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Effect of Aggregate Size on the Spalling of High-Strength

Wall Panels Exposed to Hydrocarbon Fire

A. Z. Mohd Ali 1; Jay Sanjayan 2; and Maurice Guerrieri 3

Abstract: Concrete spalling has been widely accepted as being caused by a thermomechanical process resulting from high thermal gradients,
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as well as a moisture-clog process attributable to the buildup of pore-water pressure. The effect of aggregate size on the influence of concrete
spalling of tilt-up wall panels after exposure to a hydrocarbon fire is studied in this paper. Six reinforced high-strength concrete wall panels
3,360 × 3,880 × 200 mm in dimension, loaded by self-weight only and consisting of 7-, 14-, and 20-mm aggregate sizes were exposed to the
hydrocarbon fire curve for a period of 120 min. The specimens were approximately 70 MPa at the test date and were instrumented with in situ
thermocouples to predict steam pressures based on thermal diffusivity calculations. The degree of spalling was quantified by mass loss with
both solid mass and water mass being independently calculated. The concept of nominal spalling depth was introduced as a new way of
quantifying the degree of spalling. The results show that aggregate size is an influencing parameter in regard to concrete spalling, with the
degree of spalling ranging from 13 to 33%, respectively. Spalling is more prominent for smaller-size aggregates because of the facture-zone
process. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0002087. © 2017 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Aggregate size; Concrete; Facture-zone process; Hydrocarbon; Moisture clog; Pore pressure; Spalling; Temperature;

Introduction cross-sectional size, and (2) rapid increases in temperatures of

the reinforcement.
The versatility and durability of concrete makes it the world’s most- Spalling has received worldwide attention since the 1960s
used artificial material (Raijiwala and Patil 2010). Concrete is a (Harmathy 1965), with further interest arising worldwide in response
popular construction material for everyday structures such as build- to catastrophic fire events in three major European tunnels: Channel
ings, roads, tunnels, bridges, and nuclear reactors. It can withstand Tunnel in 1996, Mont Blanc Tunnel in 1999, and St. Gotthard Tunnel
various types of environmental conditions, including exposure to in 2002 (Khoury et al. 2002). These fires were similar to a hydro-
fire. Fire represents one of the most severe environmental condi- carbon fire (fuel-tanker fire), as mentioned by Khoury et al (2002).
tions to which concrete structures may be subjected, especially A detailed literature review of the history of significant concrete
for high-fire-risk infrastructures like tunnels (Kim et al. 2010; spalling findings has been carried out by Jansson (2013), which
Khaliq and Kodur 2011). dates back to the first reported case of spalling by Barret (1854).
The fire resistance of concrete made with ordinary portland ce- Factors governing spalling including moisture clogs, pore pres-
ment (OPC) is considered to be superior to steel and timber in ad- sures, thermal stress, thermal dilation, and incompatibility between
dition to its ability to be incombustible and not emit smoke when cement paste and aggregate, all of which have been studied by a
exposed to fire. However, when concrete is exposed to prolonged number of prominent researchers (Anderberg 1997; Kalifa et al.
fire exposure, its strength deteriorates because of the breakdown 2000; Yang and Peng 2011a; Pan et al. 2012). Although a number
of the calcium silicate hydrate and other hydrates that govern the of key researchers believe spalling is governed by the buildup of
strength of OPC concrete (Phan and Carino 1998; Mendes et al. a pore-water pressure moisture-clog mechanism (Harmathy 1965;
2008; Kodur 2014). Concrete at elevated temperatures is also Khoury 1992; Anderberg 1997; Harada and Terai 1997; Consolazio
vulnerable to spalling, a phenomenon whereby small pieces of et al. 1998; Kalifa et al. 2001; Khoury et al. 2002; Khoury 2008),
concrete up to approximately 50 mm peel away from the surface others believe spalling is caused by differential thermal gradients
of the concrete, often explosive in nature (Kodur 2014). If the within the concrete element (Bazant 1997; Ulm et al. 1999;
degree of spalling is significant, the load-bearing capacity of the Nechnech et al. 2002). Current consensus has pointed toward
concrete member can be reduced because of (1) reductions in its the combination of buildup of pore pressure and differential ther-
mal gradients (Bazant 1997; Kodur 2014; Khoury et al. 2002; Phan
2008; Jansson and Boström 2010).
Lecturer, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universiti Spalling is well known to be more likely in high-strength con-
Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 86400 Parit Raja, Johor, Malaysia. crete subjected to hydrocarbon fire (Sanjayan and Stocks 1993).
Professor, Sustainable Infrastructures, Faculty of Science, Engineering Concrete structures exposed to fire have been found to still be con-
and Technology, Swinburne Univ., Hawthorn, VIC 3122, Australia. sidered stable because of the compression membrane action (Bailey
Senior Lecturer, Centre of Environmental Safety and Risk Engineer- 2002). However, spalling of the concrete at the soffit of the slab
ing, Victoria Univ., Werribee, VIC 3030, Australia (corresponding author).
exposes the bottom bar and reduces the flexural capacity of the slab
Note. This manuscript was submitted on May 21, 2016; approved on (Hertz 2003; Heo et al. 2010).
May 31, 2017; published online on September 25, 2017. Discussion period Several researchers have indicated that the high velocity of
open until February 25, 2018; separate discussions must be submitted for spalling debris caused by explosive spalling should be considered
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Materials in Civil a failure criteria (Phan and Carino 1998; Yang and Peng 2011b).
Engineering, © ASCE, ISSN 0899-1561. This reflects the fact that high-velocity concrete debris could lead to

