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Semester _Fall 2019_

Name ____Anna Loes________________

Site _________Live Like Jack_________

Center for Experiential Learning Internship Experience,
L. EXP-294 Loras College
Portfolio for Academic Credit

Internship Portfolios provide students with a summation of their experience. They allow the student to take a
reflective view of where they started, how their internship helped them to learn & develop new skills, and
demonstrate how it might support the next steps in their educational & professional careers. The Portfolio is the
culmination of those experiences with an emphasis on learning and expanding the professional skill set.

In order to receive a Passing grade* for a Credit-bearing Internship, students must complete the following
documents/assignments and submit them within this portfolio:

1) Title Page – Name, Loras College, Semester of Internship, Name of Internship Site
2) Copy of Job Description as provided by the supervising site
3) Copy of Cover Letter/Letter of Application from student to Site Supervisor
4) Completed Learning Plan (Template is included)
5) Reflective Journal Questions & Responses as submitted weekly on eLearn
6) Midterm Exploration (as submitted on eLearn) - For students seeking 3+ credits
7) Executive Summary – Review the chaper titled, “Communication-Written” and write 2 to 4 pages
reflecting upon your experience. Consider the following:
a) New & 2nd Quarter - What did you do? What did you learn? Why did it matter? Revisit your Learning
Plan and address your progress or where you fell short of your expectations.
b) Repeat – Internship Experience & the Loras College Mission: Breifly describe your internship
experience/tasks and expand on how this experience connected to the Loras College Mission. Revisit
your Learning Plan and address your progress or where you fell short of your expectations.
8) Updated Resume – Read the chapters titled, “Translating Experiences for Employers” and “Personal
Branding & Transitioning to Employment” and update your resume to reflect this internship experience.

See agenda and eLearn page for due dates

* While a “P” does not affect the GPA, a failing grade for the internship “F”, will be calculated into the GPA

Anna Loes



Live Like Jack

Community Work Study Intern


Community Work Study Intern

Job Description: The Live Like Jack intern will play an essential role in helping with all LLJ projects. Jobs will
range from creating, planning and executing current projects, along with keeping up with social media outlets
and possible grants. Interns will support our biggest project starting in October our Thanksgiving Blessing
Bags. Interns will focus on sorting, bagging and delivery, along with creating spreadsheets, and making
connections with the families in need.
Our intern will be willing to take some of our current projects to the next level, with the ambition to create and
build a new project within the organization. Additionally, our intern will help to prepare for our children’s grief
support groups which are held 3 times a month. An intern would help to prepare and make sure everything is
ready to go for the facilitators before each session

We are looking for a student who is focused, driven, and compassionate and will adhere to the mission of Live
Like Jack. Strengthening community by giving back, fostering kindness, and providing support to those in need.

Students in the Social Work, Psychology, and Business fields are particularly encouraged to apply.

Hello Ms. Angie Hohmann,

My name is Anna Loes, I am a sophomore at Loras College, majoring in Psychology and Criminal Justice. I am seeking to
enroll with Ms. Jennifer Weber’s internship class.  Students are required to volunteer 50-150+ hours this fall in our
community while doing course work for class. In reviewing Live Like Jacks open positions, I  am interested in your
Community Work Study Intern position. Additionally, Bobbi Martin felt I would be a good fit as your mission aligns with
my passions.
Please accept this email as my letter of application for volunteering this fall with Live Like Jack.  I hope you still have
need for a hard working intern this fall.  I am a full time student and also work-study eligible.
I hope to hear back from you soon.  
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Anna Loes
Class of 2022
Psychology and Criminal Justice
Breitbach Catholic Thinkers and Leaders
CORE Team Secretary

This should be a revisited &/or revised Learning Plan based on your initial plan submitted at the beginning of your

Please answer the following questions:

 Identify two job/career objectives or skills this internship will help the student develop.
1. Goal/Objective: Provide more than 700 Thanksgiving Blessing Bags to families in need.

Means: Ask for donations, coordinate volunteers, etc.

