sprays, on high purity massecuites, are a very good source of water and vigorous washing. They
can also be used as a venting route for the incondensible gases by suitably cross connecting. This suppresses any
encrustation build up above the massecuite level continually.

At the end of the cleaning period, the pan should be completely free of any encrustation and blocked tubes.

Depending on the method used to clean there may be no liquid left in the pan (if only steamed out), about 70 % of the
nominal volume (full boil-out) or about 25% of the nominal volume (if only the bottom tube sheet was covered). The
brix of this material should be recorded, since it is a direct indication of how badly fouled the pan was.

If the volume is large, the contents are dropped into a "washings" tank for subsequent reprocessing. If the brix is
below 45 °Bx, the norm is to reprocess via the evaporator station. Above 45°Bx, it is usually reprocessed with the
pan feedstock.

If the volume is low, the material can be kept in the pan itself. Fresh seed masse, or the previous contents of the
pan, is pumped or transferred into the pan at the first cell.

The pan is put on the boil. The light material is pushed along the pan to the last cells, and the extra water is boiled
off. Only when the last cell is at its proper brix and level, is the outlet opened. The brix profile will then be checked
for normal operation.

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APPENDIX 1 – Page 2 of 3




In the event an "acid" boil-out is needed, the relevant procedure above can be used, followed by ample rinsing.

When the pan has been cleaned for the end of the operating period, it is recommended that all valves and lines be
carefully drained, particularly the massecuite and feedstock lines.


The so-called on-the-run steam-out, of a continuous vacuum pan, is a process which can assist in both removing
accumulated encrustation and also in retarding its subsequent growth. This operation is quick and easy to carry-out,
should only have a minimal impact on operations, and is effective on exposed surfaces above the massecuite boiling
level and is also believed to assist with controlling encrustation that occurs below the liquid level.

Regular application of this procedure will significantly prolong the periods that a CVP can run before having to stop it
for a boil-out to remove the encrustation. In certain cases it may allow a CVP to be run through a whole season or
campaign without having to shut it down for a boil-out.

The operation of a batch pan incorporates a routine of regular steaming-out of the pan, after discharging the
massecuite, to remove any build-up of sugar layers and encrustation. The operation of continuous pans does not
provide the same opportunity and encrustation build-up can then cause problems due to two factors:-

(a) Sugar build up on exposed surfaces of the pan reaching a level where lumps break off. These may then cause
blockages in tubes, pipes or outlets.

(b) Progressive scaling of the heating surface reducing the heat transfer and consequently requiring the calandria
steam pressure to be increased. When the limit of this adjustment is reached, cleaning of the heating surface
is required in order to maintain production levels.

Encrustation is highly dependant on massecuite purity, with that formed by cane B- and C-massecuites being the
least serious allowing CVP’s to be run for long periods of time without having to empty and boil-out the pan with
water. For example, CVP’s in cane raw sugar factories boiling C-massecuites with purities of around 52, routinely
operate for a full season of around 38 weeks without having to have any stops to clean out the pans. On the other
hand, rates of encrustation in A-massecuite pans are far more severe, requiring boil-outs to be carried out at intervals
of between 2 and 4 weeks.

The mechanism of encrustation proceeds in three steps:-

(a) Formation of encrustation islands;

(b) Growth of the encrustation islands or crystals along the surface of the wall to which they are attached until
they touch against each other, thus forming a crust.

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APPENDIX 1 – Page 3 of 3


(c). Growth of the crust. The growth rate of encrustation on a surface is much higher than the growth rate of a
crystal in suspension. This is because there is a higher relative velocity between crystal/encrustation and the
solution, increasing the mass flux for diffusion controlled crystal growth and because of the additional
attachment of small crystal that takes place.

It is the intention of this operation to heat the vapour space to a temperature of between 90 and 100 ºC. This results
in the exposed metal plates also being heated to higher than normal temperatures, which causes the encrustation
islands and crusts to loosen and to break off when the agitation caused by boiling restarts.

With the calandria also being heated to around the same temperature during this operation a similar effect is also
achieved on the heating surface. That is, with the massecuite not boiling the heating surface temperature will rise
causing localised reduction in supersaturation. Just a small increase in the wall temperature above the saturation
temperature is sufficient to remove encrustation.


