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Answers Literature Spot 1 4º

Ex. 1

1. (born in Scotland) France, Belgium, USA (California), England, Samoa.

2. because the weather was good for his health.

3. personal struggle between good and evil - scientific experimentation can achieve almost anything but needs to be
done with great care.

Ex. 2 5. T

1. T 6. F

2. F 7. T

3. T 8. T

4. F

Ex. 3

1. because they were the same person.

2. because the servants should have been doing their work and in their own part of the house.

3. his master died/ was murdered

4. the mixture of drugs that Dr Jekyll created

5. because the mixture made the body smaller

6. dead in the study

7. the drugs began to have unpredictable effects.

8. because he knew that he would become Hyde very soon.

EX 4

1. honourable

2. height

3. unknown

4. unpredictable

5. refusal

6. disappearance

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