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Stage 1: Desired Results

Learning 1. Develop number sense
Learning 1. Use estimation strategies in problem-solving contexts. [C, CN, ME, PS, R, V]
Students will:
Learning 1. Develop an understanding of how to use benchmarks to estimate
Objective(s) 2. Demonstrate their ability of using benchmarks to estimate values

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Summative Formative
 NA  White Board Check-ins
Assessment Assessment

Stage 3: Learning Experience

 Math Makes Sense pg. 53-56
Tech Resources  Whiteboards and markers
 3-Act-Math
to Do to Bring  Premade number-lines for those
who need them.
Time Content/Description Notes
 Have the 3-Act-Math photo set up to smart board
Consider using
 Have 2 students handout whiteboards, another to hand-out
premade number
Prep markers, and pass around the Kleenex box.
lines with those
 Instruct that ALL that was passed out can be placed on the floor who may need it.
next to their desk until they are needed.
Visualize: 3Act Math:
 Have students take out a lines sheet of paper, put into binder,
write heading “Estimating”.
 Instruct:
o By looking at this photo, how many airplanes do you
think are in this picture? Give an estimate. Remember
an estimate is not a guess, it is an educated response
given when considering the context of the information.
o Using your whiteboard write your estimate. Ill give Write sample of
10 minutes you 30 seconds to do so, then when I say, hold them student estimates
on the board
o Hold them up!! I see the numbers…
o How did you come up with this number? 2-3 responses
 Ask: What information from this picture can be used to inform
our estimate?
o About how many planes are around one section?
o Can we use this information to influence our estimate?
o How many sections are there? If there are 8 section and
roughly 11-12 around the arm/dock 8*12=96
Review/Reveal Ask the students for
5 minutes
 Using what we learned on Friday, how would we estimate the the two strategies
sum? used on Friday (try
for recall first. If
 Front-end Rounding: 10*8~
they do not, prompt
 Compensation: 10+20+10+20+10+20+10+20
to flip back in
 Reveal=101 notes).
Transition: Is there another strategy we could use to help us
 There is. Let’s look at another example. This is a photo of a
soccer game, in the top right corner there is the exact number of
people who attended. 10 525
 Introduce Benchmarks: We can represent this number on a
number line, using benchmarks. Benchmarks are point of
reference. This will help us estimate.
Draw number line
 If we are using benchmarks to the nearest thousand, what two
with 11 lines, the
numbers would we be using prompt this number is between 10 first is 10 000 and
000 and 11 000.
the last is 11 000
We can put these benchmarks on a number line. We see that 10
000 is on one end and 11 000 is on the other side. ASK: What
If they cannot
15 minutes do these ticks in between mean? Count them? How many are answer the question
about the ticks,
 So if we had to place 10 525 on this number line, where would remind them of the
we put it? Is it closer to 10 000, 11 000 or in the middle? quiz on Friday.
Question: How did you know where the 500 (half-way) mark
was? Counting it? Writing the values in? Folding your number
line in half-works if it is exact spacing)
 Is it exactly 10 500, or should we move it over a little to
represent that it is not exactly 10 500? Yes move it slightly to
the right (about a quarter of the way between the 500 and the
 Which benchmark value is this closer to? So our estimate would
be there was roughly 11 000 people at the game.

Investigate: Is there a way to have a more precise estimate?

Leave all 3
 Question: Could we use different benchmarks on our number
examples on the
10 minutes line? What would they be? Prompt: We estimated to the
board for next
thousands, could we use hundreds?
 Repeat using 100s and 10s benchmarks
Investigate Strategy
 How do we know where to place it? Are we looking at Allow for 1 minute
something specific-like a specific digit? Discuss with an elbow discussion about
10 minutes
partner how they each
 Elicit: Look at digit in the highest place value, then the next place the number
highest place value and so on.

Reflections and
Follow Up

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