ALP - BASIC 7 - Final

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A*Hi Jordan, how are you? I don’t know anything about you.

B* I´m a little tired, thanks. How is it going?

A* I´m very happy. I found a new job.
B* Congratulations, do you want to go to dinner tomorrow?
A* Yes, of course.
B* Ok, see you tomorrow in Matria Restaurant.
A* See you! Bye.
B* Next day
A* Calling: Hi Jordan
B* Hi Rosalia, in ten minutes see you at the restaurant.
A* Ok, not problem. But I forgot the address. Can you tell me how to get there?
B* Yes, the Matria restaurant it´s on Madison Avenue. Go straight two blocks on fifth avenue and turn
left on eighth avenue, then go straight middle block. It´s across from Hell’s kitchen.
A* Ok, Thank you so much.
B* Your welcome.
A*Minutes later…
A* Hi Jordan, I was on time. How are you doing in your classes?
B* Hi Rosalia, I´m very exhausted, because I finish university the next month and I have many study
A*I understand you. How often do you study?
B* I study four times a week.
A* your days are busy, but you will soon finish university.
B* Yes.
A* What do you want to do after graduation?
B* Well, after graduation I want to Travel to Brasil. I need to relax.
A* That´s great!
B* How about you?
A* I will start working in the finance team of IBM.
B* That right! It is a good company.
A* Yes, I prepared a lot for the interview and finally got the job.
B* The job market is very competitive.
A* Yes, but we have to reach our goals.
B* It is correct. What do you want to do next year?
A* Well, next year I want to learn to drive and then buy a car.
B* Excellent. ¿Do you like read books?
A* Yes, I like to read finance books.
B* ¿How often do you read finance books?
A* I read finance books two times a week.
B* ¿Would you like to go to the library tomorrow??
A* Sorry, I´m going to visit my partners.
B* Perfect!
A* ¿Are you ready to order dinner?
B* Yes, I am hungry.
A* Me too.

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