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Word smart 1 and 2 vocabulary

1. Abash ( ) verb (To make ashamed)
2. Abate ( ) verb (Reduce)
3. Abdicate ( ) verb (step down from a position)
4. Abhor ( ) verb (To hate very much)
5. Aberration ( ) noun (A deviation from the standard)

06. Abject ( ) Adj (Extremely sad)
E.X:The policy has turned out to be an abject failure.
07. Abnegate ( ) very (To deny oneself)
E.X:The athlete decided to abnegate the unhealthy snack even though she really
want to have a bite.
08. Abortive( )Adj (unsuccessful )
E.X: The surgery was abortive and did not repair the damage to the man's heart.
09. Abridge( ) very (To shorten)
E.X: His agent told him that he needed to abridge some of his contest of his novel
so that it would be fewer than 400 pages.
10. Absolute( )Adj (total)
E.X: I have an absolute trust in you.

11. Absolve (ab ZOLV)verb (to free from sin)
E.X: He was absolved of any blame in the matter
12. Abstinent (AB stuh nunt) Adjective (voluntarily not doing something)
E.X:Rahim used to be a chain-smoker;now he's abstinent
13. Abstract (AB strakt) Adjective ( )

E.X: The theory is too abstract to me.

14. Abstruse (ab STROOS) Adjective (Hard to understand)
E.X: Nuclear physics is a subject that is too abstruse for most of the people.
15. Abysmal (uh BLZ) Adjective (bottomless)
E.X: The nation's debt crisis was abysmal; there seemed to be no possible solution
to it.

16. Accolade (AK uh layd) Noun ( ) An award, an honor .
E.X:The CEO received accolades for business success.
17. Accost ( uh KAWST)Verb ( ) to approach and speak to someone.
E.X: he was accosted by a stranger of the street.
18. Acerbic (uh SUR bik) Adjective ( ) bitter, sour.
E.X:Barry sat silently as our teacher read aloud her acerbic comments on his paper
19. Acquiesce (ak wee ES)Verb (to agree)
E.X:he will acquiesce simply because he is a sick man.
20. Acrid (AK rid) Adjective ( ) harsh
E.X: The chili we had at the party had an acrid taste.

21. Acrimonious (ak ruh MOH ness us) Adjective ( , ) better, ill-
E.X:Their marriage ended eight years ago in an acrimonious divorce.
22. Acumen (AK yoo mun)Noun ( ) keenness of judgment
E.X: He has the acumen to make sound business decisions.
23. Acute (uh KYOOT) Adjective( , ) sharp shirt
E.X:If your eyesight is acute,you can see things that other people can't.
24. Adamant (AD uh munt) Adjective ( , ) stubborn.
E.X:On that subject she was adamant.
25. Address (uh DRES) Verb ( ) to speak to, to direct one's attention to.
E.X:To address a convention is to give a speech to the convention.

26. Adherent (ad HEER unt) Noun ( ) supporter, believer, follower
E.X:The kings adherents threw a big birthday party for him.
27. Admonish (ad MAHN ish) Verb( ) to warm
E.X:Akash's mother admonished him not to eat oily food.
28. Adroit (uh DROYT)Adjective( ) skillful, dexterous
E.X:It was the adroit way to solve the problem.
29. Adulation (aj uh LAY shun) Noun( )
E.X:Although Jason was a famous celebrity, he was very uncomfortable with the
adulation from his fans.
30. Adulterate (uh DUL tuh rayt) Verb( ) to contaminate,to make
E.X:Vegetarian do not like their foods adulterated with animal fats.

31. Adverse (ad VURS) Adjective ( , ) antagonistic ,unfavorable
E.X: Airplanes often don't fly in adverse weather.
32. Aesthetic (es THET) Adjective( )
E.X:The picture give great aesthetic pleasure.
33. Affable (AF uh bull)Adjective( ) easy to talk to, friendly
E.X:The jafar's dog was big but affable.
34. Affectation (af ek TAY shun)Noun( , , ) unnatural or artificial
E.X:While I never try to impress my peers at school, my twin sister will take on an
affectation on a regular basis to attract attention.
35. Affinity (uh FIN uh tee) Noun( , )
E.X: He has an affinity for the music of Berlioz.

