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Block - 8

Our Nervous System

LP 1 - Human Brain
Analysis -

Part Function
CEREBRUM Learning, hearing, feeling, sight,
CEREBELLUM Movement of muscles
BRAIN STEM Digestion, breathing, beating of

HOTS - Why do people sometimes lose their memory after an

Ans. People may lose their memory after an accident if they hurt the
cerebrum or a part of it. It is the seat of learning and memory.

Application - ​WS S1 done in class

PQ 1 ​- (done in the book.)

PQ 2​ - (Draw the diagram of the brain from the content book.)

PQ 3 - Why is it important to take care of the brain? Why is it

advisable to wear a helmet while riding a two-wheeler?
Ans. The brain is an important part of our body. Without the brain, our
body will not work.
It is advisable to wear a helmet to protect the brain from injuries.
LP 2 - Nerves
Analysis -
Types of Nerves

Sensory Nerve Motor Nerve Mixed Nerve

Carry messages to Carry messages from Both
the brain the brain

HOTS - What can happen if a nerve gets damaged?

Ans. If a nerve gets damaged due to a fall or accident, the part of the
body that it connects to the brain can stop working.

Application - WS S2 done in the class.

PQ 4 ​- Same as analysis

PQ 5 - What is the spinal cord?

Ans. The spinal cord is a long rope-like part of a nervous system that
connects the brain to other parts of our body.

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