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Myles Tate

ED 199


St Mary Early Childhood

The St Mary early childhood program focuses on younger kids that are facing

tough situations and some who are in poverty. I feel like working with kids in those

conditions you have to have a certain relationship with the kids because they are such

sensitive kids because of their backgrounds. The core values that go with them is “The

Excitement of Teaching, Learning and Mentoring because at the end of the day the

educators have to find a way to teach these kids and make them feel wanted. If the

teachers aren't excited to teach then most likely the children aren't going to be excited

about learning.

A personal strength i brought to the visit is my questions that i asked her i feel

like they made her think and give us a genuine answer. I think I wanted to try to dig

deeper inside her actual work place to try to picture being there as an educator. That is

an important thing to do so you could possibly see yourself in the workplace.

This connected to my future because maybe younger kids will be my thing.

Nobody can tell the future so one day younger kids might be of my interest. I think I

have to be ready for everything when it comes to education.

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