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Lesson Plan Template

Name: Sara Kubiszewski Grade Level: 3rd Grade

Target Content/Lesson Topic: Context and Clues Date: October 6th, 2020

Essential Question The essential question that this lesson addresses is how can clues and the context of the story help me solve an
What is the essential question that this unknown word? The core purpose of the lesson is for students to practice the strategy 11.15 context + clues =
lesson addresses? What is the core clarity, to help students identify unknown words for better comprehension and fluency of the story. For this
purpose of the lesson that includes the activity, students will be using inferring and synthesizing skills to enhance vocabulary development. During
strategies and skills necessary to this lesson, students will also be enhancing their knowledge about US Presidents, particularly George
accomplish the deeper learning in the Washington which allows students to progress their vocabulary development while learning social studies
standard? How does this lesson fit into
concepts. This lesson fits into the larger unit of study because students are learning multiple strategies to
the larger unit of study?
build vocabulary development which will then allow the students to better comprehend the story and/or text
that they are reading.
State Learning Standards CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.3.4.C
Identify relevant grade level standards Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary.
and Learning Outcomes from the State CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.3.4
Content Learning Standards, Common Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text relevant to
Core Standards, and school learning a grade 3 topic or subject area.

Learning Targets/Objectives -Student will be able to use surrounding clues to help identify an unknown word.
What should the students know or be -Student will be able to use the context of the story to help identify an unknown word.
able to do after the instruction? Use a
common format with a measurable verb
that matches the cognitive domain
standard. This should be a small piece of
the standard stated in measurable
Grouping Grouping: Students will be placed in groups of 4 to complete this activity. Students will be placed in groups
Describe how and why students will be based on reading level. This text is a reading level S in which some students might not be at that level just yet.
divided into groups, if applicable So, I plan to have students who are not at that level just yet working with students whom are at a reading level
(homogeneous, heterogenous, random / S or near it. I have the groups set up this way so the students can support one another while reading as well as
based on ability, interest, social when solving an unknown word.
purposes, etc.)
Co-Teaching Strategy

September 1, 2020
How did you collaborate with your co- Co-Teaching Strategy: Not Applicable
teacher to plan, instruct, and assess
learning? What Co-Teaching Model will
you employ?
-One Teach, One Observe
-One Teach, One Assist
-Station Teaching
-Parallel Teaching
-Alternative (Differentiated)
-Team Teaching

Differentiation Content: To respond to the students’ needs, the content can be adjusted to be audio. Students can have the
Respond to your students’ needs and option to listen to the text through headphones while following along in the book. This can be beneficial for
adjust the content, process, product, students whom have difficulty reading and/or have a language barrier. Audio can be adjusted into different
and/or environment to reach individual languages if needed.
learners based on their readiness, Process: To respond to the students’ needs, the process can be adjusted to be fill-in-the-blank. Students can
interests, and learning preferences have the option to have a fill-in-the-blank graphic organizer which eliminates stress for the student as well as
(Tomlinson, 2014). Discuss planned
provides more structure if the student needs more guidance finding context clues.
supports here.
Product: To respond to the students’ needs, the product can be adjusted to be digital and/or paper. Students
can have the option to the complete the graphic organizer digitally if writing is a physical challenge.
Environment: To respond to the students’ needs, the environment can be adjusted to include bigger text for
students whom might be visually impaired as well as for students whom have a hearing impairment. Not to
the mention, the text can be audio for students with visual impairments.
Formative Assessment To monitor the students’ learning throughout the lesson, I will be walking around and checking in with each
How will you monitor student learning group of students to assess how they are doing and answer any questions they may have. Students will also be
throughout the lesson? Be specific turning in their graphic organizers at the end of the lesson in which will be assessed using a rubric. This
about how your chosen assessments rubric will allow me to see what students are above grade level, at grade level, and students whom need
connect with the objectives above. further guidance and assistance with vocabulary development. Rubric is attached below.
Does your formative assessment
have/need evaluation criteria? If so,
attach a copy of your evaluation criteria.
Summative Assessment After this lesson, students will continue to build their understanding of the words they learned today through
How will students demonstrate mastery games and writing. I plan to play review games with the students to revisit these words and gain more
of the standard? Note: This assessment practice with these words because students will be turning in a piece of writing that includes these words for
does not have to occur during/after this their summative assessment. Students will turn in a paragraph describing what they learned about George