© ASCE 04017237-1 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2017, 29(12): 04017237

either injury to the firefighters or increase the fire load if the debris the Rijkswaterstaat (RWS) curve for a period of 30 mins. Aggregate
punctures fuel tanks. These events have been observed in case studies size consisted of 16 and 25 mm separately for each mix, and the
involving hydrocarbon fires in tunnels (Khoury et al. 2002). polypropylene content was 0, 1, and 1.5 kg=m3 , respectively.
The specimen-size-effect phenomenon has been shown to be an Results showed that in all cases, the maximum spalling depth in-
active factor in regard to concrete spalling. Smaller-sized and more creased as the aggregate size increased. Although the aggregate-
slender specimens provide a shorter pathway for the moisture to size effect has been shown to be an influencing parameter on
migrate from the specimen and prevent the buildup of pore pres- concrete spalling, the results to date have concentrated on small-
sures that can cause concrete spalling because of the moisture-clog scale specimens, apart from the works of Jansson and Bostrom
mechanism (Sanjayan and Stocks 1993; Biolzi et al. 2008). (2007), who did not measure the mass loss. This paper investigates
It has been shown that differential thermal gradients between the the influence of aggregate size on the performance of large-scale
cement paste and aggregate alters the fracture and energy release, high-strength concrete wall panels exposed to hydrocarbon fire.
causing concrete spalling (Bazant and Kazemi 1990; Kanéma et al.
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2011; Pan et al. 2011). Differential thermal gradients are also re-
lated to the low thermal diffusivities of the concrete (Harmathy Experimental Investigation
1993). It has been shown that the type of aggregate has no bearing
on the degree of spalling when their linear expansion profiles under The materials used in this investigation along with the test proce-
heating are similar (Kong and Sanjayan 2008; Chen et al. 2014). dures and methods are described in this section. The research was
Only been four studies presented in the literature investigated the conducted at the Centre for Environmental Safety and Risk Engi-
influence of the aggregate size on concrete spalling. Pan et al (2012) neering (CESARE) at Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia.
concluded that OPC concrete cylinders of 40 and 60 MPa, respec-
tively, increased their tendency to spall when the aggregate size was Material Properties
reduced from a grading of 14–10 mm, 10–4.75 mm, and 4.75–
OPC was used as the binder with 25% of slag cement replacement
2.36 mm, respectively. A similar trend was reported when a geopol-
by weight for the concrete panels. The aggregates used in this in-
ymer concrete mixture was investigated. Explosive spalling was vestigation consisted of granite and basalt, which varied from 7, 14,
evident in all cases for the 4.75–2.36 graded aggregate. The fracture- and 20 mm, respectively. In all concrete mixes, the water to binder
zone process, which has explained the aggregate-size effect in stud- ratio was fixed at 0.272. Superplasticizers were introduced to
ies related to mechanical properties including compressive-strength, increase the workability to achieve a targeted slump of 150 mm.
bending-strength, and shear-strength investigations (Chen and Liu Design strength for all concrete mixes was 70 MPa, with compres-
2004; Meddah et al. 2010; Pan et al. 2010), was postulated to explain sive and tensile testing carried out at 28 days in accordance to AS
the findings presented by Pan et al (2012). Similar findings for geo- 1012.9 (Australian Standards 1999). The concrete materials and
polymer concretes with 2.36–5 mm and 5–10 mm aggregates were mixture proportions in addition to other relevant information used
reported by Kong and Sanjayan (2010), whereby explosive spalling in the fabrication of these concretes are provided in Table 1.
occurred at 420 and 505°C, respectively. Nince and De Figueiredo
(2005) investigated the spalling potential of concrete cube samples
that consisted of isolated 9.5, 19.5, and 32 mm granite aggregates Test Specimens
with compressive strengths in the order 60–79 MPa. Samples were A total of six wall specimens exposed to a hydrocarbon fire for
exposed to a hydrocarbon fire curve for 55 mins in order to 120 min were investigated in this paper. The walls were
investigate the influence of aggregate size on spalling. Although 3,380 mm ðwidthÞ × 3,360 mm ðheightÞ × 200 mm ðthicknessÞ in
no explanation was given, the results showed that the small coarse dimensions. All specimens were reinforced with mild-strength
aggregates led to an increase in spalling. 6-mm diameter bars and 100-mm spacing mesh at their centers.
The influence of aggregate size on the spalling performance The panels were tested in a vertical configuration under self-weight
of concrete containing polypropylene fibers was investigated by only. Table 1 presents the test specimens, which have been iden-
Jansson and Bostrom (2007). The results showed that although tified by aggregate type because this is the parameter being inves-
polypropylene fibers do reduce concrete spalling, the degree of tigated. For example, a specimen denoted LP7B is identified as the
spalling (measured by maximum spalling depth) was influenced wall panel with 7-mm basalt aggregate. A specimen denoted
by aggregate size. Large slabs (1,800 × 1,200 × 300 mm) exposed LP20G represents the wall panel with 20-mm aggregate.
to a standard fire curve for 1 h showed that the maximum spalling
depth increased when the aggregate size increased from 16 to
Specimen Preparation
25 mm. The spalling depths were 20 and 40 mm approximately,
and the polypropylene content was 1 kg=m3 . In another sample All specimens were cast at a precasting yard (Hollowcore Pty) us-
of tests, small slabs of 500 × 600 × 300 mm were exposed to ing commercially available equipment, and each specimen was

