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Megan Meyer

Elementary Lesson Plan

Author Megan Meyer
Title of Lesson Introduction to Research
Subject/Course Information Literacy
Grade Level 3rd Grade
Duration ~35 minutes
Big Idea Effective research requires the use of varied resources to
gain or expand knowledge
Essential Question What does a reader look for and how can they find it?
How does one organize and synthesize information from
various sources?
How does one best present findings?
Model Curriculum Competencies  As part of a grade-level-appropriate research
o Choose aspects of a topic to research
o With guidance, develop questions to be
answered about the topic
 Draw evidence from text to answer an information
need using grade-level-appropriate note-taking
 Conduct short research projects
 Gather information from sources, including both
print and digital.
 Use information to answer questions.
 With guidance and support, use technology and
keyboarding skills to produce and publish writing
and to interact and collaborate with others.
AASL Standards I.A.1. Learners display curiosity and initiative by
formulating questions about a personal interest or a
curricular topic.
I.B.1. Learners engage with new knowledge by following
a process that includes using evidence to investigate
I.B.3. Learners engage with new knowledge by following
a process that includes generating products that illustrate
Megan Meyer
Elementary Lesson Plan
I.D.1. Learners participate in an ongoing inquiry-based
process by continually seeking knowledge.
I.D.2. Learners participate in an ongoing inquiry-based
process by engaging in sustained inquiry.
IV.A.2. Learners act on an information need by
identifying possible sources of information.
IV.A.3. Learners act on an information need by making
critical choices about information sources to use.
IV.B.1. Learners gather information appropriate to the
task by seeking a variety of sources.
Instructional Objectives SWBAT:
 Explore three new website resources (World Book
Online, Kid Info Bits, and Pebble Go Next) to
become familiar with the information provided by
these sources.
 Answer six questions about information they can
discover on these websites before choosing a
research topic.
 Formulate eight questions about their chosen topic
that they will then answer and organize on a
graphic organizer before moving on to filling in an
informational brochure template with their
information on SeeSaw.
Content Specific Vocabulary Alignment – adjusting the parts of something in relation
to each other
Application – a program that gives a computer
Backup – a copy of a file or directory on a separate
storage device
Browser – a program used to view HTML documents
Clip Art – ready-made pieces of computerized graphic art
that can be used to decorate a document
Configure – set up for a particular purpose
Copyright – the exclusive right to sell a work
Megan Meyer
Elementary Lesson Plan
Desktop – the area of the screen in the user interface
where icons and window appear
Download – transfer a file or program to a smaller
Font – a specific size and style of type within a type
Format – the organization of data according to preset
Homepage – the opening page of a website
Plagiarism – taking someone’s words or ideas as if they
were your own
Template – a model or standard for making comparisons
Upload – transfer data to a server, remote computer, or
URL – the address of a webpage on the world-wide web
Website – a computer connected to the internet that
maintains a series of webpages to the World-Wide Web
Materials/Resources/Equipment  Chromebooks
 Promethean Board
 World Book Online
 Kid Info Bits
 PebbleGo
 PebbleGo Next
 Practice w/Websites Worksheet
 SeeSaw
 Pencil Boxes
 Brochure Template
 Graphic Organizer
Instructional Procedures Greet students at the library doors.
 Have them return any books they may have, have
them sanitize their hands, and then sit in a seat
above a sit spot.
Introduce today’s lesson and activity.
Megan Meyer
Elementary Lesson Plan
 Research Unit where they’ll research a topic of
their choice and create a little factual brochure.
 Go over some websites they missed out on at the
end of last year.
o Have them open up their Chromebooks and
log in.
 Pass out Practice with Websites Worksheet.
o Go through World Book Online. Let them
explore while some rows choose books.
 About 5-10 minutes.
o Go through Kid Info Bits. Let them explore
while some rows choose books.
 About 5-10 minutes.
o Go through Pebble Go Next. Let them
explore while the last of the rows choose
 About 5-10 minutes.
 Walk around and check that everyone has
completed the worksheet.
o Let them pick a color of gel pen to have me
write “good job” on the worksheet.
o Those that are finished can free explore to
continue getting familiar with the three
websites, or they can begin thinking about
a topic they would like to research.
End class.
 Have them pack up and line up to leave.
Formative Assessment The students will answer six questions about information
they can find on World Book Online, Kid Info Bits, and
Pebble Go Next to show they are familiar with the
websites and can cite their sources.
Assignment The kids will explore on World Book Online, Kid Info
Bits, and Pebble Go Next to familiarize themselves with
Megan Meyer
Elementary Lesson Plan
the websites before beginning their research projects.
