Malleus Maleficarum - Gospels

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Malleus Maleficarum 

Modified Endowment: Gospels 

To better do battle with the devil and his servants, paladins of the Malleus Maleficarum use holy
magics called Gospels. The story goes that Gospels were passed down to the church by the
Archangel Michael himself to provide man a weapon with which to battle evil. But occult
scholars may note distinct similarities between Maleficarum Gospels and ancient magics
unearthed within ruins surrounding ancient egypt, long predating the order.

System​: Each Gospel is broken into two sections, a Benediction and a Hymn, detailed below.
Benedictions and Hymns needn’t be bought separately, the purchase of a Gospel provides both
powers. Though Hymns require additional conditions to activate (see the Choir Merit below).
Gospel’s cost 2 experiences a piece.

Benedictions are short prayers, no longer than a sentence or two, from which paladins draw
power. Each provides a brief boon that, while weak, may turn the tide in conflict. Merely knowing
the words of a benediction is insufficient, true unyielding faith in the sanctity of prayer is
necessary for this magic to function. As such only the truly devoted become paladins of the

System: ​Using Benedictions requires an Instant Action and a point of willpower. All
benedictions the same dice pool, Resolve + Academics, though certain benedictions may also
be resisted or contested (as noted in their entry). Benedictions are quick to use, but also quick
to expire, never lasting longer than a single scene.

While Benedictions are abridged prayers Hymns are long elaborate sermons, songs that glorify
the one true God and the works of his saints. When invoked as a Hymn Gospels possess
impressive power, creating miracles that rival the supernatural might of the Maleficarum’s
satanic foes. But the magic of Hymns cannot be unlocked by a lone believer, only with the
assistance of a choir can a paladin hope to call upon true divinity.

System: ​Hymns are time consuming, each requiring roughly thirty minutes of uninterrupted
song with a paladin leading. Hymns use a dice pool of the paladin's Presence + Expression +
his dots in the Choir merit, and the same resistance mechanics (if any) as noted for
Benedictions. Hymns also cost one willpower, not only from the paladin, but every choir member
as well. As such a single choir can perform no more than two Hymns a day (see NPC Willpower
rules in GMC).

New Merit: Choir • - ••••• 

Prerequisites​: Member of the Malleus Maleficarum
Effect: ​The paladin has a devoted retinue, a choir all his own, that follows him wherever he
travels. One dot of choir represents two or three devoted singers, three a team of a dozen or
more, and a five dot choir may have over fifty members.
Drawback: ​Travelling with a choir, especially a large one, can be difficult. It’s difficult to travel
swiftly or secretly when you’re trying to move twenty five people.

Gathering a Choir 
Maleficarum paladins employ choirs to support their magical Hymns and create powerful
supernatural blessings. The larger the choir, the more potent the magic. But groups of spiritually
devoted singers don’t just hang around on street corners waiting to battle evil. Most Paladins
must rely on their own charisma, church status, and the local population to put together a choir,
a process made easier in predominantly Catholic cities.

System: ​Gathering a Choir requires an extended Presence + Persuasion + Status roll, with a
target number of three times the number of choir dots the paladin hopes to accrue, and a period
of one day per roll. Storytellers should modify this roll based on local knowledge, contacts, and
the general devoutness of the region. Capping the number of possible Choir members is also
appropriate, especially in sparsely populated areas.
Choir members gathered in this way come together for at most a chapter or two before they
disperse. Naturally enemies of the paladin may catch wind of his efforts and try to sabotage him
as well, so prolonged choir hunts are discouraged. If all else fails a paladin may petition the
Maleficarum to send trained Choir members straight from the vatican. But such requests must
be backed up with hard facts and ample evidence of a severe infernal threat.

Combining Choirs 
Several paladins may wish to band together and combine their choirs for greater effect. When
combining choirs treat the largest choir (i.e. the most merit dots) as the base choir. Every two
dots worth of choir added increases the base choir’s dot rating by one, to a maximum of five
(because the dot to choir size ratio is exponential).
Example: Two 3 dot choirs and a 2 dot choir are being combined. One of the 3 dot choirs is
used as the base, 2 dots are subtracted from the other two choirs, each increasing the base by
one. So the end result is a five dot choir and a one dot choir.

Similarly a paladin may wish to split his choir or spread its blessing amongst several targets. In
this case use the same calculation in reverse, with each dot split from the main choir generating
a two dot sub choir. Though no sub-choir can ever have more dots than the original choir.
Example: A 5 dot choir could be split into a 3 dot choir and a pair of 2 dot choirs (which could
then be combined into a second 3 dot choir), a 4 dot choir and a 2 dot choir, or even four 2 dot
choirs. But not a 1 dot choir and four 2 dot choirs, as that would result in the main choir being
smaller than one of it’s subsections.
Sample Gospels 
Armor of Saint Martin 
● Benediction​: The prayer grants the paladin a brief aegis of divine protection. He gains
1/0 armor for a scene.
● Hymn​: The prayer shourds the paladin in an almost palpable aura of invulnerability. He
gains [Choir]/[Choir] Armor for twelve hours.

