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8 2001 OPA (Overseas Publiskm Aarociation) N.V.

Journal nf Drug Targering.2001. Vol. 9. No.4. pp. 295 302

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Journal of Drug Targeting Downloaded from by Virginia Commonwealth University on 06/23/14

Novel Nanoparticles for Pulmonary Drug Administration


'The Welsh School of Pharmacy, Card@ University, Cathays Park Card& CFI 3XE UK. bPreformulationand Biopharmaceutics, Pharma-
ceutical and Analyrical R&D. AstraZeneca, Mereside, Alderley Park, Macclesfield, Cheshire SKlO 4TG and 'The School of Phurmacy. Vni-
versity of London. 29/39 Brunswick Square, London, WClN IAY

(Received August 22, 2000; In final form January 25, 2001)

A novel one-step, low energy method, which avoids harsh processing conditions including
potentially toxic and chemically reactive cross-linking agents, for the production of
hydrophilic drug nanoparticles suitable for dispersion in the hydrofluoroalkane propellants
was investigated. Reverse-phase microemulsions were used as the template for the production
For personal use only.

of nanoparticles. Two microemulsion systems were investigated: water/sodium bis(2-ethyl-

hexyl) sulphosuccinate (A0T)liso-octane and water/ lecithinlpropan-2-oYiso-octane. Nano-
particles were captured by snap freezing with subsequent freeze-drying. Nanoparticles were
dispersed in 1.1,1,2,3.3.3-heptafluoropropane (HFA-227) and the aerosol performance of the
pressurised metered dose inhaler (pMDI) assessed by cascade impaction. Spherical nanoparti-
cles less than 300 nm in size were produced. Nanoparticles produced using AOT as the sur-
factant could not be dispersed in HFA-227. However lecithin based nanoparticles could be
dispersed in co-solvent modified HFA-227 and produced fine aerosols (Mass Median Aero-
dynamic Diameter S 1.5 pm. fine particle fraction > 58 %). This data suggests that a high
fraction of the nanoparticles would be deposited (targeted) within the lung with the deposition
being mainly alveolar. That is the ideal deposition profile for the systemic delivery of drugs
via the lungs.

Keywords: PMDI. nanoparticle, propellant, salbutamol. pulmonary deposition, ~ r o ~ ~ l

INTRODUCTION It should be noted that if the lungs are to be consid-

ered for the systemic delivery of biotechnology com-
The lungs are a promising non-invasive route for the pounds a high percentage of the dose must be
delivery of peptidergic drugs as they demonstrate a delivered to the lungs and the site of deposition
relatively high permeability to hydrophilic macromol- should be as peripheral as possible (Colthorpe et al.,
ecules and express relatively low peptidase/protease 1992). Efficient delivery and peripheral deposition is
activity (Wall, 1995). A major obstacle, however, to important to ensure high bioavailability and as a cor-
the eventual clinical pulmonary administration of bio- ollary reproducible dosing of potent biotechnology
technoloay products is the formulation of these drugs products which may possess small therapeutic indi-
into a convenient, portable and effective dosage form. ces.
* Corresponding author: Tel: +44 (0)1625 513391, Fax: +44 (0)1625 517436, E-mail: Preformulation
and Biopharmaceutics. Pharmaceutical and Analytical R&D. AstraZeneca, Mereside, Alderley Park, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK I0 4TG.


The most popular device for the delivery of tradi- sion of the nanoparticles in the HFAs. That is the
tional drugs to the lungs is the pressurized metered surfactant may remain associated at the nanoparticle
dose inhaler (pMDI) (Boyd, 1935) which has substan- surface and facilitate HFA dispersion.
tial advantages in portability and robustness over
other devices. Currently most pMDI are formulated as
suspensions in which micronised drug is suspended in MATERIALS AND METHODS
the propellant. This inevitably leads to central and
oro-pharyngeal deposition as the drug particle size Chemicals were of analytical grade or HPLC grade as
Journal of Drug Targeting Downloaded from by Virginia Commonwealth University on 06/23/14