Assessment: Done periodically by supervisor

2. Goal/Objective: Help organize the Healing Hearts Support Group and potentially lead one at
the end of the semester

Means: Observe the support group, begin preparing and planning the agenda, assit in leading,
then lead on own

Assessment: Done by supervisor periodically

 Supervisor goals (What does the supervisor want the intern to learn/accomplish?)

Aid in the Thanksgiving Blessing Bags, coordinating volunteers, potentially recreating the Live Like Jack Newsletter.

 Supervisor expectations (What does the supervisor expect from the student?)
A positive attitude each day the student walks into the office, good time management skills, the ability to work alone and
be productive, and having an open mind and heart to the people in the community the student will encounter in this

 How will the intern be a successful part of the organization?

o Begin with observation and guidance, then transition into checking in with the student to make sure tasks
are being completed and goals are being met, and finally allowing the student to work alongside the




Loras College
Fall/Spring Internships

Journal Entries/Critical Reflection

Reflection should be a deliberate and regular habit during your experience. Although reflection and recording
can overlap in some ways, they are different. The primary purpose of reflection is to evaluate what you are
learning and how you are growing. “Reflection is a fundamental concept in experiential learning. In order to
turn your experience into learning you need to stop, recall events, analyze and process them” (Sweitzer 9).

The journal question prompts relate to assigned readings from InternQube by Michael True
True, Michael. InternQube: Professional Skills for the Workplace. INTRUEITION, LLC, 2018

The first half of the semester will be focused on your growth as an employee through your role as an
The second half of the semester will focus on reflection and evaluation of fit with the organization, the
industry, and your chosen field of study & work.

1. Put your name on the cover of this journal.
2. Provide Dates for each week. Provide the TOTAL hours ONLY for that week.
3. Answer each question directly within this document. This means that each week your journal
submission will contain the most recent response and all previous weeks as well.
4. For each Drop Box submission, you will need to delete the previous week’s submission in order to
add the most up-to-date journal.
5. Weekly journals are due to the Drop Box on eLearn by 11:00pm Sunday night.

On-going catalog of tasks accomplished. This is where you should write key words of the tasks,
responsibilities, trainings, etc. that you take on during your time at your internship. This list will serve as
a reminder to you when you update your resume & interview for your next internship or job.

Date Task Knowledge Gained

9/11/19 Donor Data Entry “

Journal Questions

Week 1 Date ____9/8-9/14_________________ Total Hours ____6.75 hours_____________

The “onboarding” for your internship should include time spent learning about the organization – its mission,
structure, & expectations. Read the chapters titled, “What Employers Want...Organizational Culture…&…
First Impressions” – pg33-42 and answer the following:
1. Of the 10 skills listed on page 33, which do you feel you bring to this internship and which do you feel
you will need to develop in order to be successful? Elaborate.
a. I feel I bring the skills of complex problem solving, critical thinking, people management,
creativity, cognitive flexibility, and coordinating with others. Between my previous jobs of
waitressing to being a fair gate worker to a nursing home craft aide, I have developed a lot of
different people skills. My waitressing job, though, has taught me a lot of coordination with
others and people management skills, as customers are sometimes not the most fun to work with.
My academic background brings out my more analytical side, as I have always excelled in the
classroom. The skills of complex problems solving and critical thinking benefit from my
academic excellence. My creativity spawns from my craft job, as new ideas needed to benefit the
residents without being too easy. Cognitive flexibility has been a skill, for me, that has constantly
been developing as I have aged.
b. The skills I need to develop in order to be successful are emotional intelligence, decision
making, service orientation, and negotiation. A lot of these skills are not ones I have had to use
in my previous job experience. This internship will definitely help me improve my emotional
intelligence and service orientation within the grief support group sessions I will be attending as
well as meeting families and volunteers around the time of the Thanksgiving Blessing Bags. My
decision making skill is not necessarily a weak skill, but within different jobs, the decisions that
need to be made are always different, so I will need to adjust to new situations. My negotiation
skill is not one I have ever really used before, and while it is not one I will likely be working on
within the position I am in, I will need to develop it more to become successful in the future.
2. Choose one of the components in the section, “Organizational Culture” and respond to the questions
a. I chose to respond to the Atmosphere section. The people who I work with a very relaxed and
happy with their job. We are able to talk about things other than work pretty easily and are
never super stressed out when working. There is definitely an atmosphere of trust in the
workplace, as I have only been there a couple weeks and have already been given my own key to
the office.
3. Think back to when you met your supervisor. What type of impression do you think you made on
him/her? What was your first impression of him/her?
a. I hope I made a laid-back but driven personality. I am looking to get the work done that needs to
be completed by also hoping that we can have some fun while doing it. I know the cause the non-
profit is important to my supervisor, so I made sure to let them know I was dedicated to
continuing the success of it. My impression was that she would greatly benefit from an intern, as
it appeared she did a majority of the work on her own, which is incredible. She seemed like an
individual I could see myself getting along with very well and I was excited to accept the
internship and begin our journey of working together.

