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Playing games have become a needed experience for most people. Playing

with games helps people to develop socially, to learn to compete, to boost self-

esteems, and most especially to escape from reality, which is full of stress and

depression. As the technology gradually advances, computer and online gaming

have become a hit and somehow became the most favorable alternative for indoor

games. Computer gaming might not be as good as people thought, because normal

relaxation and enjoyment could result to an addiction. Defense of by the Ancients

commonly known as DotA is an action real-time strategy free-to-play multiplayer

online battle arena video game. This game was developed and published by Valve

Corporation. The game was released for Microsoft Windows, OS X, and Linux in

July 2013, following a Windows-only public beta testing phase that began in

2011, and is the stand-alone sequel to Defense of the Ancients (DotA),

a mod for Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and its expansion pack, The Frozen

Throne. Dota is one of the most played games on Steam, with a maximum of over

a million of coexisting users (Chiappi, 2013). Dota’s gameplay is basically a

match between two five-player teams, each of which occupies a stronghold in a

corner of the playing field. Each player has an opportunity to pick one of 111

playable heroes that feature unique powers and strategies of play. The game

revolves on collecting gold, items, and experience points for their hero, while

combating heroes from the opposing team. The team who successfully destroys

the other side's "Ancient" building, located within the opposing stronghold wins

and ends the game. The development of this Massively Multiplayer Online Role-

playing Game (MMORPG) began in 2009 when Icefrog the lead designer of the

original DotA mod was hired by Valve Corporation. DotA was based on the

original Source engine and was ported to Source 2 in September 2015, which

gives it a title of the first game to utilize the new engine. DotA has been

commended for its gameplay, production quality, complexity, and faithfulness to

its predecessor. Since then DotA has been a very popular MMORPG to people

especially for the youth which mostly composes of students. Numerous students

are addicted to this MMORPG and spend long hours of playing and even skipping

classes just to play. The addiction to the game usually gives negative effects to a

student’s academic performance ( Christopher, 2017)

This case study will provide a better understanding on the reasons why

people specifically students play Dota and its relation to the academic

performance of the student.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to identify the reasons students play DotA and whether it

affects their academic performance.

Specifically, the research wanted to answer the following questions:

1. What are the reasons students playing DotA?

2. What are the demographic outline of students in terms of:

a. Frequency of playing DotA


b. Average time span of playing DotA

3. How does playing DOTA affect the academic performance of the students in

relation with the number of hours spent studying?

4. What is the significant relationship between playing of DotA and the academic

performance of students?

Significance of the study

This study provides an understanding to students on what effects may

Defence of the Ancients provide towards their academic performance. It offers

better understanding of the game and its student players through some insights on

the students behavior and study habits while engaged into such activity.

Scope and limitation of the study *

A survey will be conducted to evaluate respondents regarding to the

effects of playing DotA on their academic performance, and their reason behind

playing the game. This study will be conducted to determine the reasons why

students play DotA and if it really affects their academic performance.

Definition of Terms

DOTA- is also known as Defence of the Ancients; A virtual 3D multiplayer

game which can be viewed in all directions; It is compatible in computers

video cards.

Students - refers to students who play DotA


Addiction - refers to the habitual playing of DOTA

Dotalogy - is a term created for the study, meaning the study of DOTA and

related topics



This chapter presents the related literature that supports the study and its


DotA which is also known as Defense of the Ancient , is defined as an

online computer game involving multiple players that started as a mod for

Blizzard Entertainment’s Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.

Since it was released in 2005, DotA’s popularity has spawned its own

genre of game known as MOBA ( Multiplayer Online Battle Arena ). Modern

MOBAs include popular games such as League of Legends, Smite, and

Overwatch has registered nearly half of a billion from all age ranges. Valve

software now owns the DOTA and later publishes its own sequel, DOTA II

(Brittanica, 2017).