36. Affluent (AF l unt) Adj( , ) rich, prosperous.
E.X:When they won the lottery, their sudden affluence caused old friends to feel
37. Agenda (uh JEN duh) Noun( ) The things to be done ,program.
E.X:What's on the agenda for the board meeting, A little gossip then lunch.
38. Agrarian (uh GRAR ee un)Adj( )Relating to the land.
E.X:There are some religious sects who believe in an agrarian way of life and
obtain all of their necessities from the land.
39. Aggregate (AG ruh gut)Noun( )Sum total, A collection of
separate things mixed together
E.X: Chili is an aggregare of meat and beans.
40. Agnostic (ag NAHS tik)Noun( ) one who believes that the existence
of a God can be neither proven or disproven
E.X:The agnostic woman has read the Bible and other religious texts but still
doesn’t think there is a way to prove that God exists.

41. Alacrity ( uh LAK ri tee) Noun ( , ৎ )Ardor
E.X:She accept the invitation with alacrity.
42. Allege (uh LEJ) Verb ( , ) assert without proof,
E.X:The police have alleged that he committed the crime.
43. Alleviate (uh lEE vee ayt) Verb (উ ) to relieve
E.X: Aspirin alleviates headache pain.
44. Allocate (AL uh kayt) Verb( ) to allot
E.X: The authority allocated 5,000 places for refugee.
45. Alloy (AL oy) Noun ( ) a combination of two or more things.
E.X: Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc.

46. Allusion (uh LOO zhun) Noun ( , )Pointing, Hint, indication
E.X: Her poetry is full of obscure literary allusion.
47. Aloof (uh LOOF)Adj( , )Detached, Remote
E.X:He kept himself aloof from all party .
48. Altruism ( AL troo iz um)Noun( )selflessness , devotion to
the interests of others, benevolence.
E.X:People participate in the club for reasons of self-interest rather than altruism.
49. Ambience (AM bee uns) Noun( , ) Atmosphere ,Environment
E.X:This restaurant has a pleasant ambience.
50. Ambiguous (am BIG yoo us)Adj( , , ) Equivocal, Vague,
E.X:If your question was less ambiguous, I could better answer it.
51. Ambivalent (am BIV uh Lunt) Adj ( , , ) hostile
,adverse, opposite
E.X:Some loved her ,some hated her,few were ambivalent about her.
52. Ameliorate (uh MEEL yuh)Verb(উ ,উ )Elevate,
E.X:She wanted to ameliorate the situation.
53. Amenable (uh MEE nuh bull)Adj( , ) Flexible, Bound
E.X:Women are more amenable to compromise than men.
54. Amenity (uh MEN I tee)Adj( , , )Pleasantry, propriety
E.X:The hotel has excellent amenities.
55. Amiable (AY mee uh bul) Adj( , , )Friendly, Humane
E.X:The driver was an amiable young man.

56. Amnesty (AM nuj stee) Noun( ,
E.X:Because of overcrowded prison conditions, thousands of prisoners were
recently approved for amnesty.
57. Amoral (ay MOR ul) Adj( , ) non- moral, lacking a moral
E.X:The film was violent and amoral.
58. Amorous (AM ur us)Adj( , )having or showing strong feelings of
sexual attraction or love
E.X:The amorous couple could not stop kissing in public.
59. Amorphous (uh MOR fus) Adj( , )Amorphous, formless
E.X:Since there is no defining line between the two countries, the border is
60. Anachronism (uh NAK ruh niz um)Noun( , ) something
out of place in time of history
E.X:While some individuals still travel by train, most people view this mode of
transportation as an anachronism.
61. Analogy (uh NAL uh jee)Noun( , ) harmony ,comparison.
E.X:No analogy exists between them.
62. Anarchy (AN ur kee)Noun( , , ) Disorder, Chaos
E.X:In the absence of their teacher the class was in a state of anarchy.
63. Anecdote (AN ik doht) Noun( ,উ , )Story, Tale, Case,
E.X:The book is a rich store of anecdote.
64. Anguish (ANG gwish)Noun( , , )Torture, pain
E.X:She shut her eyes in anguish.
65. Animosity (an uh MAHS uh tee)Noun( , , ) adversity,enmity
E.X:Why do you have such animosity towards me when I have done nothing to

66. Anomaly (uh NAHM uh lee)Noun( , , ) exception
irregularity ,Chaos.
E.X:It was quite an anomaly when the temperature reached 101 degrees in
67. Antecedent (an tuh SEED unt) Noun( , )Preceding, Previous.
E.X:The desktop computer is the antecedent of the portable computer or laptop.
68. Antipathy (an TIP uh thee)Noun( , ) adversity ,hostility
E.X:They have a mutual antipathy to each other.
69. Antithesis (an TITH uh sis)Noun( , ) opposition, conflict
E.X:Slavery is the antithesis of freedom.
70. Apartheid (uh PAHRT hayt) Noun ( )Race-Hatred
E.X:She disagreed with the system of apartheid.