can not be reduced below approximately 2 to 3 pm. appropriate and were used as received. Sodium
An approach to improve the pulmonary delivery of bis(2-ethylhexyl) sulphosuccinate (AOT), polyacry lic
drugs (both traditional and biotechnologicals) would acid (Mw = 2000) (PAA) and iso-octane were pur-
be to produce much smaller drug particles. That is, chased from Aldrich Chemical Co Ltd (Poole, UK).
instead of producing micronised drug particles in the Lecithin (egg, -9O%), n-hexane and propan-2-01 were
2-3 p n range to produce nanoparticles 30-200 nm in purchased from Fisher Scientific UK Ltd (Loughbor-
size. Indeed radiolabelled aerosols with aerodynamic ough, UK). Bromothymol blue (BTB) was procured
diameters less than 100 nm are routinely used for lung from BDH (Poole, UK).
ventilation scanning due to the high penetration and Salbutamol Sulphate and 1, I , 1,2,3,3,3-heptafluoro-
deposition of the aerosol (Burch et al., 1986). An propane (HFA-227) were pharmaceutical grade and a
approach which has similarities with this strategy has generous gift from ML Laboratories (St Albans, UK)
been shown to be successful for pMD1 delivery. In and Solvay Fluor (Hannover, Germany) respectively.
For personal use only.

this instance solution pMDIs have been formulated

which resulted in much smaller drug particles on pro-
pellant evaporation. This produced better in vitm and Preparation of microemulsions ternary phase
in vivo aerosol performance and drug deposition diagrams
(Ashworth et al., 1991; Harnor et al., 1993; Warren
and Farr, 1995). The formulation of pMDIs as solu- Microemulsions were produced by adding filtered
tions suffers, however, from some disadvantages. distilled water to a surfactant iso-octane solution. The
These include the difficulty in producing a molecular mixture was gently agitated with a bench vortex for
dispersion of many drugs in the propellants. If a several seconds and allowed to stand for 15 minutes
molecular dispersion is produced it is probable that to ensure complete equilibrium of the mixture. Water
the chemical stability of the drug is reduced. The pro- addition was successively repeated to determine the
duction of nanoparticles which can be dispersed in the phase boundary between the crystal clear micellar
propellants should maintain the integrity of the drug phase (isotropic) and opaque multiphase phase of the
while providing the substantial advantages of the system (non-isotropic). Two surfactant systems were
solution system. investigated: sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl) sulphosucci-
The aim of the work described in this paper was to nats (AOT) and 1ecitihin:propan-2-01( 1 :3 w/w).
develop a technology capable of providing efficient
pulmonary delivery of drugs from pMDIs. The Production of nanoparticles from microemulsions
approach identified for the production of nanoparti-
cles was to use a reverse microemulsion as a template. The drug with or without PAA or lactose were dis-
If the swollen micelles containing the drug f a matrix solved in water and added to the surfactantliso-octane
excipient could be captured and reduced to a solid this mixture to give a final aqueous phase of 1-30 % w/w
would produce a nanoparticle. An added attraction (Table I). The microemulsion was then snap frozen by
was that judicious choice of surfactant for the forma- submersion in liquid nitrogen. The iso-octane and
tion of the microemulsion should also allow resuspen- water were removed by freeze-drying at -55 OC.

TABLE I Formulae of microemulsions used for nanoparticle production

Formulation Aqueous Phase (%w/w) /composition
Iso-octane (%w/w) AOT Lecithin: Pmpan-2-01(1:3)
A 78 6 - 16 I BTB' (0.06%w/w). PAAa( 17.7% w/w)
B 25 - 45 30 / salbutamol sulphate (17% w/v)
C 35 - 45 20 / salbutamol sulphate (17% wlv)
D 40 - 40 20 I salbutamol su1phate:lactose (70:30)(17% w/v)
Journal of Drug Targeting Downloaded from by Virginia Commonwealth University on 06/23/14

a. BTB = bromothymol blue, PAA = Polyacrylic acid (M,2000).

Measurement of nanoparticle size by photon and analysed using Axxiom software (Model 747,
correlation spectroscopy (PCS) LCD, UK). The mobile phase (flow rate = 1 mumin)
consisted of methanol - water (containing heptane
The nanoparticles were dispersed in filtered
sulphonic acid 1.1013 gA) 5545 v/v, adjusted to pH
iso-octane and sonicated for 3 min, transferred to a
3.0 with glacial acetic acid. The flow rate was main-
quartz cuvette and sealed to prevent iso-octane evapo-
tained using a Constametric 3200 pump (LDC,UK).
ration. The cuvette was then inserted in a Coulter N4
Samples were prepared in internal standard solution
plus and multimodal analysis performed using the
(ethanol 600 mL, water to lo00 mL, bamethane
Coulter N4 plus standard distribution processor tech-
7 pgmL-').
For personal use only.

nology (SDP). Analysis was repeated for n>7.

