UNIT 9-PHY 131-Chapter 14-Heat-Students

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Chapter 14 14.2
Internal Energy, Heat,
Heat Capacity and 14.3
Specific Heat

Slide 1
Molecules move about in random directions.

This random microscopic kinetic energy is part of what we

call the internal energy of the system:

Definition of Internal Energy:

The internal energy of a system is the total energy of all of
the molecules in the system except for the macroscopic
kinetic energy (kinetic energy associated with
macroscopic translation or rotation) and the external
potential energy (energy due to external interactions).

Slide 2
A system is whatever we define it to be: one object or a group of

The collection of objects on which attention is being focused is

called the system, while everything else in the environment is
called the surroundings.

Everything that is not part of the system is considered to be

external to the system, or in other words, is the surroundings of
the system.

Slide 3
System 1


System 2


Slide 4
Internal energy includes
• Translational and rotational kinetic energy of
molecules due to their individual random
motions .
• Vibrational energy, both kinetic and potential
of molecules and of atoms within molecules
due to random vibrations about their
equilibrium points.
• Potential energy due to interactions between
the atoms and molecules of the system.
• Chemical and nuclear energy—the kinetic and
potential energy associated with the binding of
atoms to form molecules, the binding of
electrons to nuclei to form atoms, and the
binding of protons and neutrons to form

Slide 5
Internal energy does not include
• The kinetic energy of the molecules due to translation, rotation, or
vibration of the whole system or of a macroscopic part of the system.

• Potential energy due to interactions of the molecules of the system with

something outside of the system (such as a gravitational field due to
something outside of the system).

Slide 6
Example 14.1
A block of mass 10.0 kg
starts at point A at a height
of 2.0 m above the horizontal
and slides down a frictionless
incline. It then continues
sliding along the horizontal
surface of a table that has
friction. The block comes to
rest at point C, a distance of
1.0 m along the table surface.

Ignoring the small transfer of energy to the air, calculate how

much has the internal energy of the system (block + table)
Slide 7
Example 14.1

Slide 8
Example 14.1

Slide 9
Example 14.2
A bowling ball at rest has a temperature of 18°C. The ball is
then rolled down a bowling alley.

Ignoring the dissipation of energy by friction and drag forces, is

the internal energy of the ball higher, lower, or the same as when
the ball was at rest?

Is the temperature of the ball higher, lower, or the same as when

the ball was at rest?
Remark: A change in the internal energy of a system does not
always cause a temperature change. The internal energy of a
system can change while the temperature of the system remains
constant—for instance, when ice melts.
Slide 10
Example 14.2
The only change is that the ball is now rolling—the ball has
macroscopic translational and rotational kinetic energy.

However, the definition of internal energy does not include

the kinetic energy of the molecules due to translation,
rotation, or vibration of the system as a whole. Therefore,
the internal energy of the ball is the same.

Temperature is associated with the average translational

kinetic energy due to the individual random motions of
molecules; the temperature is still 18°C.

Slide 11
Heat is energy that flows from a higher –
temperature object to a lower-temperature
object because of a difference in

SI Unit of Heat: joule (J)

Direction of Heat Flow:
Heat flows spontaneously from a system at
higher temperature to one at lower
temperature and it originates in the internal
energy of the hot substance.

NB: It is not correct to say that a substance

contains heat.
Slide 12
14.2 HEAT
Heat and Work
• Heat and work are similar in that both describe a particular kind of energy
transfer .
• Work is an energy transfer due to a force acting through a displacement.

• Heat is a microscopic form of energy transfer involving large numbers of

particles; the exchange of energy occurs due to the individual interactions
of the particles.

• No macroscopic displacement occurs when heat flows, and no macroscopic

force is exerted by one object on the other.
• A system can possess energy in various forms (including internal energy),
but it cannot possess heat or work.

• Heat and work are two ways of transferring energy from one system to

Slide 13
Example 14.3
In an experiment similar to that done by Joule (at the bottom), an
object of mass 12.0 kg descends a distance of 1.25 m at constant speed
while causing the rotation of a paddle wheel in an insulated container
with water. If the descent is repeated 20.0 times, what is the internal
energy increase of the water in joules?

Slide 14
Example 14.3

Slide 15

The heat that must be supplied or removed to change the temperature of

a substance is (solids and liquids)
Q  mcT
specific heat capacity

NB: The equation, 𝑄 = 𝑚𝑐∆𝑇, applies when no phase change occurs. Q is

The heat that must be supplied or removed to change the temperature of a
substance (solids and liquids).