Accommodations A couple of slower students who need a couple extra
check-ins and assistance. Might need to break tasks down
even smaller to make it easier for them. (Chase and
Jameson DAY A, Kaylee, Makayla, and William DAY B,
Emilee, Michael, Julian, and Vivian DAY E)
A few students who charge on ahead and may need to be
reeled back in. (Rylan and Thatcher)
Megan Meyer
Elementary Lesson Plan
Day 2
Author Megan Meyer
Title of Lesson Research Unit
Subject/Course Information Literacy
Grade Level 3rd Grade
Duration ~40 minutes
Big Idea Effective research requires the use of varied resources to
gain or expand knowledge
Essential Question What does a reader look for and how can they find it?
How does one organize and synthesize information from
various sources?
How does one best present findings?
Model Curriculum Competencies  As part of a grade-level-appropriate research
o Choose aspects of a topic to research
o With guidance, develop questions to be
answered about the topic
 Draw evidence from text to answer an information
need using grade-level-appropriate note-taking
 Conduct short research projects
 Gather information from sources, including both
print and digital.
 Use information to answer questions.
 With guidance and support, use technology and
keyboarding skills to produce and publish writing
and to interact and collaborate with others.
AASL Standards I.A.1. Learners display curiosity and initiative by
formulating questions about a personal interest or a
curricular topic.
I.B.1. Learners engage with new knowledge by following
a process that includes using evidence to investigate
I.B.3. Learners engage with new knowledge by following
a process that includes generating products that illustrate
Megan Meyer
Elementary Lesson Plan
I.D.1. Learners participate in an ongoing inquiry-based
process by continually seeking knowledge.
I.D.2. Learners participate in an ongoing inquiry-based
process by engaging in sustained inquiry.
IV.A.2. Learners act on an information need by
identifying possible sources of information.
IV.A.3. Learners act on an information need by making
critical choices about information sources to use.
IV.B.1. Learners gather information appropriate to the
task by seeking a variety of sources.
Instructional Objectives SWBAT:
 Explore three new website resources (World Book
Online, Kid Info Bits, and Pebble Go Next) to
become familiar with the information provided by
these sources.
 Answer six questions about information they can
discover on these websites before choosing a
research topic.
 Formulate eight questions about their chosen topic
that they will then answer and organize on a
graphic organizer before moving on to filling in an
informational brochure template with their
information on SeeSaw.
Content Specific Vocabulary Alignment – adjusting the parts of something in relation
to each other
Application – a program that gives a computer
Backup – a copy of a file or directory on a separate
storage device
Browser – a program used to view HTML documents
Clip Art – ready-made pieces of computerized graphic art
that can be used to decorate a document
Configure – set up for a particular purpose
Copyright – the exclusive right to sell a work
Megan Meyer
Elementary Lesson Plan
Desktop – the area of the screen in the user interface
where icons and window appear
Download – transfer a file or program to a smaller
Font – a specific size and style of type within a type
Format – the organization of data according to preset
Homepage – the opening page of a website
Plagiarism – taking someone’s words or ideas as if they
were your own
Template – a model or standard for making comparisons
Upload – transfer data to a server, remote computer, or
URL – the address of a webpage on the world-wide web
Website – a computer connected to the internet that
maintains a series of webpages to the World-Wide Web
Materials/Resources/Equipment  Chromebooks
 Promethean Board
 World Book Online
 Kid Info Bits
 PebbleGo
 PebbleGo Next
 Practice w/Websites Worksheet
 SeeSaw
 Pencil Boxes
 Brochure Template
 Graphic Organizer
Instructional Procedures Greet students at the library doors.
 Have them return any books they may have, have
them sanitize their hands, and then sit in a seat
above a sit spot.
Introduce today’s lesson and activity.
Megan Meyer
Elementary Lesson Plan
 Pick a research topic that they can research on
World Book Online, Kid Info Bits, and/or Pebble
o They’ll come up with 8 questions about
their topic, which they will write out on
their graphic organizer.
o They must come up to me and get their
questions approved in a gel pen color of
their choice.
 Begin researching and finding answers to their
questions, which they will cite (just writing down
the website URLs).
o While researching, rows will go to pick out
 Once they’ve found all their answers, they will
come up to me again and get approved to plug all
their information into the brochure template found
on SeeSaw.
o When finished they will upload their
brochure as a response to the activity on
 They can free explore, do other work, or read their
books, but it must be relatively silent work while
the rest finish up.
End Class.
 Have them shutdown their Chromebooks, pack up,
and get in line to leave.
Formative Assessment Students will fill in a graphic organizer with eight
questions about their chosen topic, and once they have
answered those questions, they’ll be able to begin filling
in their informational brochures on SeeSaw.
Assignment Students will choose a topic and begin researching it in
order to create an informational brochure. They will have
Megan Meyer
Elementary Lesson Plan
the ability to write out information on their topic on a
graphic organizer for when they are ready to go create the
informational brochure.