Boon of Lazarus 
● Benediction​: With a touch and urgent prayer the paladin stays the life of a dying man. If
she is currently bleeding out or dying the subject immediately stabilizes.
● Hymn​: The choir stands in a circle around an injured man, pleading with heaven above
to let him be whole. As to song concludes the subject’s flesh begins to mend and slowly
return to health. The subject of the Hymn heals two bashing wounds or one lethal wound
per success, or one aggravated wound per three successes.
This prayer can even give life to the recently deceased. In order for this to happen the
body of the deceased, dead for no longer than 24 hours, must be present in the circle,
whole and unrotted. the Hymn will help with fatal injuries, but a totally dismembered body
is beyond the power of Gospels to restore. As the song reaches its climax the paladin
must sacrifice a ​dot​ of willpower and score and Exceptional Success on his Presence +
Expression + Choir roll. If successful the subject returns to life with no willpower and a
health track full of bashing damage, which begins to heal as normal. They remember
nothing of their experiences beyond the grave.

Blessed Protection of Saint Agrippina 

● Benediction​: The paladin selects a door or gateway, no more than three yards in
diameter, and wards it against evil. Supernatural beings must succeed a Supernatural
Advantage roll, penalized by the paladin’s activation successes to pass or use
supernatural powers through the barrier. This blessing lasts one hour.
● Hymn​: Standing at the heart of a structure the Choir blesses their surroundings, creating
a holy ground where evil cannot pass. A structure of size [Choir] or less (see Hunter: The
Vigil pg. XX) is warded against evil incursion for a full 24 hours. Supernatural beings
must succeed a Supernatural Advantage roll, penalized by the paladin’s activation
successes to pass or use supernatural powers through the barrier.

Epipodian Safeguard 
● Benediction​: The paladin hardens his thoughts against intrusion. He treats his Resolve
as one dot higher for resisting and contesting supernatural effects.
● Hymn​: The paladin is filled with a sense of unbreakable clarity. He adds his Choir dots to
his Resolve and Composure for the purpose of resisting and contesting supernatural
Las Langue Des Saints 
● Benediction​: The paladin anoints a suspected sinner with a drop of holy water and
speaks this blessing. For the remainder of the scene, whenever the subject lies to the
paladin the water boils and burns him. While this does not damage it is painful and
revealing, the target suffers a -3 die penalty to all manipulation rolls against the paladin
● Hymn​: A sinner, bound and surrounded by the paladin and his Choir, is subject to a
powerful Hymn of truth. As the song comes to its crescendo the paladin may ask the
subject [Choir] questions, which the subject must answer immediately and truthfully.

Loyola’s Fire 
● Benediction​: By speaking this prayer as he lights a torch or other small fire, the paladin
imbues the flames with holy force to condemn the dead. For the rest of the scene, in
order to approach a blessed fire undead creatures must succeed a roll of Resolve +
Supernatural Advantage penalized by the Paladin’s activation successes. Additionally,
Vampires immediately roll for fear frenzy the first time they are exposed to the flame.
● Hymn​: Building a pyre as his Choir sings the paladin ends the song by lighting himself
aflame. These flames, burning pure white, do no harm to him, his belongs, or any other
living being. To the dead, however, they are lethal. In addition to all the effects of the
Benediction, any undead (material or immaterial) that comes within one yard of the
paladin takes [Choir] points of aggravated damage. This blessing lasts three hours or
until the flames are doused.

Might of St. George 

● Benediction​: Drawing strength from the tales of the saints the paladin reinforces his
physical prowess with pure faith. Gain one dot of Strength, Dexterity, or Stamina for the
rest of the Scene
● Hymn​: The song of the saints infuses the paladin with divine power. Distribute [Choir]
bonus dots however you please amongst the paladin’s Strength, Dexterity, and Stamina.
This blessing endures for a full day.