Determination of drug release kinetics Scanning electron microsccrpy (SEM)

from nanoparticles of nanoparticles

The release rate of bromothymol blue from Excess surfactant was removed by washing the nano-
BTB/PAA/AOT nanoparticles and salbutamol sul- particles with iso-octane using centrifugation. The
phate from salbutamol SulphateAecithin nanoparti- nanoparticles were dried under a nitrogen stream and
cles at 37 "C was determined. Briefly, nanoparticles splutter layered with gold. Scanning electron micro-
were accurately weighed ( 2 0 4 0 mg) and 5 mL of graphs of the nanoparticles were taken with a Philips
distilled water added, the mixture stirred and 100 pL XL 20 SEM.
samples periodically removed for up to 20 minutes.
BTB and salbutamol sulphate were assayed by direct
UV-vis (6 15 nm) and HPLC-UV analysis respectively Production of HFA nanoparticle formulations
and dissolution plots generated.
Nanoparticles (-30 mg) were either added directly to
a plastic pMDI vial or dispersed in a suitable organic
HPLC assay of salbutamol sulphate
liquid (0.5-1 g) and then added to a plastic pMDI
Salbutamol sulphate concentrations were determined vial. A Bespak BK357 100 pL metering valve was
using a reverse-phase (C18) column (HiChrom crimped in place and 14 g of HFA-227 added using a
S50DS2, HiChrom Ltd. UK) and UV detection pressure burette. The vial was sonicated for 3 Inin.
(SpectroMonitor 3200, LDC, UK) at 278 nm. Sam- Visual evaluation of the formulation was performed
ples were introduced onto the column using a Promis prior and subsequent to sonication and at later time
(LDC, UK) autoinjector (100 pl injection volume). points to assess formulation stability and homogene-
Chromatograms were stored on a computer system ity.
298 PAUL A. DICKINSON er at.

Assessment of aerosol performance

The aerosol performance of the nanoparticle HFA for-

mulation was assessed by cascade impaction. Briefly,
the plates of an Andersen cascade impactor were
coated with polyethylene glycol (Mw 300) to reduce
particle bounce and reentrainment. The nanoparticle
pMDI was primed by firing five shots to waste and
Journal of Drug Targeting Downloaded from by Virginia Commonwealth University on 06/23/14

then 20 actuations were introduced into the Andersen

cascade impactor, operating at 28.3 Lmin-’, via a BP
two-stage liquid impinger inlet. The actuator, inlet,
impactor stages and filter were then washed with 10
mL internal standard solution by sonication in poly- ’ h a
thene bags. The washings were assayed for salbuta-
mol sulphate concentration by HPLC-UV. A FIGURE 1 Ternary phase diagram of AOTliso-octanelwater system
at 2OoC
preliminary assessment of aerosol performance as a
function of actuator geometry was performed.
ous methods have been proposed for the preparation
of nanoparticles (Fessi et al., 1989; Bodmeier and
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Cohen, 1989; Alltmann et al., 1992; Murakami et al.,
For personal use only.

1997). Nanoparticles can also be produced where the

matrix consists of the drug itself e.g. cyclosporin A
Initially an AOT based microemulsion was investi-
(Ford et al., 1999). We have directed our research
gated as the template for nanoparticle production.
towards identifying a low energy universal process
AOT microemulsions are well documented in the lit- which would capture the microemulsion template,
erature (e.g. Novaki and El Seoud, 1998), do not dehydrate and form the nanoparticle in 1 step. Snap
require co-surfactants for formation and are relatively freezing by submersion in liquid nitrogen and
robust. They, therefore, offer an ideal microemulsion freeze-drying met all these criteria and produced nan-
for investigation. The poor solubility of AOT in the oparticles.
HFA propellant would probably mean that any nano- Polyacrylic acid was used as the matrix (Table 1)
particles produced would not however be capable of for 3 reasons. Firstly, the inclusion of a polymer
dispersion in the HFA. Also the known membrane offered the potential of producing “generic” nanopar-
toxicity of AOT probably makes it unsuitable for ticles into which most hydrophilic drugs could be
inclusion in pulmonary drug delivery systems. A ter- incorporated, secondly a polymer matrix offered
nary phase diagram (Fig. 1) was produced to identify potential for controlled release, finally the production
the microemulsion formulae that gave the best aque- of particles containing a higher molecular weight
ous to surfactant ratio. hydrophilic polymer would suggest that the approach
Traditionally nanoparticles have been produced by should be applicable to biotechnologicals.
the use of reactive crosslinking agents and/or mono- A SEM of representative BTB:PAA nanoparticles
mers (Alltmann et al., 1998; Munshi et a!., 1995). formed using this technique is shown in Figure 2. The
This approach is unattractive due to concerns about nanoparticles appear spherical and approximately 250
the chemical stability of any drug (especially biotech- nm in size which confirmed the photon correlation
nologicals) and also the potential toxicity of any spectroscopy sizing data (232 f 58 nm, n = 7 mean f
residual monomer or crosslinker remaining in the sd).
nanoparticle. For biodegradable polymers such as The nanoparticles formed from the
poly(1actic acid) and ploy(1actide-co-glycoldide) vari- BTB:PAA/AOT/iso-octane microemulsion were
Journal of Drug Targeting Downloaded from by Virginia Commonwealth University on 06/23/14