In the game, two teams of five players will compete competitively to

destroy the large structure defended by the opposing team known as the

“Ancient”, whilst defending their own. Ten players each control one of the game’s

115 playable characters, known as the “heroes”, which has their own unique

design, strengths, and weaknesses (Brittanica, 2017).

Playing DotA has positive effect such as being a way for the youth to

communicate. Teenagers who initially do not know each other can easily be

friends just because of the game. They will also learn to strategize and boost their

reflexes by playing the game (Grandoni, 2014).

In a study from Brigham Young University (2009), children playing video

games showed less depression, anxiety, and aggressive behaviour. Depression and

anxiety are great problems faced by psychology and could destroy someone’s

social life and these video games will relieve the players away from these


Use of video games has been shown to improve knowledge retention,

spatial awareness, and problem solving skills in addition to helping with literacy,

math, and other educational topics. In a test administered by the University of

Kansas, students who used video games to prep for their exams outperformed

those who used the traditional studying method. With regards to these findings,

Scott Steinberg(2017) offers that “The advantage of using video games in this

case may have been the mere fact that it requires active engagement of the mind,

as opposed to almost thoughtlessly looking over slides”

The complex requirements of gaming enhances a child’s ability to

multitask, as well as aiding in the development of fine motor skills and the

development of fine motor skills and the improvement of visual acuity. At the

University of Rochester, people who played video games for a month were able to

identify letters presented in clutter 20 percent better than before.

Video games that require teamwork teach every player who played the

game how precious teamwork and cooperation are. Teamwork and cooperation

will eventually help people in their future on to how they will deal with a team in

their job or in their careers (Chiappi, 2013).


Through the natural process of learning, mastery, losses, and victory,

players gain confidence in their abilities to overcome obstacles through


On the other hand, playing DotA also has negative effects; it triggers the

player to lose his/her temper and values. Trash talks such as foul languages used

during the game, can really lose their temper and values. As a result of this

problem, both sides will fight against each other . ( Christopher,2014)

Gamble can be also present in DotA in which gamblers in this game do not

find any more importance in the value of money. Many players says that “ Dota is

the best time ever “ so it’s okay for them to waste their resources just to get

indulged and in-touched with the game.

Due to playing, eating is irrelevant for the players; the satisfaction that

they get from playing is the same satisfaction they get from eating. As a result

from this problem, the player’s body will eventually become weaker also his/her

immune system making his/her body expose to different viruses and diseases that

can cause sickness. (Grandoni, 2014)

In relation with the health problems that DotA might give to the players

who does not eat because of the game, serious eye problems can also give them

pain and suffering. Long-time exposure to radiation coming from the screen of the

computer can cause eye problems. Blue light is harmful for the eyes and can cause

alteration of the eye’s grade although technology is already working on it to

prevent harmful blue light to harm the player’s eyesight (Christopher, 2017).

Finally, the most common problem players experienced after playing the

game is the chance of getting attached unto it and getting addicted to the game.

There are many students and even some young professionals that are addicted to

DotA. This is a kind of computer games that can really get popular among

students. Many students get addicted to this game and they even spend long hours

inside the computer shop just for playing DotA and other MOBAs. There are

students that ended their academic career just for this game and even lied to their

parents just for the sole reason of playing the game. For the adults, it disrupts

his/her family relationships and their work. Like other addictions, DotA replaced

friends and family as the source of person, emotional life, and to feel good

(Chiappi, 2013).


DotA has its own pros and cons, playing the game in moderate will make

the players develop some improvements in their bodies. Self-control and time-

management are the key-role in preventing addiction towards the game. These are

key statements that support the ou

tcomes of the study. It also provides support to the reasons on why students play

DotA and the effects of DotA on their academic performances.



Research Design

The research is a case study,

Sample Collection Data Analysis

Figure 1. Research flow diagram

The research aims to determine the reasons why students play DotA and

how it affects their individual academic performances. The research specifically

aims to assess the following questions:

1. How many hours do students engage in playing dota?

2. How many hours in average do students allot in their studying?

3. How well is their academic performance according to their general

weighted average?

