Persichetti - Parable Xvii

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rime: 6" (Parable XVII) VINCENT PERSICHETTI In a lyric and free manner (d= ca, 69) a (Strings may be tuned up a whole-tone) $ ° n be aN oP ++ Harmonies sound an 8ve betow written pitch,” “222 — mp =— PK eps poco rit. Meno mosso ( =63) a a b. <—_* FP intimamae P= —_ pizz.(sul_tasto) arco (ord.) >> z —— Foun: P espe. _— 5 chiaro 3° poco rit, ‘TempoYprimo (9 = 69) a ce "be Pp wal tasto $a pyri Povo @ poco al mp esprSassai 2 ESS of mp (+=LH. piz2,) —_ pp = — a tempo (d= 69) ord, oe be S ben proclamato ——= ff —=a — i= molto rit, a tempo (d= 69) , =~ = ~~ sf tristamente _—_——_——— —— = ee a tempo (d = 69) 9 tet Te fu é _fit if ay be plzz. 9 : + —— ns = rr» = == arco oS > 3 i PP con calma =—— PP ee a © 1975 by Elkan-Vogel, Inc, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Al its Reserves International Copyright Secured F vigorosamente —= *# mm — sf _ bey. bE a A = — iP timorosamente Tempo primo(¢ =69) bz poco accel. fn ——— r = 2 F pesante e vitmico es pizza poco rit. ay arco — a wy Sf f= ™— (1-62) ie, I? imple ie Se Piifiso PP P cresc. ed accel. molto 7 164-0121 =, x __ fconenergia— WVFE Huckthe Dstring with the thumb fn the directiot Of te 8 slog.) poo = am arco gg —= # = f mare. Sf furiosaménte ——_ ; iy — | (+=86) Erpoco accel. 920 y pizz. mole ea ee ord, —_ pre SS sf ~— bar ue helt arco F calorosamente ee s Sou, "FE erdicamente SS o Tempo primo (d = 69) e sul tasto nf FB intensita P accel. e cresc. poco a poco a ra (d =60) Sf Pteneramente cS=>P mp esprassat— —— PP eggero dolce, espr. — —— bi ee eo tits : P (white tone) ————

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