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Block 8 - Our Nervous System

LP 3 - Nervous System
Analysis -

HOTS - How are the messages carried so fast?

Ans. The messages are carried in the form of electric signals from
one nerve to the other so they are very fast.

Application - ​WS S3 done in the class.

PQ 6 - How does our brain coordinate the working of our body?

Ans. - The sensory nerves collect information from different parts and
send them to the brain.
- The brain gives commands which are carried back as signals to
the different parts of the body through motor nerves.

LP 4 - Reflex Action
Analysis -
HOTS - Why are the reflex actions much faster than the other actions?
How do they help us?
Ans. The reflex action command is given by the spinal cord. This
saves time and helps to reduce harm to the body.

Application - ​WS S4 done in class.

PQ 7 - Same as HOTS

PQ 8 - Why is the human brain unique?

Ans. -

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