Table 1. Concrete Mixture Constituents and Properties

Aggregate type Coarse Fine Cement Water Water Superplasticizer 28-day compressive
(maximum size) (kg=m3 ) (kg=m3 ) (kg=m3 ) (kg=m3 ) binder ratio (L=m3 ) strength (MPa)
LP7B basalt (7 mm) 1,100 577 550 (25% slag) 150 0.27 7.5 (Viscoscreet, Sika Group, Germany) 69.4
LP14B basalt (14 mm) 1,100 577 550 (25% slag) 150 0.27 7.5 (Viscoscreet, Sika Group, Germany) 71.6
LP20B basalt (20 mm) 1,100 577 550 (25% slag) 150 0.27 7.5 (Viscoscreet, Sika Group, Germany) 70.7
LP7G granite (7 mm) 1,100 577 550 (25% Slag) 150 0.27 7.5 (Viscoscreet, Sika Group, Germany) 75.1
LP14G granite (14 mm) 1,100 577 550 (25% slag) 150 0.27 7.5 (Viscoscreet, Sika Group, Germany) 72.4
LP20G granite (20 mm) 1,100 577 550 (25% slag) 150 0.27 7.5 (Viscoscreet, Sika Group, Germany) 73.0

© ASCE 04017237-2 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2017, 29(12): 04017237

of surface moisture
Standard deviation
made from one batch of concrete. The aggregates were prepared so

content (%)
they were in a saturated surface-dry condition. After casting, the

specimens were covered with polyethylene sheets for 24 h. The
specimens were stripped at 24 h after casting and transported to
the laboratory at CESARE where they were allowed to air-dry in-
doors until the test date (85–90 days). During this time period, the
temperature was an average of 18  5°C, and the relative humidity
was 50  10%. Twelve test cylinders for each specimen were also
moisture content
Average surface

made, and they were cured under the same conditions and tested for

compressive strength and tensile strength at 28 days and on the test

day according to AS 1012.9 (Australian Standards 1999). The com-
pressive strength and tensile strength of the cylinders were taken as
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the average of three cylinders. The compressive strengths at 28 days

varied between 69.4 and 75.1 MPa with a standard deviation of
Standard deviation

test day (kg=m3 )

0.60–4.0 MPa. The tensile strengths at 28 days varied between

of density on

7.6 and 8.9 MPa with a standard deviation of 0.33–1.7 MPa.



