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Beaver Falls High School


Michael D. Woods
Social Studies Teacher
(724) 372-3131

I. Proposed Course Title:

i. Digital Citizenship: Skills for the 21st Century

II. Course Description:

i. This course is to serve as an exploration of digital media and student interaction

within the digital world. Students would analyze and evaluate interactions online as
well as the use of media, advertising, and data-collection in targeted persuasion for
the purpose of learning to navigate digital media and use it as a tool for success.

III. Purpose of the course and Student Learning Outcomes:

i. Upon successful completion of the class, students will be able to:

a. Participate in safe and appropriate interactions online
b. Recognize dangers, hazards, and pitfalls in the online space and overcome them
c. Distinguish between reliable and unreliable sources of digital information
d. Utilize tools in digital media to further their learning, professional growth, and
future skills

IV. Outline of Course Content

Week Topic Elements

Digital Awareness: Use and Consumption -Digital self-assessment
1 -Screen-time and media tracking
-Application analysis activity
Digital Awareness: Abuse and Addiction -Digital addiction activity
2 -Readings on the negative effects of
extended “screen-time”.
3 Digital Communication: Relationships -Online friendships check
-Followers v. Friends
Digital Communication: Professional -Professional social-media use
-Digital/Virtual interview
-Professional websites and
information management
Digital Communication: Influence & Audience -Study the influence of social-media
-Implications for society
Gender-media stereotyping
Cyber-Bullying: School and Social Media -Non-recall of messages and
-Studies and implications of
-Creation of anti-bullying message
for students through webpage,
poster, pamphlet, or presentation

Cyber-Bullying: Racism and Hate Speech -Implications of social media in

providing a platform for racism and
7 hate speech
-How people respond to, and
perpetuate, these tendencies
Cyber-Bullying: Doxing and De-platforming -Role of social-media companies in
providing platforms unsavory
individuals and groups
8 -Implications of the First
Amendment freedoms as it relates to
-Criminal implications of doxing
Privacy and Security: Digital Footprint -Research individual digital
footprints (
-Aggregate contributing information
that provides a digital profile
-The implications of private
information that is publicly available
Privacy and Security: Information Access -Media release and agreements from
apps and websites
-Discussing the “fine print” that is
-Who can access this information,
and what can it be used for.
Data and Information: Metadata Collection -Government collection of metadata
(Edward Snowden)
-Collection of metadata by social
media companies (Social Dilemma)
Data and Information: Advertising and Profit -The commercial use of metadata
12 -Personalized advertising and search
Misinformation: Separate Realities -Construction of competing facts
and realties
-The “YouTube Rabbit-Hole”
( focusing on the
returns of searches based on
-How conspiracy theories lead to
extreme political polarization
Misinformation: Fake Media -Analysis and spotting of “fake-
news” and “fake-media”
-Project on recognizing legitimate
-Recognition of the characteristics of
charged media
Misinformation: Echo Chamber and Confirmation -The dangers of confirmation bias
-Media and social-media’s sway in
15 thinking
-Formation of echo-chambers and
how to avoid such issues
Exit Assessment -Project based assessment drawing
16 on elements from the class to help
inform others

V. Sample Reading/Resource List

i. Common Sense Media

ii. Neptune Navigate
iii. Your Undivided Attention (Podcast)
iv. The Social Dilemma (Documentary)
v. Permanent Record by Edward Snowden
vi. Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology by Neil Postman

VI. Sample Assignments

i. Digital Footprint and Inventory Project

a. Students do an analysis of their current online presence as well as screen-time and
media usage. Students compile their online exposure and presence into a
poster/presentation detailing percentages of time devoted to apps as well as the
results found on searches. (Students may do a parent/family member other than
ii. Spot the Fake
a. Students will compile a presentation of three news stories to give to the class. For
the purpose of the assignment, students will be encouraged to present all three in a
similar format and include their sources. Two of the news articles must be
confirmed as true through the use of class instructed media verification
techniques, while the third article must be confirmed false. This will be presented
to the class who will vote on which they believe is “Fake News”, and students
will lead the discussion into their reasoning.
iii. Anti-Cyberbullying Campaign
a. Students will use provided resources to create Anti-bullying posters that
effectively target the known methods of cyberbullying. Building from the in-class
lesson, students will address methods and the negative effects, and will champion
the school-wide anti-cyberbullying initiative.
iv. The Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship
a. Students will work independently, or in small groups, to research the Nine
Elements of Digital Citizenship and offer a flipped classroom experience where
they are responsible for teaching the content to their classmates.

VII. Assessment Plan

i. Students will receive summative content assessments based on information that is

presented in class. These assessments will cover the content knowledge that is distributed
and determine the students’ reception and recall of necessary details.
ii. Students’ application of skills will be assessed through the use of projects so that it can
best represent their ability to apply knowledge in a way that positively shapes their
experience as digital citizens.

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