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1. EXECUTIVVE SUMMARY....................................................................................................1
1.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...........................................................................................2
2. INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................3
2.1 INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY............................................................................4
3. COMPANY PROFILE..............................................................................................................5
3.1 COMPANY PROFILE..................................................................................................6
3.2 The early stage...............................................................................................................8
4. THE GIRL MASCOT................................................................................................................9
4.1 THE GIRL MASCOT........................................................................................................10
4.2 ORIGIN..............................................................................................................................10
4.3 DEVELOPMENT..............................................................................................................10
4.4 INPORTANT ELEMENTS IN AMUL ADS....................................................................11
4.4.1 THE PICTURE….....................................................................................................11
4.4.2 THE MAIN TEXT....................................................................................................12
4.4.3 THE SLOGAN / BYE LINE...................................................................................12
4.4.4 THE LANGUAGE USED IN THE ADS….............................................................13
4.5 AMUL ADS ARE FULL OF CONTEXT-BASED HUMOR….......................................13
4.6 CLASSIFYING AMUL ADS...........................................................................................14
4.7 CONTROVERSY…..........................................................................................................15
5. AMUL MARKETIN STRATEGY…......................................................................................18
5.1 SEGMENTATIONN,TARGETING,POSITIONIN….....................................................19
5.2 MARKETING MIX OF AMUL…...................................................................................19
5.3 THE VARIABLE OF MARKETING MIX…...................................................................20
5.3.1 PRODUCT IN THE MARKET MIX…..................................................................21
5.3.2 PRICING IN THE MARKETING MIX…..............................................................21
5.3.3 PLACE IN THE MARKETING MIX......................................................................21
5.3.4 PROMOTIONS IN THE MARKETING MIX…....................................................22
5.6 BRAND EQUITY IN THE MARKETIN STRATEGY OF AMUL…............................23
6 PRODUCT RANGE...............................................................................................................25
6.1 AMUL PRODUCT RANGE............................................................................................26
7 CONCLUSION…....................................................................................................................27
8 WEBSITES REFERED..........................................................................................................28

This project is related to a well-known brand of India i.e.
AMUL. AMUL is a dairy company which was been founded in
1946 and still it is ahead of the business. By contextual
knowledge we mean both general knowledge and discourse
knowledge i.e. knowledge of the situational context, background
knowledge and the co-textual context. In this project, we will
discuss the importance of contextual knowledge in
understanding the humor present in the cartoon based Amul
advertisements in India. In the process, we will analyze these
advertisements and also see if humor is an effective tool for
advertising and thereby, for marketing. These bilingual
advertisements also expect the audience to have the appropriate
linguistic knowledge which includes knowledge of English and
Hindi vocabulary, morphology and syntax. Different techniques
like punning, portmanteaus and parodies of popular proverbs,
expressions, acronyms, famous dialogues, songs etc. are
employed to convey the message in a humorous way. The
present study will concentrate on these linguistic cues and the
required context for understanding wit and humor.
The brand name "Amul," from the Sanskrit "Amoolya," means “priceless”.
Formed in 1946, it is a dairy cooperative in India. It is managed jointly by the
cooperative organization, Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation
Ltd. (GCMMF), and approximately 2.8 million milk producers in Gujarat, India.

Amul advertisements, hereby Amul ads, are unique and are a treat for a common
man as well as a linguist. These Indian ads, appearing in billboard format, have
been around for over 52 years.
These advertisements are for the product butter. Amul Company has many other
products ranging from milk to ice-creams, cheese to chocolates, and milk powder
to beverages. By 2005, Amul entered the global market as well.
They also have many other commercials in different modes including videos. But
the one for butter is the most popular and most consistent one. The billboards,
placed at strategic locations in different cities of India, are changed on a weekly
basis. The many blogs, articles and its fan groups on social networks like Facebook
reflect its popularity.

In this project we will learn how AMUL has preserved its style of marketing.
Their loyalty and the Amul girl figure.


Amul, is an Indian dairy cooperative society, based at Anand in the state of
Gujarat. Formed in 1946, it is a cooperative brand managed by a cooperative body,
the Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd. (GCMMF), which today
is jointly owned by 3.6 million milk producers in Gujarat. Amul spurred India's
White Revolution, which made the country the world's largest producer of milk
and milk products.

