Chapter 6: Exercise 1: AER Phag Mne-MYX Rrhoe IS MEL Orex

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1. AER-/-o-/PHAG-/-ia:
swallowing of air
2. a-/MNE-/-sia:
loss of memory
3. a-/MYX-/-o-/RRHOE-/-a:
lack of normal secretion of mucus
4. an-/IS-/-o-/MEL-/-ia:
paired limbs are noticeably unequal
5. an-/OREX-/-ia:
loss of appetite
6. an-/OST(E)-/-osis:
defective formation or development of
bone; failure to ossify

7. an-/OX-/-ia:
absence of oxygen

8. anti-/EME-/-tic:
i) preventing/relieving nausea and vomiting
ii) an agent that prevents or relieves
nausea and vomiting
9. anti-/NEPHR-/-itic:
i) preventing /relieving inflammation of
the kidneys
ii) an agent that prevents/relieves
inflammation of the kidneys
10. a-/PHA-/-sia:
absence or impairment of ability to
communicate through speech, writing or
11. ARTHR-/-o-/-DESIS
surgical immobilization of a joint;
artificial ankylosis
12. BRADY-/PHAG-/-ia:
abnormal slowness of eating
13. CHOL-/EME-/-sis:
bile in the vomitus
14. DIAPHRAGMAT-/-o-/-CEL-/-e:
a hernia of the diaphragm
15. DIPS-/-o-/MAN-/-ia:
a recurring compulsion to drink alcoholic
16. DYNAM-/-o-/SCOP-/e:
an instrument for auscultation of
17. dys-/MNE-/-sia:
an impairment of memory
18. dys-/OREX-/-ia:
diminished or perverted appetite
19. dys-/PHON-/-esia:
difficulty in reading caused by an
inability to sound out printed words;
someone suffering from dysphonesia
has a problem with letter-sound
20. dys-/PHON-/-ia:
difficulty in speaking; hoarseness
21. end-/OSTE-/-oma:
a tumor in the medullary (marrow) cavity
of a bone
22. ENTER-/ELC-/-osis: ulceration of the
23. epi-/LEP-/-tic:
(i) concerning epilepsy
(ii) an individual suffering from epilepsy
24. ERG-/-o-/-METER:
an apparatus to measure the amount of
work done by a human or animal subject
25. HAEM-/-o-/PTY-/-sis:
expectoration of blood
26. HELC-/-oid:
resembling an ulcer

27. hemi-/DIAPHRAGM
half of the diaphragm

28. HYDR-/-o-/THERAP-/-y:
the scientific application of water in
treatment of disease

29. hyper-/DYNAM-/-ia:
muscular restlessness or extreme
30. hyper-/EME-/-sis:
excessive vomiting

31. hypo-/MNE-/-sia:
impaired memory

32. hypo-/PHRAS-/-ia:
slowness/lack of speech (due to
psychosis or brain injury)

33. hyp-/OX-/-ia:
an oxygen deficiency
34. IS-/-o-/DACTYL-/-ism:
having fingers or toes of equal length

35. LAL-/-o-/PHOB-/-ia:
fear of speaking due to fear of
stammering or making errors

36. LEI-/-o-/MY-/-om/ec-/TOM-/-y:
surgical resection of a leiomyoma (= a
tumor consisting of smooth muscle
37. MAN-/-iac:
person afflicted by a mania (= psychosis,
characterised by exalted feelings, delusions

38. MYX-/ADEN-/-oma:
(i) a tumor with the structure of mucous
(ii) a tumor of glandular structure containing
mucous elements

39. NE-/-o-/PHOB-/-ia:
a fear of new scenes or novelties; aversion
to all unknown or not understood
40. NEPHR-/em-/PHRAC-/-sis: c + s > x
obstruction in the renal vessels

41. NEPHR-/-o-/CYST-/-itis:
inflammation of the kidney and bladder

42. NEPHR-/-o-/LITH-/-o-/TOM-/-y:
renal incision for removal of calculus

43. ONC-/-o-/THERAP-/-y:
the treatment of tumors
44. OREX-/-i-/GEN-/-ic:
appetite stimulating (note: combining
vowel -i-)

45. OST(E)-/em-/PY-/-esis:
purulent inflammation within a bone (note:
fusion of e’s in oste and em; en > em:
before p)

46. OSTE-/-o-/RRHAPH-/-y:
wiring together of fragments of bone
47. OXY-/ACU-/-sis:
an abnormal sensitivity to sound

48. PALI-/KINES-/-ia:
involuntary repetition of movements

49. PALIN-/AESTHES-/-ia:
the return of the power of sensation (e.g.
after recovery from anaesthesia)
50. PAN-/DEM-/-ic:
a disease affecting the majority of the
population of a large region

51. PAN-/PLEG-/-ia:
total paralysis

52. para-/PHRAS/-ia:
loss of ability to use words correctly and
53. PTYAL-/o-/LITH:
a salivary concretion

54. TACHY-/PHA-/-sia:
excessive volubility or rapidity of speech
(e.g. in mental disorders)

55. TEL-/ANGI-/-osis:
a disease of capillary vessels

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