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consequence(noun)/ˈkɒnsɪkw(ə)ns/ 'a result or effect, typically one that is unwelcomed or unpleasant'. Abrup withdrawal of drug treatment can have
serious consequences. [ES consecuencia]

Consultant (n.) /kənˈsʌlt nt/ 'A person who provides expert advice professionally'. The consultants provide advice on how to energise the crystals and place the
objects. [ES asesor/a]

Container (n.) /kənˈ
teɪnə(r)/. 'A box, bottle, etc. in which something can be stored or transported.' Food will last longer if kept in an airtight container. [ES envase]
Contents (n) /ˈkɒntɛnt/ 'The things that are held or included in something.' When I do, I already know exactly what I'm looking for and can scan
the contents of a shop quickly. [ES contenidos]

Contract (n.)/[ˈkɒntrækt]/ 'A written or spoken agreement, especially one concerning employment, sales, or tenancy, that is intended to be enforceable
by law'. 'He has just signed a contract keeping him with the club'. [ES contrato]

Contribution (n) /ˌ
bjuː·ʃən/: 1. 'An amount of money that is given to help pay for something'. A generous contribution to charity.
[ES aportación]. 2. 'The act of contributing'.
We can only raise the cost of this activity by voluntary contribution.
[ES contribución]. 3. 'Something contributed, especially money'. Would you like to make a contribution to this
charity?[ES contribución, donativo (dinero), aportación, colaboración].

Cool off
COOL OFF (phr. verb) /ˈkuːlˌɒf/ 1. "to become cool or cooler” We cooled off with a swim in the lake. [ ES resfrescarse ] 2. "To become calm, less excited or less enthusiastic” I think
you should wait until she's cooled down a little. [ ES calmarse]

Corner shop
Cornershop (n) /ˈkɔː.nə ˌʃɒp/ small local store. I went to the corner shop to buy some milk. [ES almacén, tienda de barrio]

r ə
Corporation (n.) [ˌkɔː pəˈreɪʃ n] A large company or group of companies authorized to act as a single entity and recognized as such in law. 'the Cardiff Bay Development Corporation'
[ES corporación, compañía]

Costumer(n.) /kɒsˈtjuːm.ər/ A person who makes and rents out costumes, especially for use in a theatre. She was a noted costumier for the stage
and films.
[ES fabricante de disfraces]

Cottage (n); [ˈkɒtɪdʒ]; a small house or a modest vacation house, as at a lake or mountain resort ;That summer, Jordan lived in a cottage by the lake; (cabaña, casa de campo).

Council (n.) /ˈkaʊns l/'An advisory, deliberative, or administrative body of people formally constituted and meeting regularly'. A report was given on the council meeting which was
attended by two members of the guild. [ES consejo]

Countable (adj) /ˈ
kaʊntəbəl/: 1. 'Capable of being numbered'. Millionths of a second are countable only on very complicated instruments. [ES calculable]. 2. '(also count) (linguistics)
(opposite uncountable) (of a noun) capable of forming a plural and using the definite or indefinite article'. Table is a count(able) noun, but milk is an uncountable noun. [ES contable].


counter (n.) /ˈkaʊntər/ 'a table or surface on which goods can be shown'. After the robbery, the counter was empty. [ES mostrador]


Country (n.) /ˈkʌntri/ 1. 'A state or nation'. Spain is my favourite country. [ES país]

Countryside (n)/ˈkʌn.tri.saɪd / ' land not in towns, citiesor industrialareas, that is either used for farming or left in itsnaturalcondition'. The
countryside around there is beautiful. [ES campo, zona rural]

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