September 1, 2020
lesson but in upcoming lessons. Washington and his childhood after finishing reading If You Grew Up with George Washington by Ruth Belov
Evaluation Criteria Gross to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the text and the vocabulary they learned.
What material(s) will you use to Students will be required to include the words we learned today in their writing which is why I will revisit
evaluate learning? Please attach a copy these words through review games while the students continue to finish the book.
of your checklist, rubric, observation
criteria, or other measure.
Procedures (Teacher[s] will…, Students will…)
Describe the presentation of the overall -To begin the lesson, I will first explain to the students what we will be completing in class today. The
lesson. introduction will go as followed: “Today and for the next couple of days, we will be continuing our knowledge
Introduction and Connection to on the Presidents of the United States. Our next President that we will be learning about is George
Previous Learning Washington. Can anyone tell me anything they know about George Washington?” Here, I will activate the
● Anticipatory Activity (Hook) student’s prior knowledge about George Washington, and I will write their ideas on poster paper so we can
● Activate prior knowledge. see how accurate their previous knowledge was at the end of the unit on George Washington as well add
● Be sure students understand details they have learned. After I get the students actively thinking, I will tell the students “We are going to be
procedures and instructions for reading a book called If You Grew Up with George Washington by Ruth Belov Gross. This book is going to tell us
what it was like when George Washington was kid just like you back in the 1730s and 1740s. Through this
● Establish clear expectations.
● Model concept
book, we are going to learn many different things such as what George Washington ate when he was a kid,
The Introduction, During, and Wrap-up how he dressed, what kind of house he lived in, and what he would do for fun along with many other things.
groupings/ instruction/ lesson However, since this book is about years ago, we are going to come across words we might not know, so I am
progression might look different! going to teach you all a new strategy on how we can figure out these new words.”
-After the introduction, I will begin modeling the new strategy to the students. I will first model the strategy to
the students and then I will have one student come up and try the strategy as well. I will begin by reading part
of the introduction to the students and then I will stop when I come across the word “colonies.” I will have the
graphic organizer projected on the screen so they can follow along. When I come across the word “colonies,” I
will write this word on the graphic organizer by “What’s the word?” I will explain to the students “I have seen
this word before, but I am not quite sure what it means so I want to figure it out.” Then, I will walk the
students through the process of the graphic organizer. I will tell the students “that we can find the meaning of
these new words through clues and context of the story. Context just means what the story is about. So, I am
first going to try and figure out what is going on in the story right now which is this first box on the graphic
organizer.” I will have students help me review details that we just read about in the first little part of the
introduction. These details should include state, Virginia, Southern Part of the US, belonged to England. I will
then write these details on the graphic organizer. After, I will move on to the second box of the graphic
organizer. I will ask students how the word “colonies” is being used. My hope that students realize that
colonies is a noun in that sentence and further explain it appears to be a place. Then, I will move on to the last
box of the graphic organizer where we put everything together. I will ask the students, “based on clues
(details) we found and how the word is being used in the sentence, what do you think this word mean?”
During this time, I will take suggestions from the students and write down on the graphic organizer which one