71. Apathy (AP uh thee)Noun(উ , ) indifference, unconcern
E.X:If teachers do not find a way to reduce student apathy, more young people will
drop out of school before earning their degree.
72. Aphorism (AF uh riz um)Noun( , , উ )Massage,
E.X:Susmita began his speech with a humorous aphorism from one of his favorite
73. Apocalypse (uh PAHK uh) Noun( উ , ৎ )
E.X:Several leading scientists are predicting an environmental apocalypse.
74. Apocryphal (uh POK ruh ful)Adj( , ) suspicious
E.X:Most of the stories about him are apocryphal.
75. Apotheosis (uh pahth we OH sis)Noun( , )Exaltation
E.X:I consider the apotheosis of my career to be when I received CEO of the

76. Appease (uh PEEZ)Verb( , )Calm, mitigate
E.X:If my Wife does something wrong, she will try to appease me by buying my
favorite flowers.
77. Appreciate (uh PREE shee ayt) verb( ,উ )Admire,
E.X:Her family doesn't appreciate her.
78. Apprehensive (ap ruh HEN siv)Adj( , উ ) Worried, Anxious
E.X:I am apprehensive that she may fall ill.
79. Approbation (ap ruh BAY shun) Noun( , ) Approval, Agreement
E.X:. Your child really wants your approbation.
80. Appropriate (uh PROH pree ayt)Adj,Barb( ,উ ) proper, suitable
E.X:Jeans are not appropriate for a formal party.

81. Aptitude (AP tuh tood) Noun( ) trend, tendency
E.X:She had no aptitude for nursing.
82. Arbiter (AHR buh tur)Noun( , ) moderator, judge
E.X:He acted as an arbiter.
83. Arbitrary (AHR buh trer ee)Adj( , ) capricious ,dictatorial
E.X:A good judge does not make arbitrary decisions.
84. Arcane (ahr KAYN)Adj( , ) mysterious, secret
E.X:. It is not exactly arcane knowledge.
85. Archaic (ahr KAY ik) Adj( , ) outdated ,ancient
E.X:The system is archaic and unfair and needs changing.

86. Archetype (AHR kuh type)Noun( , , )Type, Praxis
E.X:The United States is the archetype of a federal society.
87. Ardent (AHR dunt) Adj( , ,উৎ ) Burning, Eager, Glowing
E.X:All her life she was an ardent feminist.
88. Arduous (AHR koi us)Adj( , ) Tough ,Laborious, Hard, difficult
E.X:I devote myself heart and soul to the arduous task.
89. Aristocratic (uh ris tuh KRAT ik)Adj( , , ) Nobel ,High
Born, Honored, Patrician
E.X:Murad was born into an aristocratic family.
90. Artful (AHRT ful)Adj( , , )Clever, Tactful, Astute
E.X:He has shown himself to be an artful politician.

91. Artifice (AHRT uh fus)Noun( , , )Skill, Intelligence,
E.X:His remorse is just an artifice to gain sympathy.
92. Ascendancy (uh SEN dun see) Noun( , ,উ ) Authority ,Impact,
E.X:The opposition party was in the ascendancy.
93. Ascetic (uh SET ik)Adj( , , , )Solitary, Hallow,
E.X:They live a very ascetic life.
94. Assiduous (uh SIJ oc us)Adj( ,উ , ) Attentive,
Industrious, Hard working
E.X:Such assiduous attention has never been directed at this market before.
95. Assimilate (uh SIM uh layt) Verb( , , ) Imbibe
,Digest ,Tally Compare
E.X:The committee will need time to assimilate this report.
96. Assuage(uh SWAYJ)Verb( , , ,উ )Soothe
,Mitigate, Appease, Calm, Quiet, Relieve
E.X:Having friends by my side will assuage the worries of becoming a parent.
97. Astute (uh STOOT)Adj( , , , ) clever ,sensible, Tactful
E.X:It was a pretty astute deduction.
98. Attrition (uh TRISH un)Noun( , , )Decay,
Corrosion, Wasting
E.X:It was a war of attrition.
99. Audacity (aw DAS uh tee)Noun( , , , )Daring, Courage,
Bravery, Boldness
E.X:Sky - diving takes both audacity and skill.
100. Augment (awg MENT)Verb( ,উ )prolong ,aggravated
,develop ,Enhance, stimulate
E.X:He would have to find work to augment his income.

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B.S.S (Sociology)
Khulna University

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