Week 2 Date ____9/15-9/21____________ Total Hours _____12.75 hours____________

By now you are probably getting a sense of your internship supervisor(s) and colleagues. Just like as you
developed friendships, work relationships build based on getting to know how the other person works, what
makes them “tick,” how do you connect? Read “Understanding and Working with Your Supervisor…Variety is
the Spice of Life… and Teamwork” – pg 46-54 and reflect on the following:
1. What is your supervisor’s role within the organization and what will you need to understand about
a. My supervisor runs the non-profit I am interning at. I am not sure about a lot of the things I am
working on, so she will be my guide until I have an idea of how things work in the office,
especially with coordinating the Blessing Bags when it gets closer to Thanksgiving. I also we
work alongside her when we facilitate grief support groups for children.
2. How does your personality &/or work style differ from someone in the organization and how will you
make that “work?”
a. I think when it comes to a lot of people in general, I like to be very serious when I know work
needs to be done. I love to have fun and joke around as much as the next guy, but when it comes
to work being done, I like to be serious and get the work done. This differs a bit from the way
my superior jokes around, as I don’t really like to joke around when grinding work out. It isn’t a
large issue within the organization, though, and is pretty easy to overcome by just
acknowledging the humour and returning to the work.
3. What is one way you will be working as a part of a ‘team?’
a. I will be working with another intern to organize all of the volunteers for the Blessing Bags. That
will be an important time in the office because we will be coordinating hundreds of volunteer
and hundreds of Blessing Bags. We will also be working as a team with the volunteers to ensure
all of the bags are delivered to every family when they are expected.

Week 3 Date ______9/22-9/28_______________ Total Hours _____5.75 hours___________

In consideration of continuing to make a good impression, read the chapters titled, “Email Etiquette…Phone
Etiquette…Professional Card” on pages 55-61 and “What to Do When You Make Mistakes” &“Common
Courtesy” on pgs 100-105.
Choose 1of the following options:
1. Send me an email asking me to attend a fictitious meeting. (at the top of the email make note that the
email is in response to journal entry for week 3)
2. Call me and leave a message asking me to attend a fictitious event. Be sure that either the beginning or
ending statement identifies that the call is for the week 3 reflection.
3. Make a business card reflecting your internship position and post it here:

Week 4 Date _________9/29-10-5____________ Total Hours _____10 hours____________

Read the 2 chapters on the topic of Networking – pg 62-66.
1. Name 1 person (not an intern) you have met at the organization and 1 interesting fact about him/her.
a. At Live Like Jack, my boss is Angie Hohmann. She works a separate job outside of Live Like
Jack, which she really enjoys. She also has 3 children.
2. Name 1 person you have met outside of, but in connection with, the organization and 1 interesting fact
about him/her.
a. Through Live Like Jack, I have met Josh Jasper, who works at Resources Unite and partners a
lot with Live Like Jack. They help us with funds, events, and getting people signed up for the
Thanksgiving Blessing Bags. One thing I’ve learned about him, besides that he loves to have a
conversation, is that he used to want to go into law enforcement.