Accommodations A couple of slower students who need a couple extra
check-ins and assistance. Might need to break tasks down
even smaller to make it easier for them. (Chase and
Jameson DAY A, Kaylee, Makayla, and William DAY B,
Emilee, Michael, Julian, and Vivian DAY E)
A few students who charge on ahead and may need to be
reeled back in. (Rylan and Thatcher)
Megan Meyer
Elementary Lesson Plan
Day 3+4
Author Megan Meyer
Title of Lesson Research Unit
Subject/Course Information Literacy
Grade Level 3rd Grade
Duration ~40 minutes
Big Idea Effective research requires the use of varied resources to
gain or expand knowledge
Essential Question What does a reader look for and how can they find it?
How does one organize and synthesize information from
various sources?
How does one best present findings?
Model Curriculum Competencies  As part of a grade-level-appropriate research
o Choose aspects of a topic to research
o With guidance, develop questions to be
answered about the topic
 Draw evidence from text to answer an information
need using grade-level-appropriate note-taking
 Conduct short research projects
 Gather information from sources, including both
print and digital.
 Use information to answer questions.
 With guidance and support, use technology and
keyboarding skills to produce and publish writing
and to interact and collaborate with others.
AASL Standards I.A.1. Learners display curiosity and initiative by
formulating questions about a personal interest or a
curricular topic.
I.B.1. Learners engage with new knowledge by following
a process that includes using evidence to investigate
I.B.3. Learners engage with new knowledge by following
a process that includes generating products that illustrate
Megan Meyer
Elementary Lesson Plan
I.D.1. Learners participate in an ongoing inquiry-based
process by continually seeking knowledge.
I.D.2. Learners participate in an ongoing inquiry-based
process by engaging in sustained inquiry.
IV.A.2. Learners act on an information need by
identifying possible sources of information.
IV.A.3. Learners act on an information need by making
critical choices about information sources to use.
IV.B.1. Learners gather information appropriate to the
task by seeking a variety of sources.
Instructional Objectives SWBAT:
 Explore three new website resources (World Book
Online, Kid Info Bits, and Pebble Go Next) to
become familiar with the information provided by
these sources.
 Answer six questions about information they can
discover on these websites before choosing a
research topic.
 Formulate eight questions about their chosen topic
that they will then answer and organize on a
graphic organizer before moving on to filling in an
informational brochure template with their
information on SeeSaw.
Content Specific Vocabulary Alignment – adjusting the parts of something in relation
to each other
Application – a program that gives a computer
Backup – a copy of a file or directory on a separate
storage device
Browser – a program used to view HTML documents
Clip Art – ready-made pieces of computerized graphic art
that can be used to decorate a document
Configure – set up for a particular purpose
Copyright – the exclusive right to sell a work
Megan Meyer
Elementary Lesson Plan
Desktop – the area of the screen in the user interface
where icons and window appear
Download – transfer a file or program to a smaller
Font – a specific size and style of type within a type
Format – the organization of data according to preset
Homepage – the opening page of a website
Plagiarism – taking someone’s words or ideas as if they
were your own
Template – a model or standard for making comparisons
Upload – transfer data to a server, remote computer, or
URL – the address of a webpage on the world-wide web
Website – a computer connected to the internet that
maintains a series of webpages to the World-Wide Web
Materials/Resources/Equipment  Chromebooks
 Promethean Board
 World Book Online
 Kid Info Bits
 PebbleGo
 PebbleGo Next
 Practice w/Websites Worksheet
 SeeSaw
 Pencil Boxes
 Brochure Template
 Graphic Organizer
Instructional Procedures Greet students at the library doors.
 Have them return any books they may have, have
them sanitize their hands, and then sit in a seat
above a sit spot.
Introduce today’s lesson and activity.
Megan Meyer
Elementary Lesson Plan
 Continue research today
 Anyone that hasn’t come up with 8 questions must
finish (Day 3) and get them approved.
 Once they’ve found all the answers to their
questions, they will come up to me again and get
approved to plug all their information into the
brochure template found on SeeSaw. (Must be
completed Day 4)
o When finished they will upload their
brochure as a response to the activity on
 Book Selection while researching
 They can free explore, do other work, or read their
books, but it must be relatively silent work while
the rest finish up.
End Class.
 Have them shutdown their Chromebooks, pack up,
and get in line to leave.
Formative Assessment Students will fill in a graphic organizer with eight
questions about their chosen topic, and once they have
answered those questions, they’ll be able to begin filling
in their informational brochures on SeeSaw and turn in
their finished product as a response.
Assignment Students will continue researching their topics and begin
organizing their information on the brochure template that
they’ll find on SeeSaw. Once they are finished they’ll
upload their informational brochure as a response.
Accommodations A couple of slower students who need a couple extra
check-ins and assistance. Might need to break tasks down
even smaller to make it easier for them. (Chase and
Jameson DAY A, Kaylee, Makayla, and William DAY B,
Emilee, Michael, Julian, and Vivian DAY E)
A few students who charge on ahead and may need to be
reeled back in. (Rylan and Thatcher)
Megan Meyer
Elementary Lesson Plan

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