India has the biggest milk industry of any country in the world, producing more
than 180 million tons of milk in 2018.

Still, India’s dairy industry is growing at the fastest rate of any major producer.
5.6 percent growth compared to 2017 was well above the global annual growth
rate of the industry of 2.2. percent.

The Indian dairy market is in fact worth more than 9 trillion Rupees ($128 billion).

On Nov 26, India celebrates its prolific dairy industry with National Milk Day,
taking place on the birthday of the founder of ubiquitous dairy brand Amul,
Verghese Kurien.
Amul was spearheaded by Tribhuvandas Patel under the guidance of Sardar
Vallabhbhai Patel. As a result,
Kaira District Milk Union
Limited was born in 1946
(later renamed to Amul).
Tribhuvandas became the
founding chairman of the
organization and led it until his
retirement in 70s. He hired Dr.
Verghese Kurien in 1949. He
convinced Dr. Kurien to stay and help with the mission.

Under the chairmanship of Tribhuvandas, Dr. Kurien was initially the general
manager and helped guide the technical and marketing
efforts of Amul. Dr. Kurien was the chairman of Amul
briefly after Tribhuvandas Patel died in 1994.

Dr. Kurien, founder-chairman of the GCMMF for more

than 30 years (1973–2006), is credited with the success of
Amul's Marketing. Amul has ventured into markets
As per Wikipedia, Amul cooperative registered on 19 December 1946 as a
response to the exploitation of marginal milk producers by traders or agents of n
the small city distances to deliver milk, often went sour in summer, to Polson. The
prices of milk were arbitrarily determined. The government had given monopoly
rights to Polson to collect milk from Kaira and supply it to Mumbai city.

On September 30, 2018, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated Amul's

chocolate plant in Mogar, Anand near their headquarters. On September 30, 2018,
Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated Amul's chocolate plant in Mogar,
Anand near their headquarters.

The early stage

Amul started the business with milk as its starting product which is still their most
demanding product. But with changing time and changing demand, Amul added
more items to its product list. Currently Amul manufactures milk, milk powder,
sweets, ghee, butter, cheese and many other widely used dairy items.

Amul is the oldest dairy brand in the country and has become a household name in
India. The brand led the Indian dairy industry and ranked India number 1 on the
global level. As the increasing population needs more dairy products, Amul and
some other giants in the dairy industry like Verka, Sudha, Paras, Mother Dairy are
fulfilling the daily needs of the people.
Amul girl refers to the advertising mascot used by
Amul, an Indian dairy brand. The Amul girl is a
hand-drawn cartoon of a young Indian girl dressed in
a polka dotted frock with blue hair and a half pony
tied up. The Amul girl advertising has often been
described as one of the best Indian Advertising
concepts because of its humor.

The Amul girl was created as a response to Amul's
rival brand Polson's butter-girl. The idea was
conceived in 1967 once ASP (Advertising, Sales and Promotion) clinched the
brand portfolio from the previous
agency FCB Ulka. It was executed
by Mr. Sylvester da Cunha, the
owner of the agency and his art
director Eustace Fernandes on
hoardings, painted bus panels and
posters in Mumbai. The mascot,
since then, has been mobilized to
comment on many events of
national and political importance like the Emergency in India in 1976.

In 1966, Amul decided to give their account to the advertising agency called
Advertising and Sales Promotion (ASP) to work on their ad campaign. Sylvester da
Cunha, the then managing director of the agency and Eustace Fernandez, art
director decided to create something that would grab the attention of every
housewife in the country Verghese Kurien, then chairman of the Gujarat Co-
operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd. (GCMMF) suggested a mischievous
little girl as a mascot with two requirements. It had to be easy to draw and
memorable as most of the advertising would be outdoor media which required
hand painting in those days and the hoardings had to be changed frequently.


The main elements of Amul ads are the picture, the main text and the slogan. The
picture is what catches the attention of the audience, what ignites the curiosity
being always the key factor to read the message. The contextual knowledge helps
in forming the cohesive link between the textual message and
the event depicted as a picture. The slogan usually refers to the event or people and
links it with the product butter in a witty way.