Week 5 Date ______10-6/10-12_______________ Total Hours _______10 hours__________

Communication happens at ALL times. Our words, body language, even our lack of communication - sends a
message. Read “Communication –Oral” & “Communication-Written” on pages 67-76. Consider either a
speech you heard or a communication you read within your organization. Based on the information in these 2
chapters, critique the communication piece.
At Live Like Jack, we make a lot of Facebook posts to the public to let them know what is going on in
the organization, when sign up dates are happening, when events occur, and what we need help with. They
aren’t the longest and most gut-wrenching posts, but they get information out to the public very quickly and
efficiently. In evaluating the post we created to let people know our Blessing Bag season was up and running
again, we addressed all of the important Who, What, Where, etc questions, as well as used proper grammar,
word choice, and punctuation. It also summarized the purpose of the Blessing Bags and how people could get
involved very well and efficiently.

Week 6 Date ___10/13-10/19__________________ Total Hours ________12.50 hours_________

No matter what field of study or work you do, tapping into “Creativity” and participating in “Deep Work” are
ways to exhibit “Critical Thinking/Problem Solving” and be intentional in your pursuit of excellence. Read
pages 87-93 and 110-111. Consider a problem or challenge from your internship. Participate in one of the
activities on page 88-89, put yourself in a state of ‘deep work’; what solution(s) do you see? Now use the steps
on pages 110 & 111 to examine that same issue/problem; any new ideas come to mind?
With the Blessing Bag season being in full swing, I have to make a lot of phone calls to people who
have received one before to see if they would like to receive one again this year. This year, it’s a couple
hundred phone calls that have to be made, which can seem a bit overwhelming. To keep myself focused on the
crazy amount of calls that need to be made but also relieve a bit of the stress, I like to play some instrumental
music in the background. Playing music that doesn’t contain any words won’t distract me from the calls that
need to be made but will in turn keep me focused on the tasks I need to complete. There isn’t a particular
problem in this situation other than having an enormous list of calls to make, so I usually stand up and stretch
when I get to the end of a page to make sure I’m not getting too tired and irritated with the work.

Week 7 Date ______10/20-10/26_______________ Total Hours _______12 hours__________

Now look at ways to be more methodical in your approach to work tasks. The chapters titled, “Systems
Thinking” & “The Value of Checklists” on pages 94-99 help to make the abstract more tangible.
Make a chart of your “systems” – including those of intern and student. Then use the guidelines on page 98 to
create a list of things you need to consider as mid-terms approach.
I use a few different places to keep track of my tasks as both an intern and student. As a student, I use
my phone calendar, Outlook calendar, a planner, and a checklist of my assignments for up to 2 weeks at a time
so I know what assignments are coming up that might take up a bit more of my time. For my internship, I use
both my phone and Outlook calendar along with a checklist to know what needs to be accomplished. I like to
write out everything that needs to be done so that I know I made the list. To make sure I keep track of dates, I
put them into two calendars to make sure I have the correct time and date.

Week 8 Date _____10/27-11/2________________ Total Hours ____11.50 hours_____________

We’re at the midterm point. It’s time to evaluate where you are in the pursuit of your Initial Learning Plan
objectives and in your own state of well-being.
1. Read the chapter titled, “Lifestyle” on page 106. How’s your life balance at this point? Of the areas
listed, which is in need of some attention? Consider adding “Faith” to that list.
a. Currently, my life balance is pretty good. I eat well and get enough sleep on the weeknights. The
only thing I would say I need to improve on is exercise. I haven’t been exercising since I
graduated high school due to some nagging injuries and health issues. Exercise is something I
would like to get back into so I am going to work toward finding free time in my schedule to
include exercise at least a few times a week.
2. Revisit your Initial Learning Plan. Summarize your progress towards your objectives.
a. In regard to my Initial Learning Plan, I have been accomplishing a lot the goals we discussed at
the beginning of the semester. We had another intern come onto the term since I had been hired,
so we ended up splitting a lot of the duties that were supposed to be mine. I now focus mostly on
the data part of the job and on the Blessing Bags. The other intern does the support group things
and the newsletter as well as running the social media side of the job. Asking for donations and
volunteers will be more popular as we get closer to the delivery dates but coordinating
everything else has been a very smooth process.

