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December 2. 2020 1:57 pm (est)

The Democratic Party additional Motives, Means, Opportunity “pre planned” election
scheme due to N.C.

(Never ever report) "If You See Something, Say Something" to federal government
and\or Democratic Party voted\appointed officials like D-NC G.K. Butterfield or
FBI\DOJ. What you "see, and report" as here will get you murdered by the Democratic
Party, Democratic Party biased, weaponized illegal-immigration judiciary, Freemason
Prosecutor Matthew Delbridge that didn't want the "backdoor illegal immigration, USCIS
K1 VISAS applications false and\or material misrepresentation VISAS national backdoor
discovered, prior to and after 2014 to 2020 federal and state elections. Here, they opted
for planted false evidence and when that failed, hired NY hitman for Durham, NC
attempted murder. -- So See Something Say Something is another government trick, just
like Whistleblower protections under color of official right, and the judiciary, prosecutor,
FBI\DOJ, foreign nationals, foreign government, foreign Nigeria Police "agreed to"
organized attempted murder. See

Someone relay to POTUS, President Donald J. Trump, for the most pertinent part frauds
in Democratic Party's U.S. Federal and States elections FRAUD is due to D-NC G.K.
Butterfield, staffer, attorney Natarlin Best, Freemason prosecutor Matthew Delbridge and
Senator (veep elect) 2014, 2015-2019 indirectly "received stolen-property federal
evidence" during a manufactured North Carolina civil and criminal false-claim cases
dismissed. And when it was their own "actual underlying federal illegal immigration
offenses" with Nigeria officials, Nigeria foreign government "agreed to" USCIS K1
VISAS applications backdoor-citizenship, Nigerians entering U.S. prior to and during
elections, citizenship gained unlawfully. By alleged Senator Harris receiving stolen
evidence from the witness\victims-reporters "Biden" informed to select Harris running
mate, already on Intelligence Committees.

This illegal act receiving stolen evidence would then "reject" Harris' assuming office~!?
The State North Carolina did 2015, 2018 cover-up officials illegally or unlawfully
receiving stolen property by FAKING DEATHS OF TWO JUDGES.

See 1)
n/ and See 2)
ELECTIONS SCHEMES under color official right. DA Matthew Delbridge, DSS
attorney Natarlin Best, Alexine Edwards-McCollum did 2016-2019 recruit private
persons, COPS, local criminals to slash tires, break enter thefts, planted false evidence
and the Sept\October 2018 attempted murder Wilson, and Durham, North Carolina. The
local, cities and counties law enforcement, Bivens FBI\DOJ, DHS-ATF, judiciary
could not investigate that which they actively participated RICO predicated acts and\or
schemes to gain US citizenship unlawfully; absconding control custody of the witness
Black father minor-child Kai; and cover-up concealment of the Edwards family [PAID]
team co-informants and separately the Plaintiff mother as honeypot informant under color
of law filing manufactured federally funded false-statement claims and invalid-
instruments claims purporting to be valid ex parte 14CVD305 claim alleged December
21, 2014 threatening-call for want of any call from the witness, victim, reporter-
informant Black father Howell. For this amongst other knowledge illegal acts, activities
by the informants, their extended family, foreign national gave rise to their "agreed to"
"motives, means, and opportunity retaliation to cause or have to be caused "planted false
evidence" criminal intent imprisonment and the resulting "hired" party attempted murder.
Notwithstanding, two Democratic Party Eighth Judicial District judges; and the NC
Supreme Court Chief Justice Mark Martin had to be politically, special-interests removed
in furtherance of the schemes to realize the "political, foreign interest, foreign Nigeria
govmt\organization and special interests" of the Party's political and self interests under
color of official right.BIDEN, selected Senator Harris after gaining knowledge of North
Carolina's Democratic Party's voted\appointed officials, FBI\DOJ's cover-up schemes
foreign government\organization on US soil, foreign K1 VISAS Solicitors, Democratic
Party weaponized judiciary, and the FBI\OOJ's Edwards team-informants schemes
"illegal immigration"; ARSON of clerk office to conceal December 31, 2014 staged
destruction audio-recorded federal evidence challenges. WHERE immigration and
Nigeria interference would play significant part obstruction and impairment to federal
and state elections and viable candidates holding Public Office interference. Both
Gates, Soros, Fauci, “Obama\Hillary Clinton State Dept”, U.S. Intelligence
Agency\IC, FBI\DOJ played significant parts either wittingly or unwittingly in the cover-
up schemes that impacted the Public, Americans nationally and FEDERAL AND STATE

Who, where will a Black man father\son witnesses, victim, re[porter-informants go to

report to in racists, racial, discriminatory state North Carolina and\or the federal agencies,
entities with the intent to overthrow the U.S. government, US democratic process,
democracy!!?? Hence: The 1898 Wilmington Massacre Is an Essential Lesson in
How State Violence Has Targeted Black Americans---

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