4.4.1 The Picture

Amul girl, the iconic figure with round eyes and blue hair , transforms
herself into different personalities or accompanies different personalities.
The personalities are easy to recognize as they are
often the one in the news in that week.
4.4.2 The main text
Once the personalities in the images are resolved, one gets an idea about the
event being referred to. Then, the wit in the text can be understood in a
better way.
the personality is George Bush and the main text “Joota kahin ka” (shoe
from somewhere) is a pun on the word ‘joota’ which means shoe.
There is an allusion to the commonly used phrase “jhooTha kahin ka”
meaning ‘liar from somewhere’ or ‘What a liar!’

Not always the text is understood so easily. For example, the next ad is
based on the movie poster of ‘Kaminey’, but the text is understood only after
watching the movie or knowing about the story in the movie. The main
protagonists are twins and one of them has lisping problem and pronounces
/s/ as /f/. So FUPER MAFKA! actually means ‘super maska’ (‘maska’ is
butter in Hindi).

4.4.2 The slogan/bye line

Slogans have an important role to play. By repetition, they become part of
our memory and also everyday language . The slogan for Amul ads is
‘Utterly Butterly Delicious’. But it is not used always as seen in the ads
above. Sometimes a parody of it is used as seen in the ad about ‘Bunty aur
Babli’ Bun, tea aur Butterly), Facebook utterly twitterly delicious, other.

It is used in such a way that it also refers to the product butter. For example,
in Attack it refers to attacking Bush or attack the butter, Fully natural.
4.4.2 The language used in the ads
According to Leech, the four principles of advertising texts are: Attention
value, Readability, Memorability and Selling power. If the picture draws
one’s attention first, the language used for the main text and slogans play a
key role in advertising. In a competitive world, the copywriters make sure
their advertising texts are compact and all the elements are connected. The
language of advertising throws light on a whole new kind of discourse. An
important element of Amul ads is its use of metaphorical switching or code
switching between English and Hindi freely. The corpus helps us study the
code used in the ad from over a period of time. If only monolingual English
ads prevailed earlier, later Hindi made its way and there was code-mixing
and code-switching, though the script remained Roman. Now, we have what
we call as “Hinglish” which is equal use of English and Hindi elements
blended as one single code. Hinglish is the language of the new generation.

Codeswitching is inevitable in a multilingual society. Naturally, it is affected

in advertisements. Hinglish or for that matter Tenglish (Telugu and English),
Tamlish (Tamil and English) or Punglish (Punjabi and English) are English
language blended with a regional language.

4.5 Amul ads are full of context-based humor

As seen from the previous sections, the popular Indian billboard advertisements
which are topical in nature require the audience to be well-informed about the
current events to identify the personality the moppet, known as the Amul girl/baby
depicting or accompanying the personalities who have been targeted for that week.

In a competitive world, there is a pressure on copywriters to bring out ads that

stand out from the rest. We come across many ads that are done so creatively that
it leaves a good feeling in customers. This positive feeling is what makes us
receptive to the indirect persuasive function and makes us buy the product. The
relevance-theoretic framework extended to study wittiness in advertising by throws
light on the aspect of the process of interpretation of witty advertising messages to
be rewarding. The ads that are creative and innovative are remembered for a long
time. If the message in the ad requires additional cognitive processing on the
audience’s part, it will increase its memorability. If the message in the ad is
indirect and is intellectually satisfying and if the audience solve it, they feel happy
for getting the witty message. This positive state of mind in return increases a
positive attitude towards the product endorsed.