FIGURE 2 Scanning electron micrograph of BTB:PAA nanoparticles (fomwlation A)

have been expected that with massive specific surface

area of the particles and high water solubility of BTB
and PAA, release would have been very rapid. PCS
analysis suggested that nanoparticles approximately
800 nm in size existed 24 hours after the start of the
For personal use only.

BTB release study. These particles were probably

PAA ghosts formed by ester bond generation, which
lead to crosslinking of the PAA, during the drying
(dehydration) stage of production. This observation
together with the slower hydration that would occur if
the particles were deposited on the alveolar epithe-
4'. I . 1 . I . 1 . 1 . 1 ' lium suggests that PAA nanoparticles may have
0 2 0 0 Q ) 8 0 8 m 1 Q l o 1 2 0 0
Time (seoonds) potential as a controlled release delivery system, par-
ticularly for high molecular weight solutes.
FIGURE 3 BTB release from BTB:PAA nanoparticles (formula A)
versus time (mean i sd, n=3) Unsurprisingly it proved impossible to disperse the
BTB:PAA nanoparticles in the HFA propellants. Even
with the inclusion of a co-solvent for AOT
somewhat larger than the swollen micelles of the (iso-octane) up to 10 96 w/w the nanoparticles aggre-
microemulsion (<45 nm). This is probably due to gated and adsorbed on to the wall of the pMDI vial.
some phase changes and/or aggregation occurring This is probably as a consequence of the very low sol-
during the snap-freezing step or a decrease in the den- ubility of AOT in HFA-134a and HFA-227 (Blondino
sity of the nanoparticle core during lyophilisation. and Byron, 1998).
Nevertheless the particles were within the size range Having developed a method for the production of
expected to produce good aerosol characteristics nanoparticles a more pharmaceutically acceptable
(Gonda, 1981 ). microemulsion system was investigated. Investigating
The release of bromothymol blue from BTB:PAA another system also allowed some measure of the ver-
nanoparticles (formula A, Table I) is shown in satility of the production method to be assessed. A
Figure 3. The nanoparticles showed some ability to lecithin-based microemulsion system was utilised as
retard the release of bromothymol blue with complete the template for nanoparticle production, primarily
release occurring by approximately 10 min. It may because lecithin is approved for pulmonary adminis-

become insignificant. Weight distribution can be pro-

duced using Mie Theory however due to problems
associated with estimating the refraction of the nano-
particles these are not reported. Appropriate nanopar-
ticles for aerosolisation were formed regardless of the
microemulsion formulae (Table I and 11). Again the
nanoparticles are greater in size than the swollen
micelles from which they were formed, they are how-
Journal of Drug Targeting Downloaded from by Virginia Commonwealth University on 06/23/14

ever smaller than the BTB:PAA nanoparticles proba-

bly due to improvements in the snap freezing process
which reduced the freezing time and presented less
opportunity for phase changes and aggregation to
The release of salbutamol sulphate from salbuta-
FIGURE 4 Ternary phase diagram of 1ecithin:propan-2-01 mol sulphate nanoparticles (formula B, Table I) is
(1 :3)/iso-octane/water at 20 "C
shown in Figure6 The nanoparticles showed rela-
tively fast release of salbutamol sulphate with com-
plete release occurring by approximately 4 min. It
tration. Production of nanoparticles with either salb- may have been expected that with the massive spe-
utamol sulphate or salbutamol sulphate and lactose cific surface area of the particles and high water solu-
cores were investigated. Salbutamol sulphate was bility of salbutamol sulphate release would have been
For personal use only.