Table 2 provides the compressive and tensile strengths at the test

date in addition to the densities and moisture contents of the spec-
imens. Although the cylinders represent the compressive and ten-
sile strength of the wall panels, five measuring points on the wall
specimens were tested for moisture content. These locations were
Average density
on test day

on the side of the specimen that was to be fire tested and at the
(kg=m3 )

following locations: (1) center, and (2) centroid of the quadrants

of the specimen. The locations of the moisture content readings
are shown in Fig. 1. The average moisture contents were between
Table 2. Concrete Compressive Strength, Tensile Strength, Density, Moisture Content, and Statistical Analysis at Test Date

4.80 and 5.20% for the specimens with a standard deviation in

the range of 0.03–0.17%. The moisture content readings were
Standard deviation

on test day (MPa)

of tensile strength

done using a Tramex CME4 (Cornell Group, Australia and

New Zealand) (accuracy within 0.2%, and which used

electromagnetic-wave technology to determine the moisture con-

tent) and represents the moisture content as an average between
the heated face and 25 mm within the specimen.
strength on test
Average tensile

In Situ Thermocouple Instrumentation

day (MPa)

Specimens were instrumented with Type K mineral insulated metal


sheath thermocouples (which are operational up to 1,100°C and are

2 mm in diameter). Thermocouples were placed and held in posi-
tion during the casting process and were located at the center of the
specimen at 25, 50, 75, 100, and 150 mm from the heated face. A
Standard deviation of
compressive strength
on test day (MPa)

thermocouple was also located at a depth of 200 mm, which re-

corded the temperatures at the heating surface. This is referred
Average compressive
strength on test
day (MPa)
fire test (days)
Age during



Fig. 1. Moisture content location testing (on fire side prior to fire test)

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Fig. 4. Control thermocouples in furnace

The burners are positioned so that they are parallel to the

Fig. 2. Cross section of in situ thermocouple locations at 0, 25, 50, 75, furnace, allowing the heat to be projected forward. The furnace
100, 150, and 200 mm is equipped with six control type K thermocouples in three rows
of two as outlined in AS 1530.4 (Australian Standards 1997),
which are used to control the furnace temperatures and allow it
to the thermocouple at 0 mm. A surface-type thermocouple, which to follow the hydrocarbon fire curve. The thermocouples are posi-
consists of a disk pad and which is held against the measurement tioned in a manner whereby they are 100  10 mm from the wall
surface, was used to record the temperatures on the nonexposed heat- specimen surface and are equally spaced vertically. A schematic of
ing side at the center in accordance to AS 1530.4 (Australian this setup is shown in Fig. 4. In order to position the wall panels,
Standards 1997). This surface temperature is referred to as temper- they needed to rest against the furnace perimeter (185 mm) width
atures recorded at 200 mm. The locations of the thermocouples section. Therefore, the exposed fire area was reduced from 3,380 ×
are shown in Fig. 2. 3,360 to 3,310 × 2,990 (W × H) and was approximately 9 m2.
Fig. 5 shows an example of the setup for the wall specimen denoted
Hydrocarbon Fire Test
The fire testing of the wall panels was conducted in a 3,200 × Spalling Observations, Three-Dimensional Surface
3,400 × 3,400 mm (W × H × D) furnace, which has a provision Mapping Volume, and Mass Loss
that can allow wall specimens to be tested for exposure in a vertical Although it is common to quantify the degree of spalling from
configuration, similar to tilt-up wall panels. The furnace is shown in measuring the difference in weight of the specimens before and
Fig. 3. The furnace is fitted out with two top and bottom burners, after fire exposure, this measure does not take into account the indi-
allowing it to generate the hydrocarbon fire curve in accordance to vidual components of concrete spalling, which include solid-mass
EN 1991-1-2 (European Standard 2005) as illustrated in Eq. (1). loss and water loss. During heating, material is spalled from the
The fire duration for all tests was planned for 120 min specimen while water migrates out of the specimen and is either
T ¼ 1,080ð1 − 0.325e−0.167t − 0.675e−2.5t Þ þ 20 ð1Þ evaporated or pooled on the surface. In order to determine the
breakdown of the solid mass and water mass spalled, the volume
where T = temperature (°C); and t = time (minutes). of spalled material from the fire-exposed side was calculated. A

Fig. 3. Hydrocarbon fire test furnace Fig. 5. Hydrocarbon fire test for Wall Specimen LP7B

© ASCE 04017237-4 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2017, 29(12): 04017237

