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v=kXekQ5nx7gA (task 2)

1. Phalippa 1. More favourite

2. Third 2. The least popular
3. social 3. funniest
4. lowest
5. flip14 5. Greast number
6. 6. Most number
9. 2. were
10. 3. Had received
11. communication skills 4. rose
12. 5. continued
6. saw
7. had predicted
1. available for 8. had to
2. Suited to 9. Had risen
3. Involved in 10. Stagnated
4. confidence in 11. started
5. Participate in 12. Had fallen
6. Reputation for 13. shut
7. related to 14. took
8. spent on 15. started
9. deal with 16. Has gone
10. Concentrate on
The graph give information
1. vast range about three things that school
2. vocational the top/ vocational training leavers did over a five-year
3. brings people together period.
4. Channels all of its resoucers
5. disere common
6. brings people together /go on to do 1.
7. get to the top 2.
8. training recruitment / recruitment (Programe) 3.
2. would have to/ used to have 5.
3. would arrive 6.
4. wouldn´t go 7.
5. used to pour 8.
6. would go off 9.
7. used to seeing 10.
8. used to have/ would have to 11.
9. would receive
10. used to be spent

The graph given information about the percentage change in the quantity of international
students graduating from different Canadian provinces over a five-year period.

During 2001 the percentage from students graduated range between three and seven
percent for Ontario and New Brunswick college respectively; However Nova Scotia has the
second highest percent with value approximate of seven. Other important feature is that
Manitoba and Newfoundland & Labrador they has same percentage. Five years after in
2006 every provinces shows a increase percentage between 6 and 11%, although the
province Alberta decreased one point percent in comparation with the 2001.


is your home town a good place to live? Why/why not? Es tu ciudad natal un buen lugar
para vivir?

what sort of jobs do people in your hometown? ¿Qué tipo de trabajos hacen las personas
en tu ciudad?

in which part of your home town do most people live? ¿en qué parte de tu ciudad natal
vive la mayoría de la gente?

where did you play in your home town when you were a child? Dónde jugabas en tu
ciudad natal cuando eras niño?

how often do you go to the cinema? ¿con qué frecuencia vas al cine?

do you prefer to watch a film at the cinema or at home? ¿Prefieres ver una película en el
cine o en casa?

which film from your childhood do you remember most? Qué película de tu infancia
recuerdas más?

what´s your favourite film now? Cuál es tu película favorita ahora?


donde esta este lugar

por qué fuiste allí

Qué hiciste allí

por qué pensaste que este lugar era tan interesante

THIRD PART Qué áreas de un pueblo

o ciudad suelen visitar los
Qué tan importante es
para los gobiernos
locales cuidar las
atracciones turísticas
Debería la gente pagar
para visitar atracciones
como museos y galerías?

Cómo deben comportarse los turistas cuando están en un país diferente?

Qué pueden hacer las personas locales para ayudar a los turistas a disfrutar de su visita?
Qué puede aprender el turista de visitar nuevos lugares?

Why did you choose your subjects?

I decided to study biology because since I was little I was interested in the life of organisms
and how they interact with the ecosystem.

When do you prefer to study on your own? ¿Cuándo prefieres estudiar por tu cuenta?
I prefer to study on my own when the exam is very difficult and I need to focus on the

Tell me something about the other students on your course? dime algo sobre los otros
estudiantes en tu curso?

My classmates are very committed, responsible and dedicated people. Sometimes we

meet to talk about what we would like to get in the future.

What don´t you like about your studies? Qué no te gusta de tus estudios?

I definitely like everything! so far I have not had any problems. I think that if I chose to
study this it is because I like it.

What sport are popular in your country? ¿Qué deportes son populares en tu país?

In my country the most popular sport is soccer, just like in many other countries.

Did you learn any sport at school? Aprendiste algún deporte en la escuela?

yes! I learned to play volleyball because it seems like a simple and very fun sport.

How often do you watch sport? Con qué frecuencia ves deporte?

I do not never watch sports, because I do not like it, I consider that it is best to play it and
enjoy it with friends.

Do you participe in any sports at the momento? Participas en algún deporte en el


At the moment I do not practice sports, because I am dedicated to study and I am far from
my friends.

When the event takes place (cuando el evento tiene lugar)

Why it takes place (por qué tiene lugar)

What people do (lo que la gente hace)

Why the event is special (Porque el evento es especial)

What sort of occasions do families and Friends like to celebrate? (¿Qué tipo de ocasiones
les gusta celebrar a las familias y amigos?)

