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Cuando queremos dar más importancia a la acción y no a quien la ha realizado, utilizamos la voz pasiva.
Para transformar una oración activa a pasiva tenemos en cuenta los siguientes puntos:
1. El objeto de la oración activa pasa a ser el sujeto de la pasiva.
2. El verbo principal se sustituye por el auxiliar “to be”, en su mismo tiempo, junto al verbo principal en
3. El sujeto de la oración principal pasa a ser complemento agente de la pasiva.
4. Si hacemos mención en la oración del sujeto que realiza la acción (sujeto agente), este irá normalmente
precedido por la preposición “by”

La voz activa:
Mark Twain wrote the book.(Mark Twain escribió el libro.)

La voz pasiva:
The book was written by Mark Twain.(El libro fue escrito por Mark Twain.)

La voz activa:
The housekeeper will clean the room.(La ama de casa limpiará la habitación.)

La voz pasiva:
The room will be cleaned by the housekeeper.(La habitación será limpiada por la ama de casa.)

Ampliación de la explicación en este link:

Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences. Study the boxes above.

1. English (speak)________________ in many countries around the world.

2. Much of the world’s coffee (grow)________________ in Brazil.
3. Many photos (take)________________ of the beautiful scenery near the mountain.
4. The flowers (water)________________ every evening by the gardener.
5. How many books (check out)________________ from the library every week?
6. Millions of dollars (make)________________ on the stock market every day.
7. My friend’s salary (pay)________________ by his company every two weeks.
8. Many criminals (catch)________________ with the help of modern technology.
9. The department store doors (open)________________ to customers at 9 a.m.
10. Letters and packages (pick up)________________ by the postman every day.
11. The rooms (clean)________________ by the hotel maids every morning.
12. Canada (know)________________ for its long, cold winters.
13. Patients (give)________________ very good care at that hospital.
14. Monopoly (play)________________ by people in many parts of the world.
15. A new president (elect)________________ every four to eight years


Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. Use the present
1. The baby 2. The phone call 3. We ………........ 4. The cow 5. Fancy dress
…………… (feed) ……….… (answer) (serve) by the ………… (milk) costumes………..…
by the receptionist. waitresses. by the farmer (wear) at Carnival.

6. I ……… (help) 7. The dishes 8. Questions 9. Mother 10. The car ………..
by my father. ………….. .(wash) ……….. (ask) to the …………. (drive) (repair) by the
teacher. to work by dad. mechanic.

11. Letters 12. Meat …………… 13. Granny ……… 14. Coffee 15. The trousers
…………… (type) (sell) at the butcher’s. (visit) at hospital. …………. (grow) …………….. (iron).
by the secretary. in Colombia.

16. Sushi ………. 17. The operation 18. A book ……… 19. The problem 20. The patient
(eat) in Japan. ……………. (borrow) from the ………. (explain) …………..(carry) by
(perform) by the library. by the teacher The orderly.

21. Presents 22 The exam 23. The violin 24. Lunch …….. 25. Apples …………
…………… (give) …………. (do) by ……….. (play) by (cook) by Sally (pick up) in summer.
at Christmas. the student. Carol. and her grandma.

Match the verb with the blanks. Then decide if they are active or passive, and put them in the
right tense/form.
Pensioner Maude Jennings _________________ her eightieth birthday outside Avonhurst Town yesterday. She was one
of a large group who _______________ against the plans for a tunnel under the River Severn. Maude’s tiny cottage may
___________________ when new roads to the tunnel ___________________. Maude was born in the cottage, which
____________________ in the 18th century, and the entrance to the tunnel _______________________ at the ends of her
garden. Maude ________________ our reporter, ‘I __________________________ by the planners, and I
__________________ never ____________ my lovely home. I ________________________ there for eighty years!

Verbs: demolish – build (3) – live - consult – celebrate – protest – leave – tell

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