Leica TPS1200+ tachymeter (Leica, Germany) was used to record trial-and-error basis based on the general equation heat equation
the depth of spalling (with an accuracy of within 0.1 mm) along the (Welty 1974) shown in Eq. (2)
width and height of the specimen at every 15 mm. This generated
an xyz terrain representing the spalling damage, which was devel- ∂ 2 T 1 ∂T
¼ ð2Þ
oped into three-dimensional (3D) contour maps using the computer ∂x2 k ∂t
software package OriginPro 8.5. A two-dimensional (2D) volume
where T = temperature; x = distance from the surface; K = thermal
integration was performed across the contour maps, which repre-
diffusivity; and t = time.
sents the total volume of concrete spalled from the surface and was
A central difference equation was used for second spatial
used to qualify and quantify the degree of mass loss. The density of
the cylinders was used in order to determine the solid-mass loss
based on the calculated volume of the specimen loss. ∂ 2 T T niþ1 − 2T ni þ T ni−1
¼ ð3Þ
∂x2 h2
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Nominal Spalling Depth Analysis where i = incremental distance step; n = incremental time step; and
h = total thickness of the wall specimen.
The concept of nominal depth has been introduced in this paper A forward equation was used for the first time derivative
in order to provide a relevant parameter to measure spalling among
specimens without being distorted by the weight difference of spec- ∂T T nþ1 − T ni
¼ i ð4Þ
imens with different geometries and thicknesses. The nominal ∂t Δt
spalling depth is defined as the volume of spalled material divided
where Δt = time interval.
by the area of the specimen exposed to heating. This new parameter
Therefore, the final equation for the thermal diffusivity calcu-
allows comparisons between spalling tests to be more definitive
lation was
because it eliminates the geometric and weight aspects of the speci-
men. This point can be illustrated by the example where if the thick- T iþ1 − 2T ni þ T ni−1
ness of the panel is increased, the percentage of spalling would not T nþ1
i ¼ kΔt þ T ni ð5Þ
increase similarly. This indicates that beyond a certain thickness,
the thickness of the panel has a very minor effect on the spalling Trial values were entered for thermal diffusivity, K substituted
of the exposed concrete to fire. in Eq. (5), and the correct value of thermal diffusivity was deter-
mined when the temperature calculated from Eq. (5) equated to the
temperature from the experimental data.
Thermal Diffusivity Analysis

In order to predict pore pressures and the heat and transfer mecha- Experimental Results and Discussion
nism within the concrete specimen, which are believed to be
major governing factors causing concrete spalling (Harmathy The behavior of the concrete panels subjected to fire is discussed
1965; Khoury 1992; Anderberg 1997; Harada and Terai 1997; under six categories: (1) thermal analysis; (2) spalling behavior and
Consolazio et al. 1998; Kalifa et al. 2001; Khoury et al. 2002; nominal depth; (3) mass loss; (4) thermal diffusivity; (5) aggregate-
Khoury 2008), the thermal diffusivity needs to be calculated. The type effect; and (6) aggregate-size effect.
finite-difference back-calculation method at a depth of 50 mm mea-
sured from the fire-exposed side was used to calculate the thermal
Thermal Analysis
diffusivity of the specimens. In this region, it is believed that the
moisture clog exists and represents a zone of maximum saturated Fig. 6 represents the furnace control thermocouples and indicates
steam pressures. Thermal diffusivity values were calculated on a that the average furnace temperature was approximately equal to

Fig. 6. Control furnace thermocouple data

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Fig. 7. In situ temperature profiles for wall specimens: (a) LP7B; (b) LP7G; (c) LP14B; (d) LP14G; (e) LP20B

the hydrocarbon fire curve. Fig. 7 presents a cluster of graphs il- exposure when the temperature gradients are at the most extreme.
lustrating the in situ time–temperature profiles for the thermocou- Beyond this time period, spalling is considered to be surface spall-
ples located in the wall specimens up to a period of 30 min. No data ing only up to a period of 30 min, when the specimens reach ther-
are available for the 20-mm aggregate size granite specimen mal equilibrium, and then no further spalling occurs (Khoury and
(LP20G) because of damage to the thermocouple leads. No temper- Anderberg 2000).
ature data are shown above 30 min either because no spalling was Observations through the viewing ports at the back of the fur-
recorded either visually or by acoustic means beyond this time for nace confirmed the findings of Crozier and Sanjayan (2000). In all
all specimens. According to Crozier and Sanjayan (2000), explo- six tested wall panels, beyond 10 min, no explosive spalling was
sive spalling usually happens within the first 10 min of rapid fire witnessed. In addition, loud bangs were only heard up to a period of

