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College of Western Idaho Lesson Plan Template

Name Date
Keith Holder 10/19/20

Subject/Grade Topic
US History/11th Grade The American Frontier/The Wild West

The big idea(s) or essential question(s)

What was happening during the end of the American Frontier?

How did that effect the lives of people during this time?

How did this time shape our modern society today if at all?

State of Idaho and/or common core standards addressed

Integrate information from diverse sources, both primary and secondary, into a
coherent understanding of an idea or event, noting discrepancies among

Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse
formats and media (e.g., visually, quantitatively, as well as in words) in order to
address a question or solve a problem.

(what the students will be able to do as a result of the lesson)

Students will be able to discuss changes that occurred during the end of the
American Frontier such as changes to lifestyles, job market, and development of
the United States.

Students will be able to give examples of how changes during this time have
shaped our current society.


Give a rundown of what ended the American Frontier. What time period that it
took place.


Give examples of changes that occurred in the economy and everyday lives of
people living during this time.

Materials and/or technology Needed

 Computer to show PowerPoint presentation on facts about the American

Frontier. Also show documentary from YouTube on the industrial
 Composition Notebook provided by me so they can create a journal from
the perspective of a citizen during this time.

Activities/procedures (include anticipated time for each)


I will start by telling a story in front of the class setting a scene from a morning
in American Frontier from the point of view from a rancher. (30 minutes)

Class activities Class activities

(what you/students will do) (why you will do them)

Students will choose a perspective to We will choose a perspective because I

put themselves in during my lectures want the students to see the affect that
and videos. (Rancher, Banker, Outlaw, it had on society as a whole not just
Kid, etc.) one group of people.

They will keep a journal as I read The journal will be so they have to
descriptions of a day and how it makes critically think about the emotions that
them feel based off their point of view. people would be going through during
Almost like the Oregon Trail game. I this time.
will read a scenario each day in class
that happened. It will be very detailed. The videos will not only be the
I want them to write about how that foundation of their journal, but it will
affected them as if they were their also help them do their compare and
character that they chose during this contrast chart. This is where they will
time period. (journal will span 14 days have to be able to know specific events
as that is how long this lesson plan will and changes that happened during this
take) time.

They will watch a daily video about a The reflection paper will be to think
different event or day during the about how you feel the American
American Frontier on YouTube in class. Frontier should be perceived. Also
(10 Videos total in class, 4 videos to know as the Wild West it is often
watch at home of their choice videos glamourized. Is it something that is
will be approx. 45min-1hr in class, truly great, or do you feel that it
how video length is up to them. wasn’t? This is a reflection paper and is
Student will make a compare and not a right or wrong answer. If they
contrast chart of Life During the follow the guidelines they will do well.
American Frontier Vs Life after The
American Frontier. (to be worked on The test will be the measuring stick of
periodically as we learn more) how much they participated in class
and how much they learned from the
They will then write a 1-3 page videos and their own sources that they
reflection paper talking about whether used.
they felt the American Frontier was a
positive or negative time in United
States history. (this will be homework
and the last thing they do for the
lesson plan)

Test (10 Multiple Choice for 5 points

each, 2 essay questions 25 points


I would give a short speech or short dialogue of why I feel learning about this
period is important. I would also give my opinion on the era as to help them in
thinking about their opinion and reflection for their essay.

(how you will know students met the objectives - include rubrics)

Journal: 50 Points
Compare/Contrast Chart: 25 Points
Reflection Paper: 25 Points
Test: 100 Points

Journal: Was there 14 days’ worth of entries?

Compare/Contrast Chart: Do you have at least 5 events that happened? Do you
have at least 5 differences in society?
Reflection Paper: Did you form an opinion, and did you follow structure

*This work will be graded on completion and effort. The test that follows this
lesson plan will be reflective on how well they participated in class.


Most of this work is based on completion and opinion. However, if they were
having problems forming an opinion or comprehending what events had taken
place, I would offer to have discussions with anyone who was lost after class.

I would also be completely open to letting them discuss their journals and
charts with their peers. Like I said until the test I want them to be thinking and
brainstorming more than looking for specific answers and content.

(after lesson is taught put your reflections here)

I would hope that after this lesson plan students would have a better
understanding about the events and results of the American Frontier. This
subject is the reason that I got into history in the first place. I think it is one of
the most important times in history when it comes to giving our Country its
history. We are currently having issues in todays society that dates back to this
time period. I hope that by educating the students they are able to form a
better educated opinion on where we have been as a society and where we
need to go.

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