Studies have shown that the more attractive an advertisement is, the longer
attention span it can command and lingers longer in one’s memory. The popularity
of the witty Amul ads support the findings of the above studies. However, it
contradicts with Dynel’s view that a witty advertisement hinders the interpreter’s
evaluation of the product as Amul butter is the most popular product in India
mainly because its quality is maintained over the years since 1946. It has withstood

competition from international as well as indigenous brands like Nestle, Britannia

and Mother Diary. It has also entered the world market and has established itself as
a high-quality product, it would be apt to reproduce the ad that came out when the
gates were opened to the international market in early 1990s. Amul proudly
proclaimed itself to be truly Indian. The message ‘Be Indian. Bye Indian’ makes
an allusion to ‘Be Indian, Buy Indian’ slogan under colonial rule before India
became independent in 1947 revolting against foreign (British) goods made from
Indian raw materials. The pun is on the word ‘buy’ making one rethink if
globalization is good for the Indian economy. Amul ads try to sensitize us by using
humor which makes us like it. In the next ad, Amul makes us think if we are going
forward or backward by banning Pakistani artists to work in Indian film industry.
Here the pun is on the actor Fawad’s name – Fawad/forward.

4.6 Classifying Amuls ads

Amul ads may be classified according to their themes or the pragmatic function or
illocutionary force or the language used. Another way of classifying the ads is on
the basis of the punning techniques employed in the main text. If we look at the
themes, the ads can be classified as follows:
 Sports: Cricket; Tennis; Badminton; Olympics
 Politics: Regional; National; International
 Films: Hollywood and Bollywood
 Current events/social issues: Swine flu; Bt brinjal; Narmada
dam; scams and scandals

Based on their illocutionary force they may be classified as follows:

 Condemning: racial attacks; separation of states; wrong-doers;

terrorist attacks
 Complimenting: Sportspersons; world leaders; city’s spirit;
new policies; festivals
 Creating Awareness campaign: to vote; to support a cause
 Mimicking/Acknowledging other contemporary products: Vodafone;
Facebook; iPod; Films
 Mourning: Death of celebrities – actors, singers, leaders

4.7 Controversy
In 1976, an Amul ad poked fun at the sterilization drives conducted during the
national Emergency. “We have always practiced compulsory sterilization,” says
the Amul girl, holding up a plate of butter. Eyebrows were raised but no more.

· In the 1980s, members of the Shiv Sena threatened to vandalize the agency’s
Mumbai office after they produced a billboard during Ganesh Chaturthi. The
tagline: Ganpati Bappa More Ghya (Lord Ganpati, take more).
· Massive protests followed a 1982 billboard that responded to news of UK
authorities conducting virginity tests on Indian women arriving at London’s
airports. The tag: Indian virgin needs no urgin’. The agency issued another ad in
apology: Urgin’ our virgin; accept our peace offerin’.

· During an Indian Airlines strike in the 1990s, Amul’s ad proclaimed, “Indian

Airlines serves Amul butter – when it flies”. The airline was incensed and
even threatened to stop doing so.

· When Jagmohan Dalmiya, chief of the Board of Control for Cricket in India,
was accused of misusing funds in 2008, an Amul ad read: Amul Maska khao,
paisa nahin. He threatened to sue the brand for Rs 500 crore.

· Amid allegations of rape against magazine editor Tarun Tejpal in 2013, an Amul
ad showed him in an elevator, the Amul Girl outside. The tagline: Kya se Kya Kho
Gaya. Amul—Tehelka macha de. There was a backlash. Many thought the ad was,
well, in bad taste.
· British Airways was at the receiving end of Amul’s wit when, in 2015, they
almost misplaced Sachin Tendulkar’s luggage. The billboard read British Errways.
And the airline called the agency to express its displeasure.

· Micro-blogging site Twitter temporarily restricted the official handle of

Indian dairy major Amul over its 'exit the dragon' topical, days ahead of the
much- anticipated high-level India-China talks to resolve the Ladakh border

The Marketing strategy of Amul covers various aspects of the business right from
segmentation and targeting to the overall mission and vision of the company and
the various parameters which the company executes to become the top brand that it
has in the market.

5.1 Segmentation, targeting, positioning in the Marketing strategy of Amul

The segmentation of Amul is the mass population and in general, you will find
people of all different age groups and demography enjoying Amul products. This
is because Amul is not only present in Ice cream, but also in Milk, Butter, Cheese
and other such products.
As it has a very deep product portfolio, it does not differentiate in its customers but
uses a mass marketing principle. And till date, this principle has worked very well
for the marketing strategy of Amul. Similarly, the target audience are the regular
middle-class people.
This is because higher end customers do have a lot of high-end products as an
alternative in ice cream. However, for other products like Butter and cheese, both
high end and low-end customers are the target. In terms of positioning, Amul has
top of the mind positioning because it is the first brand which comes in mind when
talking of Ice cream, milk, cheese, butter or any other milk-based products.