© ASCE 04017237-6 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2017, 29(12): 04017237

Table 3. Time In Situ for Which Temperature Data Were Valid
Spalling depth Mins temp
(mm) valid—center
Specimen Center Maximum 25 mm 50 mm 75 mm 100 mm 150 mm
LP7B 31.2 197.0 11 28 120 120 120
LP14B 17.4 137.1 12 77 120 120 120
LP20B 9.3 101.1 12 115 120 120 120
LP7G 22.6 142.5 9 114 120 120 120
LP14G 27.5 118.7 12 97 120 120 120
LP20G 29.2 88.3 — — — — —
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Fig. 8. Concrete spalling of Wall Panel LP7B

10 min in all cases, indicating the presence of explosive spalling.

The in situ temperature data shown in Fig. 7 represent the classical
heat and mass transfer of a medium experiencing a high to low
temperature profile across its thickness. Fig. 7 shows that the tem-
perature at a 25-mm depth in all specimens steadily increased after
10 min (approximately reaching 200°C and beyond) and continued
to climb. Wall Specimen LP7B had a sudden temperature rise
at 11 min, when the temperature climbed from 200 to 800°C in
the space of 5 min. This represents the critical time period when
concrete spalling has occurred, given that the concrete cover has
been removed and the thermocouple recorded a sharp temperature
rise. Although it is difficult to determine whether the type of spall-
ing that occurred at this location was explosive in nature, coinci-
dently, it overlapped with loud bangs that were heard, indicating the
spalling was explosive. Popcorn popping sounds were also heard,
indicating surface spalling was occurring at that point in time and
other sections of the test specimen.
Table 3 presents a summary of the spalling depths at the center
of the specimens and the maximum spalling depth across the entire
specimen. In addition, based on the findings related to the in situ
temperatures and visual and acoustic observations, it was possible
to conclude the times when spalling occurred at the center. This is
referred to as the amount of time for which the thermocouples data
were valid.

Fig. 9. Concrete damage spalling contours of wall panels: (a) LP7B;

Spalling Behavior and Nominal Depth
(b) LP14G; (c) LP20B
Fig. 8 represents the LP7B wall specimen after fire testing, and
Fig. 9 represents the 3D spalling depth contour maps of Wall Panels
LP7B, LP14G, and LP20B. A summary of nominal spalling depth
for all wall panels taken, compared with the spalling depth at the LP7G, LP14B, and LP20G wall specimens. Therefore, no
center and maximum spalling depth across the specimens, is shown nominal-depth data can be presented for all wall specimens. It is
in Fig. 10. Because of time constraints, it was not possible to scan difficult to draw any scientific conclusion or explain any spalling
the surface profiles and generate spalling contour maps for the pattern across the wall specimens because it seems that the spalling

© ASCE 04017237-7 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2017, 29(12): 04017237

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Fig. 10. Spalling and nominal depths Fig. 11. Mass loss of wall specimens

