The Cald of Wild

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This book Is about the story of a judge´s dog in California called Bruno, who was a big and strong
dog. in 1897 the gold mining was booming in the North Canada, so , the people had been robbing
big dogs by used in the sled. Then, Bruno was robbed from his house and taken to Seattle to sold
him. In this place Bruno was beaten and sold to Perrault, after Perrault carried to Bruno and other
dog on a ship to North Canada, in this journey Bruno known to a white dog called Dave and a
perraults friend.

when they arrived to North Canada, they met with a group of dogs, In this place Bruno learned
about how pull sled and after he killed Dave who was the leader of the group dogs, Bruno became
in the best leader by be strong, big and smart. They broke some records for this speed. It is
important say that sometimes Bruno dreamed with a hairy man.

After, Bruno and his group were sold a other people, but they weren´t well, because the weight of
the goods exceed the weight, they were tired and hungry. so when they were in a village, the dogs
couldn't be able to run, so the owner of the dogs beat to Bruno to get up, but he didn´t get up, so,
a man called Thorton saved Bruno and carred him. after the other dogs and their owner fell in a

Thorton took care Bruno with his other two dogs. Bruno took care him when to Thorton was hit in
a bar or when Thorton fell in a river, too Bruno helped to Thorton to earn money in bets.

Finally, Bruno accompanied Thornton in gold search, in there journey Bruno continued dreamed
with hairy man, later, he heard a call of the wild, He found a wolf that hoisted the moon and
followed him to a river, they had become friends, Bruno remembered his owner Thorton and
returned to the camp, but it was too late because the Indians had killed everyone in the camp and
Bruno out of rage murdered all the Indians. Later he again heard the call of the wild and went to
the place where it came from, there he met a group of wolves that attacked him but he was so
strong he defeated them and became their leader, in the indigenous community he was called as
the ghost dog.

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