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I believe fits the meaning. Then, I will look up the real definition online to show the students how close our
meaning is to the definition and that using clues and context from the story can help us find out the meaning to
words we don’t know. After modeling to the students this strategy, I will continue to read the introduction
with the student ask for a student volunteer to try another word. This word will be “capital.”
-Once the student volunteer completes another example on how to use this strategy, I will give further
instructions to the students and set expectations. I will tell the students “now, I am going to have you practice
this strategy in groups of four. I already have assigned groups that I will place you in after I am done giving
instructions. As a group, you will start reading on page 10 and stop reading after page 20, do not read page
21.” (I will also have this written on the board for students to refer back to). I will tell students that they are
going to try finding the meaning of the words: Farmhouse, hearth, fiddle, and plantation as they are reading.
(These lists of word will also be written on the board). I will further explain to the students they will be
completing the same graphic organizer we went over in class and to refer back to the examples when needed.
Then, I will set expectations for students as they are working in groups. Expectations will go as followed: 1.
Everyone must take a turn reading from the book or your group can decide to read independently 2. Work
together as a team-this means everyone participates and supports one another in the group 3. Everyone must
complete their own graphic organizer, using their own words. 4. Work at a level 3 voice 5. If you have a
question, please raise your hand 6. Everyone must remain by their group members and stay on task. 7. Only
one person needs a Chromebook to look up the definition of the word.
-After expectations are set and instructions are given, I will ask the students for any questions they may have.
Then, I will place students in their groups, and they will begin reading and working on their graphic organizer.
Students will have one hour to complete this activity.
During (Lesson Progression) During this time, students will be actively working in their groups and engaging with the new words. Students
In this portion of the lesson, you will be will be taking turns reading the text and completing their graphic organizers. When the students come across
letting go and letting students engage in a word they need to find the meaning of, they will complete a portion of their graphic organizer for this
productive struggle; engaging in gradual particular word. Students must complete the graphic organizer for each of the four words. While students
release, inquiry, or other learning are engaging in productive struggle, I will be walking around listening to the groups discussions and
methods. Please write what you are answering any questions the students might have. Walking around the room, will allow me to preview and
looking for in terms of:
monitor where students might be in their vocabulary development before I grade their graphic organizer with
● Students’ thinking and how they
will start the lesson
a rubric. Not to mention, if a group gets stuck finding the meaning of a word, I can help guide them in the right
● Provide appropriate support direction without directly giving them the answer as well as make sure students are staying on task and using
(not explaining how to do it) clues and context from the story.
● Provide worthwhile extensions.
● Provide opportunities for
students to engage in using the
academic language.
This is where you will be suggesting or
modeling specific strategies and

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helping students choose which strategy
makes sense to them. However, you
must make sure ideas come from
Wrap-Up and Extension To wrap up the lesson, I will have each group share out one word and what they found to be the meaning. If
This is where you have students talk possible, I will ask for one volunteer from the group to projector their graphic organizer on the screen and go
about their thinking and share strategies through the steps on they came up with the meaning of the word. Through this process, students will be able
with the whole class. It’s important to to compare what they have as well gain another review of the word and its meaning to develop a deeper
name strategies and use academic understanding. During this time, I will also be able to see the students’ thinking and understanding of this
vocabulary here, extending the lesson to strategy as they are presenting and add in necessary guidance if needed. I expect students to give their
broader ideas.
undivided attention their classmate(s) that is sharing what they learned and gathered, as well as all pencils
● Promote a community of
must be down during this time. I will remind students of these expectations before the group starts
● Listen actively and probe presenting.
thinking without evaluating or
telling them how you would do
Summarize main ideas and identify
future problems that they would be able
to solve using the thinking you have
Instructional Materials, - If You Grew Up with George Washington book by Ruth Belov Gross
Equipment and Technology - Chromebook
Attach a copy of ALL materials the - Strategy 11.15 Graphic Organizer
teacher and students will use during the - Projector/ Computer
lesson; e.g., handouts, questions to - Pencil
answer, overheads, PowerPoint slides, - Rubric
worksheets. List equipment or
technology that needs to be available.


Topic: Strategy 11.15- Vocabulary Development Student Name:

Level 4 (Exceeds Expectation, Level 3 (At Grade Level) Level 2 (Almost to Grade Level 1 (Below Grade level)

September 1, 2020
Above Grade Level) [15 Points] Level) [5 Points]
[20 Points] [10 Points]
Student exceeds expectations. Student is at grade level. Student is almost at grade level. Student is below grade level.
Student demonstrates a great Student demonstrates an Student demonstrates some Student lacks understanding of
understanding of how context understanding of how clues and understanding of how clues and how clues and context can be
and clues can be used to find the context can be used to find context can be used to find the used to find the meaning of
the meaning of an unknown the meaning of unknown meaning of unknown words. unknown words. Student did
word. Student filled out graphic words. Student filled out Student left some boxes of the not complete the graphic
organizer completely and graphic organizer completely. graphic organizer blank. organizer.
provides great detail that
showcases understanding.

September 1, 2020

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