5.2 Marketing mix of AMUL

Dictionary Definition: The marketing mix refers to the set of actions, or tactics,
that a company uses to promote its brand or product in the market. The 4Ps make
up a typical marketing mix – Price, Product, Promotion and Place.
The Marketing mix is a set of four decisions which needs to be taken before
launching any new product. These variables are also known as the 4 P’s of
marketing. These four variables help the firm in making strategic decisions
necessary for the smooth running of any product / organization.

Then in summary these 4 variables comprise the Marketing-Mix

1. Product – What the company is manufacturing?

2. Price – What is the pricing strategy used by the company?
3. Place – Where is the company selling?
4. Promotions – How is the company promoting the product?

What are the two types of Marketing Mix ?

 Product marketing-mix – Comprised of Product, price, place and

promotions. This marketing-mix is mainly used in case of Tangible goods.
 Service marketing-mix – The service marketing-mix has three further
variables included which are people, physical evidence and process. They
are discussed in detail in the article on service marketing-mix.

The term marketing-mix was first coined by Neil H Borden back in 1964 in his
article “The concept of marketing-mix”. Several strategic analysts over the years
believe that the marketing-mix can make or break the firm. Having the right
marketing-mix at the start of the marketing plan is absolutely essential. Over time
the concept of marketing-mix has provided a steady platform for the launch of
a new product or business.
As mentioned before, the marketing-mix is characterized by four different but
equally important variables. These variables are never constant and may be
changed over time. However, a change in one of the variables may cause a change
in all the other variables as well.

5.3 The Variables of Marketing-mix are as follows

 5.3.1 Product in the Market Mix

The first thing you need, if you want to start a business, is a product.
Therefore, Product is also the first variable in the marketing-mix. Product
decisions are the first decisions you need to take before making
any marketing plan. A product can be divided into three parts. The core
product, the augmented product and the tertiary product. Before deciding on
the product component there are some questions which you need to ask

Based on these questions, several product decisions have to be made. These

product decisions will in turn affect the other variables of the mix. For
example – You plan on launching a car which will have the highest quality.
Thus the pricing, promotions and placing would have to be altered
accordingly. Thus, as long as you don’t know your product, you cannot
decide any other variable of the marketing-mix. However, if the product
features are not fitting in the mix, you can alter the product such that it finds
a place for itself in the marketing-mix.

 5.3.2 Pricing in the Marketing Mix

Pricing of a product depends on a lot of different variables and hence it is

constantly updated. Major consideration in pricing is the costing of the
product, the advertising and marketing expenses, any price fluctuations in
the market, distribution costs etc. Many of these factors can change
separately. Thus, the pricing has to be such that it can bear the brunt of
changes for a certain period of time. However, if all these variables change,
then the pricing of a product has to be increased and decreased accordingly.
Along with the above factors, there are also other things which have to be
taken in consideration when deciding on a pricing strategy. Competition can
be the best example. Similarly, pricing also affects
the targeting and positioning of a product. Pricing is used for sales
promotions in the form of trade discounts. Thus, based on these factors there
are several pricing strategies, one of which is implemented for the

 5.3.3 Place in the Marketing-mix

Place refers to the distribution channel of a product. If a product is a
consumer product, it needs to be available as far and wide as possible. On
the other hand, if the product is a Premium consumer product, it will be
available only in select stores. Similarly, if the product is a business product,
you need a team which interacts with businesses and makes the product
available to them. Thus, the place where the product is distributed, depends
on the product and pricing decisions, as well as any STP decisions taken by
a firm.

Distribution has a huge effect on the profitability of a product. Consider a

FMCG company which has national distribution for its product. An increase
in petrol rates by 10Rs will in fact bring about drastic changes in the
profitability of the company. Thus, supply chain and logistics decisions are
considered as very important costing decisions of the firm. The firm needs to
have a full proof logistics and supply chain plan for its distribution.