Week 9 Date ______11/3-11/9_______________ Total Hours _______13 hours__________

What connections would you draw between your academic learning, professional goals, & and your work at
this organization? How does this organization and the work they do lend itself to your personal responsibility
to serving others and the community?
Balancing the responsibilities of this internship along with my responsibilities as a student has taught me
a lot of time management skills, which will be very beneficial in my future career. While in the future I likely
won’t be balancing school and a career, I will be balancing a career and a social life, and knowing that both are
important and need time will be beneficial. Since this organization is a non-profit and focuses only on serving
others and the community, I have learned how vital it is to serve those in your community who need assistance.
It has been really eye opening to see how many people in the Dubuque community struggle with putting food
on the table, especially for a holiday like Thanksgiving. To be able to give these people a meal so that they can
have a normal day without stressing has been so rewarding.

Week 10 Date ______11/10-11/16_______________ Total Hours ______12.5 hours___________

What does this experience point out to you about your own attitudes, biases, or preferences? How does this
internship fit with your values?
This internship didn’t really show my anything about my biases, as I was working with families who
were in need of food for many different reasons. This is something that I am used to experiencing, as I have
served many Thanksgiving meals in my hometown before and also have family members who experience needs
similar to those I was working with while on the job. This internship fits my values as I have always appreciated
people who do work for people who need it most. In the upcoming year, I will be going on two service trips to
help people in need, which is something I find very important and fulfilling. This internship fit right alongside
those values for me.

Week 11 Date ______11/17-11/23_______________ Total Hours ______28.75 hours___________

When reflecting on your work environment, what are two things you would keep and two things you would
change about your work place? How would you effectively & ethically implement those changes?
Two things I would keep about the workplace are the location and the proximity of our partner
location. The location wasn’t too far from campus for me and is located centrally in uptown Dubuque so that
people could get to it easily. Our partner location, Resources Unite, was located in the next building, which was
helpful in getting the list of people who were in need of food out and letting people know they could sign up for
Blessing Bags quicker.
Two things I would change were the size of the office and the proximity of where we stored everything
for the Blessing Bags. The office was really only big enough for one person, so myself and the other intern
spent most of our time doing work in the conference room located in the building. There were a few times we
even had to use the lobby area if there were meetings that needed to take place in the conference room. The
location where we stored our food, Kunkel and Associates, was located quite a way away from the location of
the building. With the large amount of trips we needed to make to get all our donations out there, it ate up quite
a bit of gas and time throughout my hours.

Week 12 Date ________11/24-11/30_____________ Total Hours ______4 hours___________

What are you learning about yourself in terms of communication style, adaptability, and leadership style? How
do these qualities/skills impact others in your work environment?
This internship involved a lot of adaptability, especially last week. I had to use a lot of my free time to
get things done and take on the bulk of the work within the non-profit. That also helped me build my leadership
characteristics and confidence, as I needed to basically run the non-profit to keep the Blessing Bag mission
afloat and ensure that it was successful. These abilities have impacted people in the environment positively due
to my desire for the Blessing Bags to be a success. I even had people not in our organization praise me for the
success of the Blessing Bags, which helped make all the hard work I put in truly feel like it paid off.

Week 13 Date _______12/1-12/7______________ Total Hours _______11 hours__________

How has or hasn’t this experience met your expectations? Has it confirmed or challenged your choice of major
& profession? How so?
This experience has met my expectations because it was so incredible to see the number of people we
were able to help with just one simple project. It wasn’t what I expected because a lot of the workload ended up
being put on us interns and we had to make a lot of decisions that interns wouldn’t typically make. While I did
enjoy the internship, I wouldn’t work in an area like this full time as my future job because it’s not an area I’m
100% interested in. It does not align with my majors but it does align with my values.