Data Sources

Data gathering will take place in the pre-determined school. This specific

school was selected considering it has a high concentration of students which are

mostly known to play computer games, especially Defense of The Ancients 2.


Locality and facileness of location was also considered by the researchers. This

research follows a convenience sampling method, where in locations for sampling

were picked according to the availability of DotA players. The criterion sampling

is executed after the location was determined. Qualified respondents are those

who are active players of the game Defense of the Ancients and with at least two

years of experience. The respondents will undergo a survey using a questionnaire

provided by the researchers. Questions appear in scale where respondents are

asked to pick certain values in a parameter according to how it relates to their true

to life actions. Other questions also appear as open-ended where respondents are

to provide certain values to satisfy the needed information.

Data Collection Techniques

The research starts from the collection of information and the formulation
of the initial research paper. Next is the finalization of the first three chapters of
the research paper which took about 15 days to finish. After the finalization of the
paper, the research will undergo consultation and final revisions. Sampling will
then start after the research has been approved. After data was collected,
interpretation and analysis of data will then follow which would take about 10
days to be finalized. Finally the paper will then be revised including the insertion
of results, discussion, and recommendations. The entire research is expected to
finish not later than March 5, 2018. For sampling two sets of questionnaires are
handed out to selected grade 9 to grade 11 students of the school. The first set of
questionnaires are answered by the participants to determine whether they are
qualified as DOTA 2 players and proceed to the second set of questionnaires. The
second set of questionnaires will be handed out to the participants that qualifies as
DOTA players and serve as the main participants where our data will be gathered

Table 1. Research Task Plan


Assignment/Work Estimated time (days) Estimate Start

Article and information gathering 10 9 – 15 -17
regarding the topic
Further reading on addiction due 10 9 – 29 – 17
to DotA
Finalization of Chapter 1 5 10 – 16 – 17
Finalization of Chapter 2 5 12 – 4 – 17
Finalization of Chapter 3 5 12 – 11 – 17
Consultation and Revision 10 1 – 8 -18
Sampling 25 1 – 29 – 18
Interpretation/ Data Analysis 10 2 – 19 – 18
Writing Results and Discussions 5 2 – 19 – 18
Drafting Conclusion and 5 2 – 26 – 18
Finalization of the entire paper 10 3 – 5 – 18

Research Tasks Gantt Chart

15-Sep 10-Oct 4-Nov 29-Nov 24-Dec 18-Jan 12-Feb 9-Mar 3-Apr
Article and information gathering regarding the topic
Further reading on addiction due to dota
Finalization of Chapter 1
Finalization of Chapter 2
Finalization of Chapter 3
Consultation and Revision
Interpretation/Data Analysis
Writing Results and Discussions
Drafting Conclusion and Recommendations
Finalization of the Entire Paper

Figure 2. Research Gantt Chart

There are ethical considerations needed in conducting the data gathering in

order not to offend or violate any respondents. Respondents will be asked to

answer questionnaires. A consent will be presented to the administrator of the

school before survey will be done. The consent includes the description of the

survey, the purpose of the survey, and agreements to be followed. The research

should not harm or entail risks to the respondents. The research will protect the

well-being of the respondents, thus confidentiality will be preserved and rights to

protect integrity will be considered. All third party actions done by the researchers

will have consent to those who are concerned. All respondents will not be forced

to participate thus all gathered respondents are oath to be volunteers.

Chapter 4


This section discusses the overall results gathered from the survey

conducted by the researchers.

