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Demonstration Lesson: Creating a 5 Sentence Story

Team Members​: Just me
Grade Level​: 9th or 10th
Source of the Lesson​: My own
Idaho Core Standards


Writing a short story and being able to include the essential parts of to write a
successful short story.

Performance Objectives

The Students will be able to:

- Identify the key factors of a successful story
- Create their own story that includes a plot, setting, character(s) and conflict

Idaho State Standards Addressed

English: (Grade 9-10)

Standard: Text Types and Purposes

W 9-10.3 Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using

effective technique, well chosen details and well structured event sequences.
Objective: Use events that are fictional or non fictional to create a story.

Goal a. Engage and orient the reader by setting out a problem, situation or observation,
establishing one or multiple points of view and introducing a narrator and/or characters
create a smooth progression of experiences or events
Objective:Use a video to demonstrate a successful short story.

Goal b. Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, pacing, description, reflection, and
multiple plot lines, to develop experiences, events and/or characters.
Objective: Show the students what the plot, characters, setting and conflict are.
Goal c. Use a variety of techniques to sequence events so that they build on one
another to create a coherent whole.
Objective: Divide class into groups that sequences events.

Goal d. Use precise words and phrases, telling details and sensory language to convey
a vivid picture of the experiences, events, setting, and/or characters.
Objective: Write questions that lead to students to figuring out words that explain
the setting or events.

Goal e. Provide a conclusion that follows from and reflects on what is experienced,
observed, or resolved over the course of the narrative.
Objective: Hand out a short quiz consisting of the key elements that make up a

Materials List and Advanced Preparations

- 1 sheet of paper for each group of 4-5 students ( 10 sheets of paper [backups
- Pens for each group ( 10 pens)

Supplementary Materials
- None


What the Teacher Will do Probing/ Eliciting Student Responses and

Questions Misconceptions

Ask: Can you name a short Hunger Games ( wrong),

story? The Tortoise and the Hare
( right)

Show Video What did this story have in Both stories consisted of a
common with the one the plot, setting, conflict and
student mentioned? had characters involved.
Both had animals ( not
quite there but close).

Explain what makes up a What is a plot? A sequence of events

story. What are characters? The people, animals etc.
What makes a conflict? What goes wrong
What is the setting? Where and when the story

Talk to student Would you feel comfortable Yes I would like to.
sharing your story with the

Have class come together Did this story meet the Yes there was a setting,
and assess each others criteria? conflict, characters and a
stories and deem if they plot.
created a successful story
as a group.


What the teacher will do? Probing/Eliciting Questions

Show video to class What key factors make up The lion gets trapped=
the story? Conflict
Mouse and Lion=
In the wild= Setting
Lion catches mouse.
Mouse says he can help.
Lion gets trapped. Mouse
helps lion.

Play video X

Exploration 2

What the teacher will do? Probing/Eliciting Questions Student Responses and
Now that you have seen a Can you do this? Can I have help?
story construct one in a

Wander classroom What’s the plot, setting, Do I have a good enough

characters and conflict? conflict?

Select story review it with Does it reach criteria What was the setting?

Pass out short quiz X How many questions is it?


A story must have the What’s plot?

following; plot, characters, What are characters?
setting and conflict. What’s a conflict?
What’s a setting?

Plot- it builds the story What could you call Is the sequence of events

Setting- The where and the when

as well as the conditions

Characters- a person animal or a


Now you will break into groups Any further questions?

of 4 to 5 people and create a
five sentence story. In the
story be sure to include all of
the factors we went over that
make up a story


Point out with students the Who can tell me the plot of
plot of the student shared the story just shared

And then setting, conflict Characters?

and characters Conflict?


What the Teacher Will do? Probing/Elicitin Questions Student Responses and

Students will complete a

short quiz.

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