Slide 16

Slide 17
In a half-hour, a 65-kg jogger can generate 8.0x105J of heat. This heat is
removed from the body by a variety of means, including the body’s own
temperature-regulating mechanisms. If the heat were not removed,
calculate how much would the body temperature increase. Specific heat
capacity of body tissue (average) = 3.5 kJ/(kg·K)

Q  mcT

Q 8.0  10 5 J 
T  
 
mc 65 kg  3500 J kg  K -1
 3.5

Slide 18
(a) Calculate the work that an object with m = 400 g can do as a result of
falling a distance of 3m.
(b) Assume that the object falls into 10 L of water in an isolated beaker.
If the entire kinetic energy of the object is converted to thermal energy,
calculate by how much does the water temperature rise. Hint: specific
heat capacity of water = 4186 J/(kg.K) and density is 1 kg/L
NB: 1 L = 10-3 m3 = 1000 cm3
(a) The potential energy of a falling decrease while the kinetic energy
increase. Therefore, the potential energy lost is equal to the kinetic
energy gained.
∆𝐾 = ∆𝑃𝐸 = 𝑚𝑔∆ℎ = 0.4𝑘𝑔 9.8𝑚/𝑠 2 3𝑚 = 11.76𝐽
Then, the work done is equal to the change in kinetic energy, i.e.
𝑊 = 11.76𝐽
(b) Solved in class
Slide 19
The entire kinetic energy of the object is converted to thermal energy, i.e.
KE = Q = 11.76𝐽
𝑸 = 𝒎𝒄∆𝑻
∆𝑻 =
𝒎 = 𝝆𝑽
𝑸 𝟏𝟏. 𝟕𝟔𝑱 −𝟒 𝑲
∆𝑻 = = = 𝟐. 𝟖𝟏 × 𝟏𝟎
𝝆𝑽𝒄 𝟏𝒌𝒈/𝑳 𝟏𝟎𝑳 𝟒𝟏𝟖𝟔𝑱. 𝒌𝒈−𝟏 . 𝑲−𝟏

Slide 20
Example 14.4
A saucepan containing 5.00 kg of water initially at 20.0°C is
heated over a gas burner for 10.0 min. The final temperature
of the water is 30.0°C.

(a) What is the internal energy increase of the water?

(b) What is the expected final temperature if the water were

heated for an additional 5.0 min?

(c) Is it possible to estimate the flow of heat from the burner

during the first 10.0 min?

Slide 21
Example 14.4
We are interested in the internal energy and the temperature of the
water, so we define a system that consists of the water in the
saucepan. Although the pan is also heated, it is not part of this
system. The pan, the burner, and the room are all outside the


Slide 22
Example 14.4
(b) We assume that the heat delivered is proportional to the elapsed
time. The temperature change is proportional to the energy delivered, so
if the temperature changes 10.0°C in 10.0 min, it changes an additional
5.0°C in an additional 5.0 min.

The final temperature is

(c) Not all of the heat flows into the water. Heat also flows from the
burner into the saucepan and into the room. All we can say is that more
than 209 kJ of heat flows from the burner during the 10.0 min.

Slide 23
Heat Flow with More Than Two Objects
Suppose some water is heated in a large iron pot by dropping a hot piece
of copper into the pot. We can define the system to be the water, the
copper, and the iron pot; the environment is the room containing the
system. Heat continues to flow among the three substances (iron pot,
water, copper) until thermal equilibrium is reached – that is, until all
three substances are at the same temperature.
If losses to the environment are negligible, all the heat that flows out of
the copper flows into either the iron or the water:

In this case, QCu is negative since heat flows out of the copper; QFe and
QH2O are positive since heat flows into both the iron and the water.

Slide 24

Slide 25

The sum of all the heat transferred in a closed system is 0:

𝑄1 + 𝑄2 + 𝑄3 + 𝑄4 = 0
Slide 26
Example 14.5
A sample of unknown metal of mass 0.550 kg is heated in a pan of hot
water until it is in equilibrium with the water at a temperature of
75.0°C. The metal is then carefully removed from the heat bath and
placed into the inner cylinder of an aluminum calorimeter that contains
0.500 kg of water at 15.5°C. The mass of the inner cylinder is 0.100 kg.
When the contents of the calorimeter reach equilibrium, the temperature
inside is 18.8°C. Find the specific heat of the metal sample and
determine whether it could be any of the metals listed in Table 14.1.

Slide 27
Example 14.5
Heat flows from the sample to the water and to the aluminum until
thermal equilibrium is reached, at which time all three have the same

We assume negligible heat flow to the environment—in other words,

that no heat flows into or out of the system consisting of aluminum +
water + sample.
Heat flows out of the sample (Qs < 0) and into the water and aluminum
cylinder (Qw > 0 and Qa > 0).

Slide 28
Example 14.5

Slide 29
Example 14.5

It appears that the unknown sample could be silver.

Slide 30

When you take a bath, calculate how many kilograms of hot water (49.0
°C) must you mix with cold water (13.0 °C) so that the temperature of
the bath is 36.0 °C. The total mass of water (hot plus cold) is 191 kg.
Ignore any heat flow between the water and its external surroundings.
Specific heat capacity of water = 4.186 kJ/(kg.K)

Two bars of identical mass are at 25 °C. One is made from glass and the
other from another substance. The specific heat capacity of glass is 840
J/(kg C°). When identical amounts of heat are supplied to each, the
glass bar reaches a temperature of 88 °C, while the other bar reaches
250.0 °C. Calculate the specific heat capacity of the other substance.

Slide 31
Slide 32

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