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EEL Language practice Ar 1 Order the letters. Write the words to complete the sentences. rlusutcep aaclsdnpe otiaprtr atr layeglr uamrl Thereisastone sculpture __of a lion outside the library. We bought a of lakes and mountains. 1 2 3. John’s of his sister won the school art prize. 4 Class 6 went on a school trip to the 5 The children painted a beautiful on the classroom wall. 2. Match and write. 1 Themilkisfinished. (J a Tt’s going to rain. 2 Your bag looksheavy. (_] b He's going to fall asleep. 3 Lookat those clouds! (_] © Tllhelp you. 4 The baby's tired. C) d_T'll buy some more. 1 The milk is finished. fll buy some more 2 3 4 3 Look and write. 1 _He's catching the bus at nine o'clock. 2 Fatnily and Friends 6 (2*eai © Oxford University Press CET Language practice spor 1 Write and match. a J rugby rockclimbing ice skating caving mountaibtking skiing Pete repaired his bicycle for his_ mountain biking holiday. Tom's favourite team sport is Last winter we went on the frozen pond. 1 2 3 4 Mum bought new ropes for our trip. 5 down that mountain was very exciting!" said Dad. 6 Im not going because I'm scared of going under the ground. 2. Look and write. Use the second conditional. havea lotof money livin the mountains miss the bus if Mum had a lot of money, she'd put it in the bank. Fatnily and Friends 6 [2~eaiien] © Oxford University Press CEE Language practice Festivals 1 Match and write. Number the pictures. This soup is delicious 1 a Treally enjoyed it 2 The shops are deserted today, b May I have some more, please? 3. Tina used salt instead of sugar in the cake. (_} ¢ Iwas really bored, 4 That TV programme was awful. d. Where is everyone? 5 The play was amazing. That's why it tasted disgusting, This soup is delicious. May | have some more, please? 2. Order the words to make sentences. Match. 1 has / her /./ Mary / finished / book / just Mary has just finished her book 2 has /finished /. /The / already / film years /./a/ three / has / My / been / doctor / for / brother 4 watched / evening / yesterday /./ Harry /TV at/./ had / 8:00 /1/ breakfast o esterday /The / played /./ football / boys Fatnily and Friends 6 (2=Eatien] © Oxford University Press 7 hanguage practice Transport 1 Complete the sentences. 1A helicopter is arriving at the hospital. 2A isin the sky. 3 The is going to the beach 4 The is on the bridge. 5. There is a beautiful on the sea. 2. What have they been doing? Write. 1 They've been skateboarding 2 3 Complete the sentences. 1. She's been playing (play) the piano since _ she was five years old. 2 They (talk) on the telephone two hours! 31 (learn) French two years. 4 He (teach) English 2000. 5 You (watch) television 7 oclock. Fatnily and Friends 6 (2*eai © Oxford University Press Cay Language practice Inventions 1 Order the words to make sentences. 1. science / experiments /./ children / The / lessons / in / do The children do experiments in science lessons. 2 uncle /./ house / My / a /is/ build /to/ going 3 new/ Let's / uniform / design /./.a/ school 4 easier /./ Machines /lives / our / make 5 ./¥d/car/ flying / love / a / invent / to 2. Read and tick () or cross (x). Correct the mistakes. 3 Read and circle. 1. The horse is riding /\is being ridden for the first time, The children are listening / being listened to the teacher. The house is cleaned / is being cleaned at the moment. Sarah is using / being used the fax machine. wnwn The bike is repaired / being repaired right now. Fatnily and Friends 6 (2=Eatien] My car was repaired. My car is being repaired. His bedroom is painted. Oo ‘Our house is builtin the 1960s. (_] The biro was invented in 1938. (_] Anew hospital was being built. (_] © Oxford University Press EEG Language practice Computers 1 Circle the mistakes. Rewrite the sentences. 1 Remember to(attach)your computer when you've finished. Remember to log off your computer when you've finished. 2. I'm going to disconnect some new music. 3. Please connect a photo of you and your family to your email, 4 Tlearn a lot when I upload the Internet. 5 I'm going to download the photos to the school computer. 6 Remember to ask your parents before you attach. 2. Order the words to make sentences. Match. 1 cleaned / been /./ has / kitchen /The The kitchen has been cleaned. tidied /. / been /The / living / hasn't / room painted / The /hasn't/ door /./ been > peeled / have /./The / been / potatoes have /The / carrots /./ chopped / been o -/ been / A/ plate / broken / has Fatnily and Friends 6 (2"tation © Oxford University Press G7 tanguage practice Exploration 1 Look and write. Oscar is looking at a ! map He's got ? ‘around his neck, anda? iin his hand. The map says: First walk three squares ‘ Then go five squares § You will find the ‘ in square GS. There is a lake to the? of the treasure and mountains to the * of the treasure, 2 Match and write. 1. Thisis the doctor 2 An archaeologist is a person 3 Lions and cheetahs are big cats 4 She's the girl 5 There's the place who won the race, that I went to on holiday, who is interested in old buildings. which live in Africa. 00008 who looked after me. 1 This is the doctor who looked after me. 2 3 4 5 3 Write. journalist tourist explorer novells painter 1 Jane loves books and wants to bea novelist 2 The buried a time capsule at the top of the mountain. 3 The was working on a mural for the art gallery, 4 My cousin isa for “The New Times” newspaper. 5 The was very excited to see the Taj Mahal Fatnily and Friends 6 (2"tation © Oxford University Press Language practice Mystery 1 Circle the mistakes. Rewrite the sentences. 1. The library was built on thelartefact of a very old town. The library was built on the site of a very old town 2 Llove my job. I learn many new things. Itis strange. 3. I'm sure I'm right. I've found lots of investigation, 4 We don't know the answer. It is very fascinating 5 The police are doing an evidence into the theft. 2. Look and write. do homework finish school apoem watcha film He cleaned his teeth after_he had eaten his breakfast He played football after . He went swimming after He painted a picture after . He went to bed after wnuna 3 Complete the sentences. not bring /his coat notremembersherbirthday not tell /them 1. Simon's mother was disappointed because he_hadn’t remembered her birthday . 2. Karl's parents were angry because he where he was going. 3. Tom was very cold because he Fatnily and Friends 6 (2"tation © Oxford University Press CE Language practice survival 1 Where are the explorer's items? Look and write. Use under, on and next to. The whistle is under the map. 1 2 3 4 5 6 2. Look and write. Use must and mustn't. 1 _You mustn't run. Dk mss N 3 Look. Write the teacher's advice. Use should and shouldn't. 1 _You shouldn't bring any monet Fatnily and Friends 6 [2~eaiien] © Oxford University Press CERI tanguage practice Around the world 1 Order the words to make sentences. aia.) 1 Brazil /. / Portuguese /is / official / of / language / The The official language of Brazil is Portuguese. fluent / sister /. / Portuguese / My /in /is Spanish /./in/ Dad / and /is / English / bilingual S accent / an / with / French / speaks /./ Grandma / English 5 ./four/ because / My / speaks / aunt /is / languages / multilingual / she 6 her/and / Sadie / English / England /./ was / born / in / mother / is / tongue 2 Look and write. (ah

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