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Welcome to September! 
This year has gone by way too fast. Seems like last week was 4​th​ of July and now we’re moving 
into Labor Day. As one of my Logging crew used to say, “By gollies, this year went by so fast, I’m not 
sure I had a birthday.” That pretty well sums up my feelings of August. It sure doesn’t seem like 
August when I’m still waiting for Redwood Acres Fair to happen and learn that our county fair has 
gone by as well.  
Holy Sheep Shit! 
Corona Virus, political conventions, California and all its problems, peaceful protests and don’t 
forget NOT so peaceful protests. Maybe all this is a clue to why we are burned out in early 
September and need Thanksgiving early. If all these happenings keep up, this fat boy is going to 
revert back to Maalox for my upset stomach. I’m sure many of you feel as I do, let’s get the election 
over and get me back to a couple of years of normalcy. Until this year I didn’t realize how so few 
people could screw up the lives of so many people in this nation. Is this not something to think 
Feed and grains are so steady it scares me. Most people aren’t aware that the corn states, 
Iowa and Indiana have been hammered by storms in the middle of August. As I write this they 
haven’t fully determined the full extent of the damage. Another area of the world with major crop 
damage and shortages is China and most of the Asian countries. If these areas decide to shop here to 
feed their people, not knowing how the U.S. government will respond, our grain prices could go into 
orbit. I will be watching closely and the fall-out of these occurrences should be visible by the 1​st​ of 
December. All we can hope for is that everyone and everything gets fed this winter. 
Hay is looking good, prices look steady, our supplier tells me not to worry, 3 G’s will be 
protected. Sheep hay fields are looking good and we can expect that about the 1​st​ of October. 
Organic rice straw should be arriving about mid October. Organic rice is unusually tall this year 
meaning more straw per acre available to us. That’s Good!! 
We should be starting the fall season as soon as we get a little rain. If you have fruit trees and 
ornamental shrubs think about a little plant food so they go dormant. The valley even fertilizes 
oranges, nuts, avocados and grapes right after harvest. Something else to think about is cover crop 
for winter. The sooner you get it in, the sooner and longer the nitrogen fixing qualities will be at work. 
There you go, “The wanna-be farmer has expounded.” 
Politics – I’ve got a belly full! VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! 
Liberty Quotes: 
“How do you tell a communist? Well it’s someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an 
anti-communist? It’s someone who understands Marx and Lenin.” -Ronald Reagan 
“There ain’t no ticks like poly-ticks. Blood suckers all.” -Davey Crockett 
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” -Thomas 
Points to Ponder: 
“I wasn’t worth a cent two years ago. Now I owe two million dollars.”   
-Mark Twain 
“Reputation is character minus what you’ve been caught doing.” -Michael Lapoce 
“A socialist is somebody who doesn’t have anything and is ready to divide it up equally among everybody.” 
-George Bernard Shaw 
Old man Selling Watermelons 
At the melon stand, the pricelist read: 1 for $3.00 or 3 for $10.00 
A young man stopped by and asked to buy 1 watermelon. “That’ll be $3.00, said the old man who owned the 
The young man than buys another one, and one more paying $3.00 each. As the young man walked away, he 
turned around and grinned. “Hey old man, do you realize that I just bought 3 watermelons for $9.00? Maybe 
business is not your thing.” 
The old man smiled and mumbled to himself, “I sold him 3 watermelons when he only wanted one and he 
thinks I’m the one who needs business lessons.” 


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