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Aim : To study and design Zener diode as a Voltage regulator providing a regulated

power supply inLoad Regulation and Line Regulation.

Apparatus: multisim software , dc voltage supply, resistor, zener


Zener diode is a silicon semiconductor with a p-n junction that is specifically designed to
work in the reverse biased condition. When forward biased, it behaves like a normal
signal diode, but when the reverse voltage is applied to it, the voltage remains constant
for a wide range of currents. Due to this feature, it is used as a voltage regulator in d.c.
circuit. The primary objective of the Zener diode as a voltage regulator is to maintain a
constant voltage. Let us say if Zener voltage of 5 V is used then, the voltage becomes
constant at 5 V, and it does not change.

Zener Breakdown → zener breakdown occurs due to high electric field in a narrow
depletion layer which is due to high doping.

The input source current, IS = IZ + IL………….. (1)

The drop across the series resistance, Rs = Vin – Vz …….. (2)

And current flowing through it, Is = (Vin – VZ) / RS ………….. (3)

From equation (1) and (2), we get, (Vin - Vz )/Rs = Iz +IL ………… (4)


Line regulation:

Vin Vout
1 0.980
1.5 1.47
2 1.96
2.5 2.45
3 2.94
3.5 3.43
4 3.921
4.5 4.41
5 4.899
5.5 5
6 5.015
6.5 5.024
7 5.030
7.5 5.035
8 5.039
8.5 5.024
9 5.045
9.5 5.047
10 5.049
10.5 5.052
11 5.054
11.5 5.055
12 5.057
12.5 5.058
13 5.059
13.5 5.060
14 5.062
14.5 5.063
15 5.064

Load Regualtion:

R Vout
1000 5.057
900 5.057
800 5.057
700 5.0569
600 5.0568
500 5.0567
400 5.0566
300 5.05645
200 5.0559
100 5.0543
90 5.0540
80 5.0535
70 5.0529
60 5.0516
50 5.0502
40 5.0481
30 5.0440
20 5.0316
10 4


1. All connections should be neat, clean and tight.

2. The Zener diode should be connected in reverse bias.

3. Voltmeter and microammeter of appropriate least count and ranges are to be


4. Zero error if any in the voltmeter or milliammeter should kept nil.


1) The Value of input DC voltage should not be increased to a very large value
otherwise a very large current will flow through the load resistance and
diode which can result in defection of diode.
2) Percentage of load regulation Percentage-
Where Vnl is the null load resistor voltage (ie. remove the load resistance
and measure the voltage across the Zener Diode) and Vfl is the full load
resistor voltage.
3) Percentage of line regulation can be calculated by:

where V0ut is the output voltage and VIN is the input voltageandΔV0ut is
the change in output voltage for a particular change in input voltage ΔVIN.

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