Chapter 4: Exercise 1: Acr-Cyan

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1. ACR-/-o-/CYAN-/-osis:
bluish colour of extremities

2. ADEN-/-oid-/ec-/TOM-/-y:
excision of the adenoids

3. ANKYL-/-o-/DACTYL-/-y:
adhesion of two or more fingers

4. ARACHN-/-oid-/-itis:
inflammation of arachnoid membrane
5. ARACHN-/-o-/PHOB-/-ia:
morbid fear of spiders

6. ARTERI-/-o-/SCLER-/-osis:
hardening of arterial walls

7. BLENN-/-o-/STA-/-sis:
suppression of secretion from the mucus

8. BRADY-/LEX-/-ia:
abnormal slowness of reading
9. CELI-/-o-/ENTER-/-o-/TOM-/-y:
incision in the abdominal wall to gain
access to the intestines

10. CELI-/-o-/-RRHAPH-/-y:
suture of a wound in the abdominal wall

11. CHROM-/-IDR-/-osis:
excretion of coloured sweat

12. COL-/-o-/COL-/-o-/STOM-/-y:
surgical formation of a passage between
portions of the colon
13. COL-/-o-/CYST-/-o-/PLAST-/-y:
enlargement of the urinary bladder by
attaching a segment of the colon to it

14. CRANI-/-o-/-CLAST:
instrument for crushing the fetal skull to
facilitate delivery

15. CRANI-/-o-/STEN-/-osis:
contracted skull due to premature closure
of cranial sutures

16. CYAN-/-o-/-DERMA:
bluish discolouration of the skin
17. DERMAT-/-o-/hetero-/PLAST-/-y:
a skin grafting from a member of a
different species

18. DERMAT-/-o-/SCLER-/-osis:
infiltration of the skin with fibrous material

19. dia-/GNO-/-sis:
(a) denoting the disease a person has
(b) using scientific methods to establish the
cause of a disease
20. DIPS-/-o-/GEN:
thirst-provoking agent

21. ENTER-/-o-/-RRHAPH-/-y:
suture of the intestine

22. ERYTHR-/-o-/CYT-/HAEM-/-ia:
an enormous increase in circulating red
blood cells

23. GASTR-/-o-/ENTER-/-o-/ana-/STOM-/
formation of a passage between the
stomach and small intestine
24. GASTR-/-o-/HEPAT-/-ic:
pertaining to the stomach and the liver

25. GASTR-/-o-/PLAST-/-y:
plastic surgery of the stomach

26. HIST-/o-/HAEMAT-/-o-/GEN-/-ous:
arising from the tissues and the blood

28. HIST-/-o-/KINE-/sis:
movement in the tissues of the body
28. HIST-/-o-/PATH-/o-/LOG-/-y:
microscopic study of diseased tissues

29. homo-/MORPH-/-ic:
denoting two or more structures of similar
size and shape

30. IATR-/-o-/GEN-/-ic:
denoting response to medical or surgical
treatment induced by the treatment itself
31. KIN(E)-/an-/AESTHES-/-ia:
inability to perceive the extent of
movement or direction

32. KINES-/IATR-/-ics:
treatment by movement or exercises (syn.

33. LAPAR-/-o-/GASTR-/-o-/STOM-/-y:
surgical formation of a permanent gastric
fistula through the abdominal wall

34. LAPAR-/-o-/SPLEN-/ec-/TOM-/-y:
abdominal excision of the spleen
35. LEUK-/-o-/CYT-/-o-/PEN-/-ia:
abnormal decrease of white blood
corpuscles in the blood (syn. leukopenia)

36. MELAN-/-o-/LEUK-/-o-/DERMA:
marbeled/marmorated/mottled skin

37. MYEL-/-o-/CYT-/HAEM-/-ia:
presence of an excess number of
myelocytes in the blood (syn.
38. MYEL-/-o-/dys-/PLAS-/-ia:
defective formation of the spinal cord

39. MYEL-/-o-/PATH-/-y:
any pathological condition of the
spinal cord

40. MYEL-/-o-/SARC-/-omat-/-osis:
disseminated myelosarcomas
(sarcoma: cancer of connective
41. NOS-/-o-/POIE-/-tic:
causing a disease
(syn. pathogenic / pathogenetic)

42. OLIG-/-o-/DIPS-/-ia:
abnormal lack of thirst

43. PAED-/IATR-/-ics:
relating to the care of children and
treatment of their diseases

44. peri-/SPLEN-/-itis:
inflammation of the peritoneal coat of the
45. POLI-/-o-/ENCEPHAL-/-o-/MENING-/-o-
inflammation of the gray matter of the
brain and spinal cord and their meninges

46. POLI-/-o-/ENCEPHAL-/-o-/PATH-/-y:
disease of the gray matter of the brain

47. POLY-/CYST-/-ic:
composed of many cysts

48. PY-/-oid:
resembling pus
49. SARC-/-o-/ADEN-/-oma:
a fleshy tumor of a gland

50. syn-/CEPHAL-/-y:
the condition exhibited by
(conjoined twins having a single
head with two bodies)
1. acrodynia

2. adenomatoid

3. arachnodactyly

4. celiogastrostomy

5. coloenteritis
6. craniosclerosis

7. craniomalacia

8. cyanidrosis

9. dermatopathology

10. dermatocyst

11. enterohepatitis
12. erythroderma

13. erythrocyanosis

14. erythrocytosis

15. gastrosplenic

16. gastrolithiasis

17. gastroplegia
18. gastroenterocolitis

19. hidradenoma

20. hidrocystoma

21. histiocytosis

22. histodiagnosis

23. kineplasty
24. myelopathy

25. myelopoiesis

26. nosophobia

27. poliomyelitis

28. pyodermatitis

29. sarcomatoid
1. arteriostenosis

2. blennogenic

3. celiotomy

4. colonoscope

5. colonorrhagia
6. dermatologist

7. dermatology

8. gastrectomy

9. gastrorrhexis

10. gastroscopy

11. gastrocolostomy

12. haemolysin
13. histiolysis

14. histiogenesis

15. laparorrhaphy

16. lipogenetic

17. myelotome

18. myelomalacia

19. myelography

20. myelosclerosis

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