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Trinity Beach

Mossman fuel available

Daintree fuel available
Cape Tribulation fuel available PK’s Jungle Village, IGA Supermarket and camping.
Bloomfield fuel available
Wujal Wujal
Cedar Bay NP
Helenvale fuel available Lions Den Hotel Index of /

fuel available

fuel available Just south of Laura you can turn off to Split Rock and the Quinkan
Aboriginal Rock Art Galleries, which feature some fabulous Aboriginal rock paintings.

Hann River Crossing

fuel available good camping on the Kennedy River

Musgrave Roadhouse
fuel available ph4060 3229

Fuel available Exchange Hotel, known as the Sexchange Hotel, you'll see why when
you get there.

Archer River Roadhouse

fuel available ph4060 3266 There is a memorial to Toots Holzheimer, legendary female
truckie of Cape York who died in a loading accident in 1992.

Weipa fuel available.

Fishing off the jetty, squid jig and hand reel with wire trace. Visitors can use the public
swimming pool and there are medical centres, vehicle repairers and all facilities you
could ever need. The fishing around Hey, Embley and Mission Rivers are reputed to be
very good. Back East on shortcut to “Batavia Downs”.

Moreton Telegraph Station

ph40603360 over the Wenlock River fuel available? Less than 100 metres after
crossing the Wenlock there’s a small track branching off into the bush. Turn left here
and follow for about 1km to arrive at the ruins of Batavia goldfields.

Bramwell Junction OTL fuel available ph40603230 camping

Dulhunty River nice campsite 7km west of crossing

Bertie Creek 1km downstream is good camp site??

Gunshot Creek camping

Cockatoo Creek camping

Sailor Creek camping

Fruitbat Falls
“We will see this again on the way down” Day use only

Eliot/Twin/Indian Head Falls

Camping Ranger ph4060 3241 Be careful at Indian Head - the flow of Eliot Creek and
the drop in the creek bed combine to form what's known as a sieve at the top of the
falls. Being swallowed up by this can, and has been fatal.
Canal Creek just north of Eliot/Twin Falls, which would have to be one of the best bush

Nolans Brook camping

Jardine Ferry ph4069 1369 camping

Injinoo fuel available ex Sat/Sun

Umagico fuel available

Bamaga fuel available

Seisha fuel available

· Day trip to TI and Horn Island

· Chopper flight maybe
· Sea Swift passenger and vehicle ferry 2 night trip to Cairns. Departs every Monday
1800 424422

Loyalty Beach
A delightful new campground, Loyalty Beach, has been established by the people of
New Mapoon and is situated 3km east of Seisia. The camping area is somewhat quieter
than Seisia and is managed by the Lennox family, again a very pretty spot.

Punsand Bay
Safari and Fishing Lodge offers a little more than the other camping areas. Here you
will find a small swimming pool, permanent tent accommodation and a bar and
restaurant. Visitors are welcome at any time and scenic helicopter flights can be taken
right off of the beach. Punsand Bay is a private reserve with long, white beaches, a
licensed restaurant, camping areas, cabins and amenities. Like Seisia, it's a very pretty
place and lies 11km from Lockerbie along a sandy, often bumpy track. Unfortunately,
you can't swim here because of the crocs and sharks, but the beach is great for a stroll
at sunset and there's an interesting wreck to poke around at the southern end. Fishing
tours and pre-arranged transport to Thursday Island are also available from Punsand

Pajinka “The Tip”


Approx distances using opt 2

Cairns to Daintree 110km
Daintree to Helenvale “Lions Den” 70km
Helenvale to Laura 120km Fuel
Laura to Musgrave 140km
Musgrave to Coen 110km
Coen to Archer River 65km Fuel
Archer River to Weipa 150km
Weipa to Bramwell 175km Fuel
Bramwell to Jardine 130km
Jardine to Bamaga 45km Fuel
Bamaga to Pajinka 35km
Total 1 way Cairns to Pajinka 1150km approx.

Fuel stops are a guess at a range of about 350km???

The Trip Down

Now if we have made it this far and the bikes still start we are in for some real fun.
Theme for this run is go hard or go home. Bodies should be used to the pounding by

Somerset via beach to

Nanthau Beach (East Coast)

11km south east to Jackey Jackey Airfield WW2 wrecks scattered to the west and north
of the strip. One of the better ones was hard to find so here are the GPS coordinates if
you want to check it out (S 10°56.184’ E 142°27.327’)

Mutee Head
which was an army radio base during the war because of the deep water for landing.
Jardine River Mouth (West Coast)

Jardine via Northern bypass Rd

Fruit Bat Falls

Captain Billy’s Landing

via the Southern Bypass Rd. The caves to the right are flooded at high tide but when
the water is low you can walk right into them, watch your heads and hold your nose as
they are filled with bats. It is almost always windy here, so there is a lovely campsite
back up the road and behind the bushes above the cliffs.

Bertie Creek

Dulhunty River

Bramwell Junction fuel available

Chilli Beach
in Iron Range NP (East Coast)
The beach is beautiful however its unfortunate that the currents wash up the rubbish
of the shipping trade. The campsites are excellent and there are many to choose from
amongst rainforest.

Lockhart River
fuel available. Further East is Portland Roads and ex US Troop base during WW2

Archer River fuel available

fuel available. Exchange Hotel, known as the Sexchange Hotel, you'll see why when
you get there.

Port Stewart (East Coast)

Kalpower Crossing
on the Normanby River is good camping

New Laura
“Caulders Lake” worth a look

Old Laura

Battle Camp

Hope Vale
fuel available. Continue on to Elim where it is possible to ride on the beach 15km to
Cape Flattery. Fresh water streams run across the beach.

Cooktown fuel available

fuel available Lions Den Hotel Index of /


Ayton fuel available

Bloomfield fuel available

Bloomfield Falls has a resident Crock

Wujal Wujal
Creb Track following the line marked out for laying the power poles for the Cairns
Regional Electricity Board “I’m excited now”

Noah Beach
Campground is situated 8km south of Cape Tribulation and has 17 campsites. Noah
Creek is a short 1km walk to the south along the beach from the campground.
Crocodiles may be present, so stay away from the water’s edge at all times.

Daintree fuel available

Mossman fuel available

Mt Molloy fuel available

Mareeba fuel available

Atherton fuel available


Gillies Highway from the Tableland to Goldsborough Valley near Gordonvale, famous
for its 200+ corners in 20km of road “and we are going down, let the race home begin.
Loser shouts the first round at the Gordonvale Pub”

Gordonvale fuel available


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