Week 14 Date _______12/8-12/14______________ Total Hours ______2 hours___________

Read the chapters titled, “Experience A Mid-Life Crisis Now!” on page 112.
Continue to evaluate your passion, interests, & gifts. Respond to the 3 questions on page 110.
1. In regard to my passions, I’ve discovered recently that I really love animals and the elderly, neither of which
I really worked with through this internship and neither of which I will work with when I decide a career path. I
want my passions to fall under my hobbies more-so than my career so that I am always enjoying those things
and never getting burnt out.
2. My interests are figuring out challenging puzzles and understanding the “whys” of situations. I didn’t
directly do either of this with this internship, although there were tasks that needed to be figured out, but my
career path will allow me to pursue both of these interests.
3. Finally, my gifts include being able to have a conversation with almost anyone and loving people very
well. I got to directly do both of these at this internship because I had to make a lot of phone calls and interact
with quite a few people to be successful.
Read the chapter, “Ending Well” on page 116. What is your current status on the “do’s and don’ts”?
I was able to achieve quite a few of the goals my boss and I had intended on achieving throughout the
duration of my internship. There were a couple things I personally was not able to do, but once another intern
was on board, she was able to accomplish the things that I was unable to devote time to. There were some
things throughout the internship that I wished had gone a bit smoother or better, but overall I managed to
accomplish everything my boss and I discussed to the best of my ability.

Week 15 Date _______N/A______________ Total Hours ________0_________

As you reflect on the totality of your experience, what skills do you hope to further develop? How can you use
those skills to pursue your career goals while also making a positive contribution to society?
I hope to further develop my ability to recognize the needs of others and evaluate how to best help them.
I hope to further develop my skills in speaking with others, especially over the phone. This internship helped me
realize the true need in the people in the community around me and how I can use my skills, abilities, and
talents to help them in any way that I can.

New - Summary Essay

Repeat – Internship Experience & the Loras College Mission

At the beginning of the semester, I didn’t really know where I would end up working and even if I

would enjoy the experience. All of the places I had been looking at on campus were filled with returning

students and I wasn’t expecting the possibility of having community work study to even work out for me. When

I was presenting with the opportunity of finding work off campus and in an area I would likely enjoy, I jumped

right on it.

I ended up working at an organization called Live Like Jack. This is a nonprofit started by two adults

who suffered the loss of their son, Jackson, when he was eight years old from a very sudden illness. To use their

grief in a positive way, they created the nonprofit to have a place for other children to come when they

experience sudden losses. They also perform what they called “Live Like Jack Acts” around the community to

remind others to spread love, happiness, and kindess to everyone they encounter. These can be simple or large

acts. Their bigger programs they are known for are the Be A Friend walk they have annually as well as their

annual Thanksgiving Blessing Bags to families in need around the time of Thanksgiving.

At the beginning of my time at the internship, the goal was to come to group therapy sessions with

children in the support groups, try and revive the newsletter that was sent to people in the community about

Live Like Jack, and help with organizing volunteers and the people in need of Blessing Bags. At first, I thought

these would all be very manageable tasks. I quickly realized the amount of time that needed to be dedicated to

just the Blessing Bags themselves and used most of my weekly hours coordinating the responsibilities that

entailed. Due to other groups I was involved in on campus, I was unable to attend any of the grief support

groups sessions, as I had other meetings that met at the same time the required my attention. Also, due to the

amount of time I needed to spend focusing on the Blessing Bags, I was unable to ever get a chance to work on

the newsletter. I was very thankful when another intern started working alongside me and was able to complete

the tasks I was unable to do due to the amount of work I was putting in to the Blessing Bags.
Through this internship, I learned just how prominent the issue of food insecurity is, especially in a

city the size of Dubuque. I knew that food insecurity was an issue in a larger city like Chicago, but in a city the

