Module 003

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Directions: Fill in each part of the App Lesson with your own original ideas.

Please look at the

sample provided on the class website. Provide 3 to 4 apps/steps for students to complete along
with a creative title, helpful description, and relevant SC teaching standards.

 There must be one app per step.

 Android apps can be used as long as all included apps are from the same platform.
 Lessons must cohesively link together 3 to 4 apps going from one focus/step of the lesson
to another.
 Lessons may include direct instruction provided the lecture contents are explained.
 Lessons may utilize web browser apps like Chrome or Safari to access website-based
tools. Link to the website in the write-up and the web browser app in the iTunes web link
 The final step in lessons must have students create a learning artifact from a creation-
based app (presentation, video, etc.) or screenshot of progress from a skill-based app
that students would submit to the teacher for assessment.

Title: Weather Around the World

Relevant SC Standards: …

3-ESS2-1. Represent data in tables and graphical displays of typical weather conditions during a
particular season to identify patterns and make predictions.

3-ESS2-2. Obtain and combine information to describe climate patterns in different regions of
the world.

3-ESS3-1. Make a claim about the effectiveness of a design solution that reduces the impacts of
a weather-related hazard

Description: This app lesson will develop third grade science students’ weather
knowledge. Focus will be on seasons, climate patterns in regions of the Earth and
learning about tools that help measure and prevent effects weather patterns. At the end,
they will design and explain their own weather scenario to establish full comprehension.
Instructional Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to design and
explain their own weather scenario to establish full comprehension.

Step 1 Content-Based and Skill-Based App: Students will…

View a PowerPoint about how and why we have seasons. They can then choose to test
themselves at end of the PowerPoint.

[iTunes app page hyperlink]

Step 2 Content-Based: Students will…

Go to this interactive weather map of the world. They can zoom out and click on any country on
any continent and are then able to see what the current temperature, dew point and precipitation
are for that country or city. This will help students understand that every place has different
weather and they can begin to understand climate patterns.

[iTunes app page hyperlink]

Step 3 Content – Based: Students will…

Scroll through the website and learn about all the different weather tool. They will learn
what they are used for and how to use them.

[iTunes app page hyperlink]

Step 4 Creation-Based (Learning Artifact) or Skill-Based App (Screenshot of

Progress): Students will…

Download the adobe illustrator app. After learning about the different aspects of weather,
students will design and draw their own weather scenario (thunderstorm, hurricane, tornado, etc).
After illustrating, students will type out what season and region the scenario is in. Also, if they
were a weather person, what tools would they use to get more information.

[iTunes app page hyperlink]

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