Shut-off the CVP condenser by isolating the appropriate valves. This could involve either shutting of the isolating
valve in the vapour line or closing the condenser’s water valve and stopping the vacuum pump.

For a CVP operating on a predictive control system; shut off the syrup/molasses feed valves to all cells. This is an
optional step for a CVP utilising RF probe controls, since with this system the RF control loops will soon close the
automatic feed valves to each cell, as the combined effect of the feed itself and massecuite temperature increase will
cause the cell RF signals to drop below the set-points.

Where a pump is being used to remove massecuite from the last cell, either stop the pump or put the speed setting
on manual and minimum output. This is to prevent the massecuite level being run too low; for a CVP utilising an
overflow weir no action is needed since the massecuite will only drain out to level with the top of the weir. The seed
pump can be left running.

Open up the steaming-out valve into the vapour space and allow the pressure to rise to around atmospheric.

There is no need to close the steam valve/s to the calandria/s since the controller/s will cause this to happen when, in
the first instance, the CVP stops boiling and, secondly, vapour is pushed back through the incondensible gas vents
causing the pressure in the calandria to rise above the set point/s.

Control the steaming-out valve opening so as to maintain the pressure in the vapour space at around atmospheric
pressure for a period of around 10 minutes. This period of time is recommended for routine operations. If the
encrustation build up is severe then this period can be extended to around 15 minutes, however periods longer than
this produce very little extra increase in encrustation removal.

Close the steaming out valve and raise vacuum and put the control onto automatic.

If the CVP syrup/molasses feed valves have been closed, re-open them once the pan starts boiling again. If the
massecuite pump has been stopped start it, or else put it back onto automatic control.


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Extract from Magdalena A (Cristal)-CVP Commissioning Report

7.1.1. Water Boil-Out Tests: Two successful trial cleanings of sections 1 and 2 of the ‘A’ CVP, by means of a
water boil-out, were carried out on yesterday (Sun 4) and today (Mon 5 December). The section 1
(cells 1 to 6) was carried out yesterday and 90% of the CVP took around 15 minutes to drain, but a
further 35 minutes was spent trying to unblock the drain line from cell 6. Water was boiled for around 1
hour 15 minutes although 45 minutes of vigorous boiling would have been sufficient. Draining the
water to the clear juice tank took over an hour due as the operation was limited to how much this tank
could take. Sucking the massecuite back into the CVP and restarting the boiling took around30-40
minutes. In total the operation took 3hr 55 min. A similar period was spent of the second half and with
practice this can become a comfortable 3 hour operation.

The simultaneous running of the one section when the other is being boiled-out has proved easy to
manage and to switch over and back again. All-in-all this system is certainly efficient and easy to use.

Note: This is a split CVP which produces plantation white sugar from massecuite with an
apparent purity in the range of 90-93.


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Notes on CVP Design Developments

Although some factories schedule the cleaning of their CVPs to coincide with scheduled stops many don’t
have these and cannot afford to have a whole high-grade station shutdown while the CVP is off-line. The most
obvious solution is to then provide multiple units, but this is expensive. For this reason the FCG has designed special
CVPs that enable one half to be shut-down while the other remains in operation.

The Fives-Cail design (CCTWD model) called a ‘double’ pan (Journet and Pelletan, 1999) is created by the
installation of a longitudinal partition in the CVP to create two parallel units. Each side of this pan comprises 11
compartments and is operated independently of the other. The Fletcher Smith design called a ‘split’ pan uses a
transverse partition plate and a so-called hammer-head arrangement of compartments where the last and 1st cell are
adjacent to each other in the centre of the pan.

These double and split designs of CVP provide, for the smallest additional cost, the means to maintain continuous
operation during CVP cleaning. By boosting the boiling rate on the operating side of the CVP during the time the
other is being cleaned it is possible to maintain the production at ±70% of the nominal design. Then by manipulating
stock levels, a double or split pan will allow CVP cleaning to be carried out with hardly any disruption to the factory
production. These designs also provide another significant benefit which is a halving of the size of the holding tank
facilities needed. This is of obvious particular importance for the larger pans in the 150 to 250 m3 size range.


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