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Morales 1

María Elisa Morales

Issues in Organizational Leadership

ORGL 3311

Dr. Kristina Ramirez Wilson

Final Research Assignment (Course Artifact)

October 6, 2019

Dr. Patricia Blanco

Morales 2

Does your leader understand you?


It is a fact that the behavior or criteria of a leader towards his employees is the best judge of

his management success. As a result, we have gone from the supposition that leaders are

born, through to the possibility that we can measure your leadership potential (Great Man


Your supervisor does not care what you're going through? Is he is only interested in

the organizations production? How comfortable do you feel at work? I have asked to

myself these questions several times. Life happens and when you are going through a rough

situation you want to be heard not ignored or feel used. Some leaders have a wrong concept

of what it takes to be a good leader. Today I am going to discuss about the four Behavior

Approaches to leadership styles that might be useful for supervisors who need to have

certain type of bond with their employees. Let us not forget that without these workers the

organization would not be successful. I strongly believe that real leaders should be able to

understand and comprehend that life happens and that the better an employee is treated and

comprehend the better its performance will be in the organization.

There are four types of behavioral approach which are directive leaders who provide

specifically instructions to their employees and nothing more. There is also Supportive
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Leaders who provide emotionally support to employees. Participative Leaders are the ones

that involve employees on decision making but do not allow them to decide on their own.

Last, Achievement Oriented Leader is that encourages their employees by setting goals.

I strongly believe that leaders should focus more on representing the Supportive

Leader and the Achievement –Oriented leader style to allow their employees to feel that

they are in a safe and nurturing working environment. For example, if the leader does not

have enough tact with his employees and his staff does not feel the confidence to speak

with him when a not so pleasant scenario is presented then this leader is lacking of

Supportive Leader Style. Imagine if an member that is going through a difficult situation

which interferes with the way he works, he should be able to speak with the supervisor and

if he does not put any effort in being able to give him some kind of help (when it is found

to be true) the member of the staff could stop working proficiently.

Also, there are researchers that believe that the Achievement-Oriented Leader Style

is fundamental to be a good manager and to lead a good organization. According to

Machuki, Aosa, and Letting’ (2012), the problem of poor performance is strongly linked to

a leader’s style of doing things in a company which I completely agree with them. They

mention that even on high performance companies with years of experience it still

fundamental to have these leadership styles. Another study by Schriesheim, Castro, Zhou,

and DeChurch (2006) who specified that future research was based on that on the path-

goal theory and employee performance appear quite needed. Robbins theory (2014) of

achievement-oriented style brings about organizational commitment which refers to the

degree of participation that employees have with their organization’s mission, values and

goals. These theories are well known by leaders and are of great help when you want to
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accomplish long and short-term goals. Allowing staff to gain some rewards is always a way

to encourage them to work more efficiently. It is well known that even teachers use that

technique to motivate children to accomplish their goal in class. I strongly believe that true

leaders have to have confidence in their workers, and they must motivate and reward them

if their productivity increases or if their goal is achieved.

Supportive Leadership Style is considered and identified by House (1997) in his

path-goal theory and he defined it as a leadership style that focuses on concerns for the

needs and well-being of followers and the facilitation of a desirable climate for

communication. Since 1977 House deliberated that the Supportive Leadership style focused

on preoccupations and needs as well to simplify a better environment for interaction. Also,

Supportive Leadership Style emphases more on social and emotional connections which

show behavior like taking care of, liking, and listening. Also, Newton, Cameron J. and

Maierhofer, Naomi I. (2005) have proposed along the investigation that the behavior of the

supportive leadership style has a positive effect on employees and staff. The style alone has

been very well documented through investigation. The researchers have considered several

behaviors of this leadership style to be very beneficial to any company if not every

organization. House and Mitchell (1974) emphasized that this leadership style allows a

friendly and psychologically supportive working environment by providing a path for the

reduction of stress and frustration that may be experienced by employees in high stress


Just like (Kuchinke, 1998, Chiok, 2001, Walumbwa et al., 2005, Elloy, 2005; Abass

& Yaqoob, 2009; Braun, Peus, Weisweiler & Frey, 2013) made several studies to observe
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the relationship between leadership styles and job satisfaction among employees in

organizations and the results show that leadership coming from any organization has an

positive and important impact on workers and they also mention that it is one of the main

reasons for their efficiency. Therefore, the supervisors should adopt leadership behaviors

that motivate their staff and not disappoint them. Employee’s well-being means their

relaxed state of mind and body, therefore is an employee is psychological stable at work he

or she will be able to communicate and work more efficiently.

On the other, I relate the way the teacher use Achieved Orientation Leadership with

their students. Instructors set goals for their students and help themselves by motivating

scholars. They stimulate them by giving them desire rewards if they meet their goal. This is

very much alike organizations. Supervisors need to motivate their staff to allow them to

make a greater effort in accomplish certain goal. The path goal theory of leadership by

Robert J. House states that workers whose duties are not repetitive may have different

personalities from those that do the same job over and over again. Achievement oriented

leader may have a greater impact on those who do not have a repetitive position on an

organization than those who do. Another justification is that Achievement oriented only

results in ambiguous scenarios because there is more flexibility and autonocty in such


I strongly believe that a good supervisor or leaders should have more qualities than

just give instructions. Qualities such as Supportive Leadership by being able to talk and

listen to their employees and Achievement oriented skills by being able to motivate

workers and staff to accomplish a goal successfully. As I mentioned before I have been in

situations where the leaders don’t relate to the rest of the staff and this only confirms my
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hypothesis in which I believe that leaders should be able to speaks and understand their

workers. Many of us really need to get support at work and sometimes leaders just think

that because they hold an important position in the organization they have the right to

ignore the problem or simply decide not supply any type of help causing the productivity

to slow down.
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The Path Goal Theory and Learning Styles

Leadership Central

International Journal of Novel Research in Marketing Management and Economics

Vol. 3, Issue 2, pp: (118-125), Month: May - August 2016, Available at:

A Multilevel Study Of Supportive Leadership



The influence of supportive leadership and job characteristics on work alienation: A six-

country investigation

Supportive Leadership and Well-being: The Role of Team Value Congruence

The many faces of leadership

Morales 8

between teachers’ perceived leadership style, students’ learning style, and academic

achievement: a study on high school students

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