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Midterm Examinations: Fall 2020

Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology

Faculty of Civil Engineering
Department of ____Civil Engineering___________

Additional Final Examinations (Fall 2020)

Course Code with Title CV-312 SOIL MECHANICS - I Program BS (CV)

Instructor Amber Afshan Semester 5th

Start date & Time 26th Nov 2020 Submission 26th Nov 2020
At 6:00 pm Deadline At 11:00 pm
Maximum Marks 50

Students must meet their submission deadline as there is no re-take or re-attempt after the


Read the following Instructions carefully:

 All Questions carries equal marks

 Attempt All Questions on MS-Word. Font theme and size must be Times New Roman and
12 points respectively. Use line spacing 1.5.
 You may provide answers HANDWRITTEN. The scanned solution must be submitted in
PDF file format (Use any suitable Mobile Application for Scanning)
 For Diagrams, you can use paper and share a clear visible snapshot in the same Answer
 Arrange questions and their subsequent parts in sequence.
 Make sure that your answers are not plagiarized or copied from any other sources. In case
of plagiarism, ZERO marks will be awarded.
 Provide relevant, original and conceptual answers, as this exam aims to test your ability to
examine, explain, modify or develop concepts discussed during the course.
 Recheck your answer before the submission on VLE to correct any content or language
related errors.
 You must upload your answers via the VLE platform ONLY.

You must follow general guideline for students before online examination and during
online examination which had already shared by email and WhatsApp.

This paper has a total of 4 pages including this title page

SSUET Page 1 of 4 FCV

Midterm Examinations: Fall 2020

Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology

Faculty of Civil Engineering
Department of ____Civil Engineering___________

Q.No.1 (CLO_2): (Cognitive Level C5, i.e., Evaluating) (PLO_2: Problem Analysis) (10
Marks) Marks)
A lay layer of 25 m thickness with a saturated unit weight of 21 KN/m3 is underlain by a sand
layer. Ground water table is at the ground surface. An artesian pressure amounting to a water
level of 6 m above the ground surface is known to exist in the sand layer. Add your roll number
(for e.g. 1+2+5= 8) m deep, wide, open excavation, which is to be made in the dry is planned in
the clay layer. Evaluate whether the bottom of the excavation will heave or not under the given

Q.No.2 (CLO_2): (Cognitive Level C5, i.e., Evaluating) (PLO_2: Problem Analysis) (10
The moist densities and degree of saturation of a soil sample are given in the following table:

Soil Density (Kg/m3) Degree of Saturation (%)

1690 45
1808 75

Evaluate the weight of water in Kg that will be in adding your roll number (for e.g. 1+2+5= 8)
m3 of the soil when it saturated.

Q.No.3 (CLO_2): (Cognitive Level C5, i.e., Evaluating) (PLO_2: Problem Analysis) (10
An earth dam requires one million cubic meter of soil compacted to a void ratio of first 2 digit of
your roll number (for e.g. 0.2, 1.5). In the vicinity of the proposed dam, three borrow pits were
identified as having suitable materials. The cost of purchasing the soil and the cost of excavation
are the same for each borrow pit. The only difference of the cost for each borrow pit is the cost
of transportation.
Justifies which borrow pit would be the most economical?

Borrow pit No. Void Ratio Transportation Cost

1 1.8 0.6
2 0.9 1
3 1.5 0.75

SSUET Page 2 of 4 FCV

Midterm Examinations: Fall 2020

Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology

Faculty of Civil Engineering
Department of ____Civil Engineering___________

Q.No.4 (CLO_2): (Cognitive Level C5, i.e., Evaluating) (PLO_2: Problem Analysis) (10
Earth is required to be excavated from borrow pits for building an embankment as shown in the
figure below. The moisture unit weight of the borrow pits is18 KN/m3 and its water content is
Add your roll number (for e.g. 1+2+5= 8) %. Estimate the quantity of earth required to be
excavated per meter length of embankment. The dry unit weight required for the embankment is
15 KN/m3 with a moisture content of 10%. Assume the specific gravity of solids as 2.67. Also
Evaluate the degree of saturation of the embankment soil and the volume of water in the
embankment.(hint: Volume of embankment per meter length)

SSUET Page 3 of 4 FCV

Midterm Examinations: Fall 2020

Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology

Faculty of Civil Engineering
Department of ____Civil Engineering___________

Q.No.5 (CLO_2): (Cognitive Level C5, i.e., Evaluating) (PLO_2: Problem Analysis) (10
A tower is to be constructed on the site shown below, it was decided that the expected settlement
will be too large and so the site is to be preloaded before the construction of the tower. A
consolidation test was prepared on a sample of normal consolidated clay in the laboratory (height
of specimen = 0.8 inch) double drained, and Evaluate the following data are given:
t50=5 minutes.
A long Virgin compression curve: σ1=500psf→e1=0.6 σ2=1000psf→e2=0.54
A- Calculate the coefficient of consolidation 𝐂𝐯(𝐟𝐭𝟐/𝐲𝐫).
B- Calculate the compression index 𝐂𝐜.
C- Find the permeability coefficient 𝐤(𝐟𝐭/𝐲𝐫).

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