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Childcare (i) /ˈtʃaɪldkeə(r)/ 'professional care of children, especially while parents are at work'. Organizing childcare for three small children is
difficult. [ES cuidado infantil]

Childhood (n.) /ˈtʃɑɪld·hʊd/ The time when someone is a child. She admitted she had a terrible childhood. [ES infancia]
Chin /tʃɪn/ 'The bottom part of your face, below your mouth' His beard completely covers his chin. [ES barbilla]
Choice (n.) /tʃɔɪs/ 'An act or the possibility of choosing'. If the product doesn't work, you are given the choice of a refund or a replacement. [ES


CHURCH (i) /tʃɜːtʃ/ "A building for Christian religious activities"I found her kneeling in prayer at the back of the church”´I found her kneeling in prayer at the back of the church´ [ES iglesia]


cinema /ˈsɪnɪmɑː/ 'motion pictures, as an art or industry' .The cinema was her life. [ES cine ]

r ə
Circulation (n) [ˌs3ː kjʊˈleɪʃ n] 1. blood flow around body. The doctor said she had poor circulation. [ES circulación]. 2. distribution of a publication. Newspaper circulation has gone
down sharply thanks to the internet. [ES tirada]. 3. number of copies bought. The magazine's circulation has decreased to 5,000 copies per month. [ES circulación]. 4. money,
currency: use. The 50-cent piece has been out of circulation for some time. [ES circulación].

Claim(verb.) /kleɪm/ 'to say that something is true or is a fact, although you cannot prove it and other people might not believe it'. The company
claims that it is not responsible for the pollution in the river. [ES reclamar/afirmar]

Classic (adj.) /ˈ
1. Judged over a period of time to be of the highest quality and outstanding of its kind. A classic novel.
1.1. (of a garment or design) of a simple, elegant style not greatly subject to changes in fashion. This classic navy blazer.
2. Very typical of its kind. Hamlet is the classic example of a tragedy.
[ES clásico]

Classmate : noun /ˈklɑːsmeɪt/ a fellow member of a class at school, college, or university. [ ES : 1.compañero de clase / 2.condiscípulo]

Clause (n) /klɔːz/
1. A unit of grammatical organization next below the sentence in rank and in traditional grammar said to consist of a subject and predicate.'In each
sentence above, two clauses are linked by clause-chaining without conjunctions.'[ ES Oración, cláusula]
2. A particular and separate article, stipulation, or proviso in a treaty, bill, or contract.'Contracts often have choice-of-law clauses, specifying the law
to be applied.' [ES condición ]


Clothing (n.)/ˈ
kləʊðɪŋ/.`Clothes collectively.'Bring warm clothing and waterproofs [ES prendas de vestir]

club /klʌb/ 1. An association dedicated to a particular interest or activity. 'I belong to a photographic club'. [ES club]
2. ''
A nightclub playing fashionable dance music. They were dancing at the club all night [ES discoteca] '.

clue(noun)/kluː/ 'a piece of evidence or information used in the detection of a crime' Police officers are still searching for clues [ES pista]

Coach (n.) /kəʊtʃ/ An instructor or trainer in sport. 'A football coach' [ES entrenador]


coarse (adj.) /ˈkɔːrs/ "lacking in delicacy of texture''. The carpet was so coarse that nobody wanted to buy it. [ES áspero]

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