chosen as a model drug due to it's hydrophilicity,very

instantaneous. The slightly delayed dissolution is
low solubility in the HFA propellants and easy assay. probably a consequence of the hydrophobic lecithin
Lactose was added as a matrix or diluent. Lactose is layer coating the nanoparticles.
currently used in pulmonary drug delivery and there-
The nanoparticles produced from lecithin-based
fore presents no toxicity concerns. It has the potential microemulsions could not be dispersed in pure
to act as a cryoprotectant should this approach be uti- HFA- 134a or HFA-227 to any great extent. However
lised for peptides and proteins and also as a diluent if they were first dispersed in a co-solvent (n-hexane)
for highly potent drugs. they formed a stable dispersion in the HFA:hexane
The ternary phase diagram for 1ecithin:propan-2-01 blend (955 w/w). The formulation appeared as a
(1:3)liso-octane/water system is shown in Figure 4 homogeneous very fine suspension. This suggests
and was referenced for the selection of the systems some flocculation of the nanoparticles within the hex-
used for the production of nanoparticles. ane/HFA blend (when dispersed in hexane an opti-
A SEM of representative salbutamol sulphate nan- cally clear system was produced) however these flocs
oparticles formed is shown in Figure 5, the relatively must have been less than I pm in size or continually
poor resolution is related to the difficulty in manipu- deflocculated and reformed as no sedimentation or
lating such small particles and the fact that the scan- creaming occurred even over several months.
ning electron microscope is operating towards it's As expected, actuator geometry was shown to
lower limit. In addition there is the effect of the sur- affect aerosol performance with small orifice diame-
factant coat. Again the nanoparticles appear spherical ters producing higher fine particle fractions. The aero-
and generally less than I 0 0 nm in size. This was con- sol performance of hexane 5 % w/w, HFA-227 95 I
firmed by the photon correlation spectroscopy sizing w/w formulation was measured. For the investigation
data (Table 11). The data is presented as the mean size a 0.25 mm orifice diameter was utilised. The fine par-
as determined by scattering intensity, certainly if the ticle fraction, mass median aerodynamic diameter
size by weight was reported, it would be smaller and (MMAD)and geometric standard deviations (GSD)
for formula B nanoparticle population 2 would of the aerosol produced are shown in Table 111.
Journal of Drug Targeting Downloaded from by Virginia Commonwealth University on 06/23/14

FIGURE 5 Scanning electron micrograph of salbutamol sulphate nanoparticles (formulation B)

The aerosol performance of the nanoparticle pMDI

was very good with a high fine particle fraction and
T low MMAD. This data suggests that a high fraction of
the nanoparticles would be deposited within the lung
with the deposition being mainly alveolzr. That is the
ideal deposition profile for the systemic delivery of
drugs via the lungs. This deposition compares favour-
ably to that of a model solution system with the same
actuator, solids load and hexane concentration which
produced an aerosol with a fine particle fraction of 88
For personal use only.

f 8 %, MMAD of 1,14 f 0.03 pm and GSD of 2.12 f

@ loo 400 (60 yo 1wo 1100 0.05 pm (mean f sd, n=3). This represents the best
Tine (semds) aerosol that can be produced. The increased fine parti-
cle fraction is as a consequence of reduced inlet depo-
FIGURE 6 Salbutamol sulphate release from salbutamol sulphate
nanoparticles (formula B. Table I ) versus time (mean i sd, n=3) sition. Inlet deposition is probably greater for the
nanoparticle systems due to the surfactant retarding
TABLE I1 Size of salbutamol sulphate i lactose nanoparticles
propellant evaporation although the possibility of the
produced from various lecithin based microemulsions (mean i sd, co-localisation of more than 1 nanoparticle in a pro-
n=7) pellant aerosol droplet or aggregated nanoparticles
Formulation Nonopartick? size by PCS cannot be excluded.
(see Table I ) (peak intensity)
B Population I (50.4 %): 216 i 43 nm
Population 2 (49.6 %): 40 i I5 nm
C 3 4 i 17nm CONCLSIONS
D 69 i 39 nm
In conclusion we have developed a novel low-energy,
TABLE 111 Fine particle fractions, mass median aerodynamic one step process that is capable of producing nanopar-
diameter (MMAD) and geometric standard deviation (GSD)of ticles of pure drug or drug encapsulated in a polymer
aerosols generated by salbutamol sulphate i lactose
nanoparticle/hexane/HFA/HFA-227pMDl (mean i sd. n = 5 from 3 or non-polymer matrix. For the first time, the process
batches of nanoparticles each) avoids harsh processing conditions including poten-
Formulation Fine Particle Fraction MMAD GsD (m) tially toxic and chemically reactive cross-linking
(see Table I ) (exdevice, d . 8 pm)(%) (pm) agents. The process is capable of producing nanopar-
B 58.3 i 6.8 1.2i0.4 2 . 3 i 1.1 ticles from physicochemically diverse compounds
C 65.5 f 5.1 1.3 i 0.2 2.3 i 0.3 and different microemulsions systems. The process
D 59.0 i 4.6 1.5i0.6 1 . 9 i 0 . 8 should be applicable to the production of peptide and
302 PAUL A. DICKINSON er a/.

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