Visions and Revelations 

● Benediction​: With a quick prayer the paladin begs God for guidance. By doing so he
can determine if a chosen action will result in weal or woe. Mechanically the player
proposes his character’s next action and asks the storyteller if it will likely have good or
bad repercussions. Storytellers needn’t be detailed in their response, a simple answer of
“Weal” or “Woe” is sufficient.
● Hymn​: First the paladin selects a quest, a single objective about which his choir’s prayer
shall pertain. As they sing the paladin receives guiding visions, hints that will lead him
along his journey. Mechanically this allows the paladin’s player to ask [Choir] questions
about the chosen quest, which the storyteller must answer with short and honest (albeit
potentially cryptic) answers.
Saint Agathus’ Call 
● Benediction​: Those who are pure cannot stand against he who punishes the wicked.
This affects only mortals with Integrity* 7 or greater, such characters see the paladin as
a figure of righteousness, they cannot act against him unless they succeed on a Resolve
roll with each point of integrity above 7 inflicting a cumulative -1 penalty, to act against
● Hymn​: Basked in the righteousness of this Hymn the paladin strides into the world an
avatar of divine right. This affects only mortals with Integrity* [7-Choir] or greater, such
characters see the paladin as a divine authority and must succeed a reflexive Resolve
roll, with each point of integrity above [7-Choir] inflicting a cumulative -1 penalty, to act
against him.
*​This affects only mortals, supernatural beings alternative morality protects them against the
paladin’s just aura. Paladins have been known to use this fault to flush out witches and demons
masquerading as mortal men​.

Shepherd’s Blessing 
● Benediction​: Though paladins strive to uphold the light, there are times when it is more
beneficial to walk the shadows. This prayer masks the paladin for a single scene, or until
he performs a violent action, penalizing all Wits+Composure rolls to notice him by two
● Hymn​: As this Hymn reaches it crescendo a faint mist gathers around the paladin
masking him from sight. The paladin is rendered invisible to anyone who fails a reflexive
Composure + Supernatural Tolerance roll, penalized by the his successes on the
activation roll. The paladin is not actually transparent, rather those around him are simply
forced to look away (much like Vampire’s Obfuscate). Though they cannot see him the
paladin can still be heard or sniffed out, therefore he must still be cautious around
supernatural foes. This blessing lasts a single night or until the paladin next takes violent

Song of Daniel 
● Benediction​: Whispering a soft benediction the paladin reaffirms himself as an ally of
the God’s creation. For the remainder of the scene natural animals will not act against
him or show hostility unless the paladin directly attacks them or their young.
● Hymn​: Singing the praise of all God’s creations this Hymn calls the world to the paladin’s
aid. Nature does not simply ignore the paladin, it seeks to aid him. Crows will swarm
witches on his behest, dogs and cats protect his back. He gains [Choir] bonus dice on all
survival based rolls, and any foe he actively hunts suffers a -[Choir] die penalty to their

Sword of Saint Michael 

● Benediction​: The paladin dedicates a weapon to the lord, granting it holy powers
against the undead. The weapon deals lethal damage to the undead for the remainder of
the scene*.
● Hymn​: Through the power of faith a seemly mundane weapon is converted into a
powerful divine artifact, at least for a brief time. The blessed weapon gains +[Choir] to its
damage rating when striking supernatural beings and deals lethal to the undead. This
blessing lasts [Choir] days.
*This power works under the assumption that all undead, not just vampires, will downgrade lethal
damage to bashing in GMC.

True Sight of Saint Abel 

● Benediction​: Speckling his eyes with holy water the paladin temporarily pulls away the
veil the blinds mortals from the dark. He gains aura sight, but only in regards to the auras
of supernatural creatures and effects. So the paladin can tell if someone is possesses or
undead, but not if they are angry or sad.
● Hymn​: By singing of the truth of God so to is the truth of the world unveiled. This Hymn
reveals to the paladin all bastions of evil in the world around him. He gains knowledge of
the locations of all Hollows, Loci, Dragons Dens, Wastelands, and all other supernatural
sites within [Choir * Successes] miles of his locations. Of course knowledge does not
necessarily mean access, supernatural sites may be magically occluded or projected by
wards and guardians. But at the very least the paladin knows where to begin his search.

Vade Retro Satana 

● Benediction​: Exorcism is demanding, a timely ritual that cannot be replicated in mere
moments. But with this benediction a paladin may provide a brief reprieve for a
tormented soul. He rolls Resolve + Academics, contested by the Resolve + Supernatural
Tolerance of the possessing entity. Success wrests control of the mortal from that being
for a single scene.
● Hymn​: A poor tormented soul is bound at the center of the choir. Around her they sing
for her very soul. At the climax of this song the paladin rolls
Presence+Expression+Choir, contested by the possessing entity’s Resolve +
Supernatural Tolerance. If the paladin wins the being is forced from the vessel, but only
an exceptional success will banish it from the world. If the possessing entity wins it
retains control, though on an exceptional success it may choose to leap from its current
victim to one of the Choir members, including the paladin himself.

WTF is a Supernatural Being? 

Several Gospels make reference to affecting undead and ‘supernatural beings'. While undead
are fairly self explanatory (any risen corpse or ghost) supernatural beings are somewhat more
obtuse. Put simply a supernatural beings is any being that originates from, or has been
spiritually altered by another world. This encompasses every major splat (even mages have
been spiritually altered), and several minor ones (Purified, Possessed, etc). However, beings
such as slashers and mortal sorcerers, who remain fundamentally human, are not affected by
these powers.

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