observed was random and sporadic, as witnessed by other authors The specimen with 7-mm basalt aggregate exhibited the most
(Phan 1996; Phan and Carino 1998; Phan et al. 2001). Based on severe spalling, with 32.24% weight loss (30.38% solid mass
visual inspection of the wall specimens after the fire test, it is postu- and 1.86% water mass). This corresponded to a nominal spalling
lated that the nominal depth is a more accurate measure and pro- depth of 76.67 mm. Wall panels with 14- and 20-mm basalt aggre-
vides better representation of the degree of spalling of a specimen, gates spalled 7.19 and 12.13%, respectively. Granite aggregate wall
especially for one-sided heating. panels’ total spalling percentages are 22.34, 23.47, and 13.51% for
the 7-, 14-, and 20-mm aggregate size, respectively.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, no literature has quanti-
Mass Loss fied spalling in terms of both solid and water losses. The pooling of
Table 4 and Fig. 11 qualify and quantify the degree of spalling in water on the nonexposed fire side, as witnessed in these tests and
terms of solid and water mass. During fire exposure, solid materials the tests of others (Sanjayan and Stocks 1993), was first reported in
are spalled from the surface while moisture is migrated out of the the tests by Woolson (1905). Jansson (2013) found that in order to
specimen either through evaporation or pooling on the nonexposed develop an accurate thermo-hydromechanical model for concrete
surface (Sanjayan and Stocks 1993). Using the calculated volumes spalling, the modeling of the flow of water throughout the speci-
from the surface plot contours and using the densities of the spec- men and pooling on the unexposed fire size is a prerequesite. This
imens (determined by weighing the representative cylinders), the water pooling is postulated to be driven by the moisture-clog
mass of the solid spalled concrete can be determined as shown mechanism, which is derived from loosely bound water (moisture
in Eq. (6) content) and chemically bound water, which becomes available be-
cause of the phase chanages of the concrete under elevated temper-
ss ¼ density × volume ð6Þ atures (Mendes et al. 2008).
where ss = spalled solid mass.
The difference in weight of the specimens before and after heat Thermal Diffusivity
exposure represents the total spalling loss, which includes the total
amount of spalling (solid and water loss). Knowing the total spall- The in situ temperature data shown in Fig. 7 were used to calculate
ing loss and individual solid spalling mass, the spalled water mass the thermal diffusivity of concrete at various temperatures. The cal-
can be calculated as shown in Eqs. (7) and (8), respectively. These culation was based on temperatures up to a depth of 50 mm from
percentages for each specimen are represented in Fig. 11 the fire-exposed surface. Based on the moisture-vapor model of
heated concrete (Connolly 1997; Khoury and Anderberg 2000),
mb − ma ¼ ss þ sw ð7Þ a moisture-clog zone exist between the heated face to a certain
distance within the concrete sample. Between these regions, the
sw ¼ ðmb − ma − ss Þ ð8Þ concrete matrix is saturated and the pore pressures are at their peak.
It is postulated that these peaks occur between the heated face and
where mb = mass of the specimen before fire exposure; ma = mass up to a depth of 50 mm. Using the in-situ temperature data collected
of the specimen after fire exposure; and sw = spalled water-mass at 0-, 25-, and 50-mm depths, respectively, at the center of the
loss. specimen, thermal diffusivity of concrete was calculated at various

Table 4. Wall Specimen Spalling Data

Moisture Initial Mass Water Water Solid Water Nominal
content mass after Total mass Total mass content Solid volume Solid spalled spalled spalled spalled depth
Specimen (%) (kg) (kg) loss (kg) loss (%) (%) spalled (m3 ) mass (kg) mass (kg) (%) (%) (mm)
LP7B 5.20 5,639.0 3,821.2 1,817.8 32.24 11.49 0.69 1,713.0 104.7 30.38 1.86 76.67
LP14B 5.20 5,642.8 5,236.8 405.9 7.19 11.49 — — — — — —
LP20B 5.10 5,621.6 4,939.6 681.9 12.13 11.00 0.26 643.5 38.4 11.45 0.68 28.89
LP7G 4.80 5,620.8 4,365.1 1,255.6 22.34 12.51 — — — — — —
LP14G 5.10 5,665.5 4,335.7 1,329.7 23.47 12.37 0.51 1,272.1 57.6 22.45 1.02 56.67
LP20G 4.80 5,660.2 4,895.5 764.7 13.51 11.63 — — — — — —

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J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2017, 29(12): 04017237

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Fig. 12. Thermal diffusivity versus temperature for the wall specimens