 5.3.4 Promotions in the Marketing-mix

Promotions in the marketing-mix includes the complete integrated marketing
communications which in turn includes ATL and BTL advertising as well as
sales promotions. Promotions are dependent a lot on the product and pricing
decision. If the product is completely new in the market, it needs brand /
product awareness promotions, whereas if the product is already existing
then it will need brand recall promotions.

Promotions also decide the segmentation targeting and positioning of the

product. The right kind of promotions affect all the other three variables –
the product, price and place. If the promotions are effective, you might have
to increase distribution points, you might get to increase the price because of
the rising brand equity of the product, and the profitability might support
you in launching even more products. However, the budget required for
extensive promotions is also high. Promotions is considered as marketing
expenses and the same needs to be taken in consideration while deciding the
costing of the product.

5.4 Competitive advantage in the Marketing strategy of Amul

There are two major competitive advantages of Amul over other brands. First and
foremost is the supply chain. Because of the large numbers of dairy suppliers,
Amul has a tremendous strength and reliability in its supply chain. Hence it is able
to produce such high volumes. The second competitive advantage is the wide
product portfolio due to which it can run Amul shoppe’s and also have its products
present in retail. The product portfolio is such that products like Butter and Ice
cream are cash cows for the company.

5.5 Distribution strategy in the Marketing strategy of Amul

Like any FMCG company, Amul concentrates on breaking the bulk. It supplies in
huge amounts to its C&F, who is required to have the right arrangements to store
Amul products in bulk. This C&F then transfers the products to distributors who in
turn give it to retailers. Furthermore, Amul has a direct sale team too which sells to
modern retail. Besides this, the company has exclusive Amul stores which sell all
products of Amul brand. Thus, in the marketing strategy of Amul, distribution is
another strength of the brand.

5.6 Brand equity in the Marketing strategy of


Because of the excellent products, the top of the

mind positioning, the fantastic distribution and
supply chain channels and finally the point of
purchase branding and advertising of the Amul girl,
Amul finds itself in a very strong position where its
brand equity is concerned. Amul brand is worth $3.2
billion as per the 2013 brand equity report.
Furthermore, most analysts say that Amul would
have touched the $4 billion mark, but the dropping
value of the rupee is what caused the difference.

5.7 Market analysis in the Marketing strategy of Amul

The FMCG market is highly competitive in nature and is known to have a
combination of organized players as well as unorganized players. Similarly, in
FMCG, direct competition is equally important as indirect competition. For
example – During winters, ice cream and cold milk products will not sell, whereas
butter and cheese will sell equally well.
But on the other hand, during summers the demand of ice cream shoots up so much
so that companies are not able to meet demands. Thus, when we analyses the
market of Amul, in some cases Amul is the clear market leader, whereas in other
products it is a competitor in the market.

5.8 Customer analysis in the Marketing strategy of Amul

The typical customers of Amul belong to the Sec B and Sec C segment wherein
they are either middle class or lower class. Amul in general uses mass marketing
and therefore it targets these 2 classes majorly. The high-end customers are more
likely to prefer a Naturals, a Baskin Robbins, or any other such brand which meets
their taste and status.

6.1 AMUL consists of wide ranges of products which are outlined below:

 Amul Bread Spreads Range

 Amul Beverage Range / Milk Drinks
 Amul Powder Milk Range
 Amul PRO
 Amul Fresh Milk Range
 Amul Cheese Range
 Amul Cooking Range
 Amul Dhai Range
 Amul Mithai / Desserts Range
 Amul Health Drink
 Amul Chocolates
 Amul Ice-creams
 Amul's New Products
Humor is one of the best techniques used for marketing products. It creates a
receptive attitude. The Amul ads of India are a perfect example of the use of humor
in advertising. The ads form a good data to verify different theories of humor.
Advertisers in India, including Amul, use bilingual techniques to relate to the
modern Indian. The advertisements expect the audience to be up-to-date with the
latest happening in the world. The relation between its popularity and the complex
processing needs are indirectly linked. The incongruous elements in the ad are
blended or resolved with the contextual knowledge. The humor thus generated
makes the ad appealing and popular, thus providing a good evidence for humor as
a good technique in marketing. The future work includes annotating all the ads
based on the pragmatic function and humorous techniques as shown in the

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