How important are celebrations in people´s lives? (¿Qué importancia tienen las
celebraciones en la vida de las personas?)

Should people have time off work for important celebrations? (¿Deberían las personas
tener tiempo libre para celebraciones importantes?)

Why do many people enjoy participating in national celebrations? (¿Por qué muchas
personas disfrutan participando en celebraciones nacionales?)

Have national celebrations become more or less important over time? (¿Las celebraciones
nacionales se han vuelto más o menos importantes con el tiempo?)

What sort of things do you think countries will celebrate in the future? (¿Qué tipo de
cosas crees que los países celebrarán en el futuro?

what kind of place is your town/city? ¿Qué tipo de lugar es tu pueblo?

what's the most interesting part of your town/city? ¿Cuál es la parte más interesante de
tu pueblo / ciudad?

Has your town/city changed in any way in your life time? how? ¿Ha cambiado su pueblo /
ciudad de alguna manera en su vida? ¿cómo?

would you say your town/city is a good place for young people to live? why? why not?
¿Diría que su pueblo es un buen lugar para que vivan los jóvenes? ¿por qué? ¿Por qué no?

what kind of things do you prefer shopping for? ¿Qué tipo de cosas prefieres comprar?
in what kind of place do you like to go shopping ? why? en qué tipo de lugar te gusta ir de
compras? ¿por qué?

What effect has online shopping had in your country? Qué efecto han tenido las compras
en línea en su país?

what would you recommend that tourists buy from your country? why? Qué
recomendarías que los turistas compren en tu país? ¿por qué?

como se ve este maestro

que clase de persona es esta maestra

lo que este maestro te ayudó a aprender

explicar por qué este maestro es popular

what can school do to help students prepare for the next stage in their lives? Qué puede
hacer la escuela para ayudar a los estudiantes a prepararse para la próxima etapa de sus

what advice would you give to someone who doesn't like school? Qué consejo le darías a
alguien a quien no le gusta la escuela?

what kind schools teach children that they can't learn from their parents? ¿Qué clase de
escuelas enseñan a los niños que no pueden aprender de sus padres?
SPEAKING TEST (Example questions)

Hello, my name is oscar ... i am twenty eight years old, i am from Aipe (Huila) but i have
been living in Ibagué for ten years, i studied Biology at University of Tolima and
technologist environment control at National Learning Service.

I really love my family because they taught me that new things are learned every day.

How many brothers and sister do you have?

I come from a small family. I have two brother (women and man).

My sister is teacher and she teaches mathemericol at the public school

My brother is security gard and working at the University Hospital

Do you study or work?

At the moment i only study English in because i couldn´t to find a new job and so ibague is
second city with most unemployment in Colombia.

who do you live with?

I am living alone because my family live in neiva, but they visited me before of cuarentena.

Why did you study biology?

I decided to study biology because since I was little I was interested in the life of organisms
and how they interact with the ecosystem.

Why do you think biology is important?

I think that biology is important because it allows us to study the bijeiviour and change of
organisms in the environment.

what do you want to future?

At future i want to travel abroad because i think seeing the world, from great historical
monuments and i will get my degree as Phd in Biotechnology.

Do you like travelling?

Yes, definitley! I think seeing the world, from great historical monuments to white sandy
beaches, something that brings since to life. It's a very interesting way to learn about new
cultures and explore new places.

What is your favourite type of holiday?

I really like going to the countryside, because sometimes i want to escaping in order to
rest from daily rutine.

Where did your last vacation go?

The last holiday was for my Happy Birthday because i wanted to visited the San Agustin
Arqueology Park. I remember that my parents were happy, it was his first time in this
beautiful place and they took a lot of photos while we were walking in the park.

The line graph shows the number visit that two different music websites during a period
of 15 days.
Overall Pop Parade had a dramatically declined on the 3 day that extended for next seven
days, while the number of visitors to the Music Choice had a increased in the number of
hits to 60.000; however on the fourth day went down by 66%, to 20,000 and continued
whit stable tendency far on the eleven day.

On day 9 Pop Parade increased sharply but in the next day to drop suddenly in amount.
The same occurred whit Music Choice which exhibited a change in that day. Oh Day 13,
the number of visitors at pop parade site fall back slightly, before hitting a new peak of
just over 120,000 on Day 14.

The Music Choice site reached a new peak of just over 120,000 the number of visitors on
Day 14.

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