Table 5. Thermal Diffusivity, Saturated Temperature, and Corresponding

specimen because the wall panels did not bend or bow out during
Steam Pressures for the Concrete Specimens the fire test. This was validated by using a string-plot LVDT posi-
tioned on the surface to measure any outwards or inwards move-
Variable LP7B LP7G LP14B LP14G LP20B ment of the slab at the center. It can be assumed that the pore
°Cmm pressure alone did not cause concrete spalling.
Local min k 10−6 0.35 0.10 0.07 0.15 0.1
s−1 Various studies have shown that spalling is extremely difficult to
Saturation temperature (°C) 120 113 130 110 155 predict and analytically characterize. Often, explosive spalling has
Pressure (MPa) 0.097 0.057 0.169 0.042 0.442 occurred to only a few specimens from a larger group of specimens
that were subjected to identical testing conditions (Phan 1996; Phan
and Carino 1998; Phan et al. 2001). These irregularities arise be-
temperatures using the method described earlier. This is shown cause the nonhomogenous nature of concrete, various interdepend-
in Fig. 12. ent factors, and the fire exposure to which it has been subjected.
A common value of thermal diffusivity for concrete at room This erratic behavior makes it difficult to justify results and estab-
temperature is 0.75 × 10−6 m2 s−1 (Çengel 2003). All specimens lish the mechanisms of spalling. There is consensus that the
exhibited a sharp drop in thermal diffusivity at a certain tempera- combination of buildup of pore pressure and differential thermal
gradients in addition to other factors may cause concrete spalling
ture, which is indicated by the local minimums in Fig. 12. This
(Bazant 1997; Khoury and Anderberg 2000; Khoury et al. 2002;
temperature envelope was within the range of 110–150°C. This
Phan 2008; Jansson and Boström 2010). Aggregate type and size
phenomenon is a result of the water changing from the liquid to
are explained as possible contributors to spalling, as explained in
steam phase and the corresponding thermal capacity drop at this
the next sections.
point. At this temperature, there is an endothermic reaction
whereby the water in the concrete absorbs the heat to transform
into steam. This temperature can be defined as the saturated steam
temperature. The saturated steam temperature corresponds to steam Aggregate-Type Effect
pressure, which is a fixed value. This value can be obtained from Basalt and granite were used in this study to study the effet of ag-
standard steam tables (Spirax Sarco 2011). Values from saturated gregate type given that they are the most widely available aggre-
steam pressures and saturated steam temperatures were used to es- gates used in Australia. The main properties of interest in concrete
timate superheated steam pressure based on the in situ temperature. manufacturing is bulk specific gravity and water absorption (Chen
Because the differences between these pressures are very small and Liu 2004). From Fig. 4 and Table 4, there is no clear trend in
(less than 5%), saturated steam pressures and superheated steam the influence of aggregate type for these aggregates. Wall Specimen
pressures were considered interchangeable. LP7B had 32.34% spalling loss compared to 22.34% for LP7G.
Table 5 presents the thermal diffusivity, saturated temperature, The 14-mm wall specimens had 7.19 and 23.47% mass loss for
and corresponding steam pressures for the concrete specimens. The the basalt and granite aggregates respectively, whereas wall spec-
wall specimen containing 14-mm granite had the lowest saturated imens with 20-mm aggregates had 12.13 and 13.51% mass losses
steam temperature of 110°C, which corresponded to a steam pres- for the basalt and granite aggregates. Naik et al. (2011) has shown
sure of 0.042 MPa. Contrary to this, the specimen containing the that the thermal expansion coefficient for these aggregates are sim-
20-mm granite had the highest saturated steam temperature of ilar, 9.5 and 9.3 microstrain=°C, respectively; therefore, it is post-
155°C, respectively, which corresponded to a saturated steam pres- ualted that aggregate type had no bearing on the spalling results.
sure of 0.442 MPa.
At temperatures ranging from 110 to 155°C, the tensile strength
may decrease by no more than 10%, which will bring down the Aggregate-Size Effect
tensile strength to approximately 7.30–8.60 MPa (Behnood and
Ghandehari 2009; Khaliq and Kodur 2011). This strength is signifi- Fig. 10 and Table 4 represent the spalling details of the wall spec-
cantly larger than the in situ steam pressures created by the satu- imens. Because the thickness of the specimens is constant, the
rated steam temperatures. It was assumed that the pore pressure and spalling weights alone can be used to make relevant comparisons
tensile strength are constant across the entire surface area of the and conclusions. Given that aggregate type is not considered a

© ASCE 04017237-9 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2017, 29(12): 04017237

factor affecting the spalling results in this investigation, it was not • Aggregate type (basalt and granite) does not exhibit any clear
used for the analysis herein. The basalt specimens showed that a trend on spalling depth. This is likely attributable to the similar
significant reduction in spalling occurred when the aggregate size thermal expansion properties of basalt and granite;
increased between 7 (LP7B) and 20 mm (LP20B). The total spall- • The tensile strength of the wall specimens during heating ranged
ing mass losses of these panels were 32.24 and 12.13%, respec- from 7.3 to 8.6 MPa, and the in situ pore pressures ranged from
tively. The 14-mm aggregate panel (LP14B) had a total mass 0.042 to 0.442 MPa. The pore pressures were not significant to
loss of 7.19%. In regard to the granite specimens, again, there cause spalling;
was a significant reduction in spalling when the aggregate size in- • It is speculated that the pore pressures were reduced because of
creased from 7 to 20 mm, with total spalling mass losses of 22.34% the migration of the in situ water, which pooled on the nonex-
(LP7G) and 13.51% (LP20G), respectively. The 14-mm aggregate posed side of the specimen; and
panel (LP14G) had a total mass loss of 23.47%. Although there is • It is postulated that spalling is more prone in specimens contain-
some discrepancy in the results, to some extent, these results indi- ing smaller aggregates because the larger aggregates provide a
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cate that spalling of concrete is increased with a smaller aggre- longer fracture process zone, which needs greater kinetic energy
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