size of Dubuque I wasn’t certain how many people were actually in need of food. It first, taught me to

appreciate the fact that I was never worried about where my next meal was coming from, which is definitely

something I have taken for granted. Second, it helped me realize how much I could help people, even by doing

one simple thing. While the Blessing Bags may not have seemed like a huge deal to me or the other volunteers,

it was impacting the people we helped a lot. They didn’t have to worry about providing food to their family on

one of the biggest food centered holidays of the year. Finally, it taught me that social issues occur everywhere,

not just in big cities, and that a lot more people suffer from them than we realize. Dubuque is just a fraction of

the size of the city of Chicago and so many people there suffer from food insecurity. Even though Dubuque is

not as big, the issue of food insecurity is still prominent.

There were a few areas in my internship I came up short. I was unable to attend group sessions, which

means I was unable to lead one myself. I also did not manage to create the newsletter. However, I did receive

the aide of a second intern about a month into my internship and she was able to complete the tasks that I wasn’t

able to. I am very grateful for the aide she was able to provide to the nonprofit, as if lifted a bit of the heavy

responsibility load from my shoulder.

If I were given the option to return to this internship, I think I would respectfully decline the

opportunity. In a way, it felt as though I was running the nonprofit at time, and I can’t say I enjoyed it very

much. There were days where I was the only one in the office for the duration of my hours and had to commit a

lot of time outside my hours to completing tasks that my boss could not because of her other jobs and

responsibilities. There was also a week where I put in almost 30 hours of work and did not see my boss at any

point during that. It felt like almost too much responsibility was given to me, and while I don’t shy away from

responsibility, it was hard to have a social life at college and be able to engage in activities other than my

internship at times. I am very grateful for the experience at Live Like Jack and it has opened my eyes to a lot of
issues around Dubuque. It also taught me a lot about myself. I look forward to finding more opportunities in

the future to expose myself to this type of work.


Anna Louise Loes        

Current Address:
705 Park Drive
Monticello, IA 52310

Loras Address:
Rohlman 329
Mail #780 

Monticello High School
Graduation: May 2018
GPA (4.0 scale): 3.961

Coordinating Skills
 Honest, loyal, and dedicated
 Organized with good time management skills
 Social, people-orientated, and good communicator
 Work well with Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Outlook Email and Excel along with various forms of
social media

Leadership Experience
 Various Positions of Leadership throughout High School in several clubs, teams, and organizations
 Breitbach Catholic Thinkers and Leaders Program Member
 Discovery Retreats Small Group, Skit, and Panel Member
 Spiritual Life Overnight Organizer/Leader
 Antioch Chapel Team Member
 CORE Secretary (2019) and Vice President (2020)
 DuDawgs Secretary 2019-2020
 Catholic Youth Camp Counselor

Volunteer Experience
 Achieved Silver Cord of Service in High School (varying service opportunities)
 Reading to students at All Saints Catholic School in Cedar Rapids 
 Volunteer in activities at Sacred Heart like grape picking and different parish events
 Took Banquet of Justice over J-term, a course primarily rooted in service
 Volunteering at Catholic Youth Camp this summer

Spiritual Life Involvement

 Various Mass Ministries at Sacred Heart Parish (Altar Server, Eucharistic Minister, Cantor)
 Participate in Mass Ministries at Loras
 Occasionally give the Homily at Sacred Heart
 Discovery Retreats Team Member
 Spiritual Life Overnight Leader
 Antioch Team Member
 CORE Team Member

Work Experience
 Dishwasher/Cashier/Salad Bar Worker at Monticello Pizza Ranch from June 2016 to August 2016
 Dishwasher, Hostess, Expediter, and currently a Waitress at Teddy’s Barn and Grill in Anamosa from
June 2016 to Present
 Jones County Fair Staff from July 2017 to Present
 Campus Dining from August 2018 to December 2018
 Lorian Editorial Staff from February 2019 to May 2019
 Loras Admissions Call Center from September 2019 to Present
 Intern at Live Like Jack from September 2019 to December 2019

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