The results of the survey conducted, all participants of the survey were

DOTA players or those who already played the game before. For the participants’

reason in playing the game, their answers were not too much different. Many of

them just play DOTA to have fun and relieve their stress from academics and

other things, some said that they feel like they enhanced their thinking and

survival skills because of DOTA, and some said they play DOTA to escape from


Accessing whether DOTA can help students focus on their studies, results

were quite different to each other. This time, majority of the participants said that

playing DOTA would not help them focus in their studies while the other half said

that playing the game can help them with their study. Most of the participants who

said that DOTA can help them focus in their study explained that DOTA helps

them by stimulating their brains, takes away stress, and helps them by enhancing

their critical-thinking and decision making. In contrary to those who said yes,

participants who said disagreed explained that DOTA is not helping them to focus

in their study because it affects their study habits due to game addiction.

Moreover, some participants said it is just a waste of money and free time when

instead they can invest them in studying and buying educational materials.

When it comes to study habits, most of them agreed upon having enough

time for their studies. They prioritize their assignments and studies first before

they engage in playing DOTA. Some of the participants do not have enough time

for their studies because of the influence of the game. Time management is a

problem to those people who exceed three hours in playing console and PC games

(Grandoni, 2014).

Most of the respondents spend one to three hours of their day in playing

DOTA. Some even reached to the point of seven to ten hours in playing the game

in a day. Basing on a study made by Oxford University, playing an hour or less

with PC or console games tend to be more social and more focused in their studies

(Grandoni, 2014).

All the participants in the survey were then classified in a good standing in

their school rated by their performance and grades. However, most of them

already experienced cutting classes just for DOTA which may affect their good

standing in the class. Their extent of playing the game has influenced them to do

such action.

Chapter 5



In this section, results gathered from the survey are analyzed and

discussed. Conclusions from the data collected and recommendations for the

research are presented in this section.

The reasons of the respondents for playing were varied, however, majority

of their reasons say that they play DOTA to have fun and relieve stress which

brought to them by academics and other problems. In talking about DOTA in

making them focus on their studies, majority of them answered No. With this, the

respondents associated the thrill and fun that somebody can get which makes them

miss the game and will make him/her want to play more. These factors resulted

their time to be congested and if this person is a student, time congestion leads

them to have less time for his studies after exhausting oneself on the game.

When it regards to their focus on studies, it is dependent to the practice of

the person who’s playing DOTA. With proper time-management, achieving a

good result through playing a game is possible.

For their study habits, playing DOTA didn’t affect them. Respondents

tend to prioritize their schoolwork and projects over playing the game. All

respondents are good in academic standing base on the comment of their adviser

and their grades. The only bad thing about the result is that some of the

respondents used to cut in their class just to play DOTA which can negatively

affect their studies. But contrastingly with the later statement, their academic

performance showed intermediate results.

Playing DOTA has no general effects on the studies of a person. Playing

DOTA might help in developing critical-thinkers, but playing the game too much

might affect the player the other way around.

It is recommended to widen up the scale of the study in order to achieve a

more pleasing results. It is also recommended to make an experimental set-up for

this experiment to know better upon the effects of the game into the human

exercise and habits.

Table 1. Tabulation for the DOTA Player and non-DOTA player participants.

DOTA Player 55
Non-DOTA Player 0

Table 2. Tabulation for the generalization for the participants’ reasons in playing


Reasons in Playing DOTA - To have fun

- Part-time

- Relieves stress

- Entertainment

- Escape from problems

- Enhances thinking and survival


- Not bounded

Table 3. Tabulation for those who find DOTA helpful in making themselves

focus in studying and its contrary.

Yes 23
No 32

Table 4. Reason behind their answer for the question Do you think playing DOTA

helped you focus in your study?

Yes - Takes away stress

- Stimulates my brain

- It enhances critical-thinking
No - It affects their time for studying

- Waste of money

- Wasting of free time

Table 5. Tabulation of their answers to the question Do you think you still have

enough time for your studies despite of playing DOTA?

Yes 48

No 7

Table 6. Tabulation of their answers to the question Have you experienced cutting

classes for playing DOTA?

Yes 36
No 19


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