Their luggage is stored in the cloakroom Cloakroom - камера схову Their luggage is stored in the cloakroom

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Permanent – постійний
She wanted a permanent relationship with him - marriage.
2. Hiccup – гикавка
She struggled through a hiccup.
3. Strug – боротися
She struggled through a hiccup.
4. Invaded – вторгтись
His house was invaded by some sort of human
5. Afterlife – потойбічний світ
Many questions concerning the afterlife are left unanswered.
6. Abolish – скасувати
A goal for this year is to abolish poor relationships in my life.
7. Alter – змінити
It can forever alter her life.
8. Moveable – рухомий
It's a doll with movable arms and legs.
9. Obliterate - знищити
I can't obliterate virus that rewrites my hard drive
10. Practice – практика
Everything gets better with practice
11. Typist – друкарка
She is a very fast typist.
12. Courageous - сміливий
A courageous foe is better than a cowardly friend
13. Cowardly – боягузливий
A courageous foe is better than a cowardly friend
14. Foe – ворог
A courageous foe is better than a cowardly friend
15. Woodwork – вироби з дерева
Perry painted all of the woodwork in the house white
16. Stored – зберігається
Their luggage is stored in the cloakroom
17. Cloakroom – камера схову
Their luggage is stored in the cloakroom

18. Mummy – мумія

Egypt is famous for its glorious mummies
19. Upside – догори
The painting was hung upside
20. Poppe - вичкочити
The dog suddenly popped out of the street
21. Reproduce – розмножуватись
The virus is able to reproduce itself very rapidly.
22. Strap – ремінець
Nick gripped the strap of her beach bag
23. Utter – вимовити
Tim uttered a choked curse.
24. Cloakroom – гардероб
There is also a separate cloakroom on the ground floor.
25. Temple – скроня
A vein pulsed in his temple.
26. Pitifully – жалюгідно
The dog was whining pitifully.
27. Rotted – згнити
All the apples rotted on the tree.
28. Lethargic – млявий
The weather made her lethargic.
29. Pinched – защемлений
She pinched her arm
30. Crisply – чітко
'Take a seat,' she said crisply.
31. Declared – заявити
He openly declared his love for her.
32. Alight – спалах
The sky was alight with stars.
33. Flooded – затоплений
The room was flooded with golden sunlight.
34. Colorless – безбарвний
His face was white and colorless
35. Petrified – скамянілий
I'm petrified of spiders.
36. Feverish – гарячковий
He had a feverish appearance.
37. Hoarse – хрипкий
Jessica was unable to sing with the choir because her voice sounded
38. Gravely – серйозно
We are gravely concerned about these developments
39. Concoct – придуманий
The clever writer is able to concoct such entertaining stories
40. Subside – вщухнути
Our quarrel subsided in a few minutes
41. Willful – вольовий
A willful man will have his way.
42. Sonorously – дзвінко
The singer's sonorous voice filled the entire room.
43. Frenziedly - шалено
She span off into a frenzied panic
44. Queerly – дивно
He looked at me queerly.
45. Undermine – підірвати
Find a way to undermine the opponent.
46. Charting – складання графіків
Scientists are carefully charting their plans
47. Easiness – легкість
I feel a certain easiness between them.
48. Chagrin – засмучений
Much to my chagrin, I failed my exams
49. Overtaking – обгін
The accident occurred as a result of overtaking
50. Motorway – автострада
He was driving along the motorway when his tyre burst
51. Signaling – повідомляти
The display will flash, signaling the user to change the batteries.
52. Slowing – уповільнення
The train was slowing up.
53. Accolade – похвала
The play received accolade from critics
54. Creditable – похвальний
The team produced a creditable performance .
55. Placid – спокійний
She was a placid child who rarely cried
56. Resolution – дозвіл
My boss gave resolution for vacation
57. Tentative – орієнтовний
We made a tentative arrangement to meet again next Friday
58. Abuse – насильство
Many children suffer racial abuse at school.
59. Accomplish – виконати
You can accomplish anything if you believe in it.
60. Accurate – точний
What should I do to get an accurate test?
61. Assess – оцінити
I felt an assessing look at myself
62. Fan – вентилятор
It's so hot please turn the fan
63. Farewell – прощальний
A farewell bell rang in the classroom
64. Fate – доля
There is no escape from fate
A person couldn't avoid fate, but they could control the way they
responded to it.
65. Inn – готель
This is our inn and we choose who stays here.
66. Invoke – запускати
Most browsers will automatically invoke Microsoft Word to display the
67. Jump in - вмішатись
If you hadn't jump in our conversation, all would be good.
68. Lawsuit – судовий процес, позов
A lawsuit has been filed against the company.(до компанії подано
69. Lavish – щедрий, пишний
They lived a very lavish lifestyle
70. Leftover – залишок
She warmed up some leftover spaghetti and sat down at the table to eat
71. Maze – лабіринт
Life was simply a maze of possibilities waiting on decisions.
72. Distrustful – недовірливий
I am deeply distrustful of people I know little about
73. Discreet – розсудливий
They are experienced and discreet and know how to create a beautiful
74. Wary – насторожений
His gaze became wary and he spoke softly.
75. Intent – пильний
She could feel his intent gaze on her.
76. Mesh – сітка
Mesh and knot designs are also available
77. Midwife – акушерка
Before you use any herbs during your pregnancy, check with your
doctor or midwife
78. Pry – втручатися
I just don't want to pry into your private life.
79. Resolute – рішучий
She entered the room with resolute steps.
80. Rod – жезл
God told Moses to stretch his rod over it.
81. Rug – килим
She sprawled on the rug near the fireplace. .
82. Salvation – спасіння
Christians hope and pray for salvation.
83. Trash – сміття
"Please take out the trash."
84. Sensation – відчуття
She felt a burning sensation in her throat.
85. Skull – череп
She fractured her skull in the accident
86. Fractured - зламати
She fractured her skull in the accident
87. Slave – раб
The children were used as slave labour
88. Subside – спадати
Eventually the flood waters began to subside.
89. Peep – підглядати
It's rude to peep at other people's work.
90. Shimmer – блимання
Soft light beginning to shimmer on the still water.
91. Flicker – мерехтіння
A TV was flickering in the background
92. Reflection – відображення
She was looking at her reflection in the mirror.
93. Offset – компенсація
The lower pay in my new job is offset by the cheaper rents
94. Speculation – міркування
Her speculations leave many questions unanswered.
95. Disparage - недооцінювати
You should not disparage good manners.
96. Depart – відправлятись
The train departed the station on time.
97. Sustenance – харчування
Without sustenance, the animals will soon die.
98. Strongbox – сейф
Although the jewels were locked in a strongbox, the thieves stole them
without any difficulty
99. Trivial – незначний
We were punished for the most trivial offences (незначні
100. Hesitate – вагатись
I didn't think you'd hesitate to help someone, if you could.

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