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What has been the most significant project/initiative/assignment that you have worked on.

What was
the context, what was your specific individual contribution and what has been the outcome?.

During my job, I worked on a website redesign project for a leading industrial supplier in Australia.
It had two existing e-commerce websites that catered to B2C and B2B customers, respectively. For
client, the costs to maintain different websites were going up also the need to maintain separate
databases added to the complexity. At the same time, since its customers were increasingly shifting
to mobile devices, it felt it is losing out its customers to competitors, as the websites were not
optimized for mobile devices.
In this project, I collaborated with different stakeholders to identify business goals, conducted current
state review of existing websites to identify usability issues, and designed responsive wireframes. I
coordinated with visual design and web development team to give them a walkthrough of the
approved designs to ensure that it is successfully implemented into webpages.
This was a challenging project which tested my time management skills. At the end the project was
successful and my team got appreciation from the client for timely delivery and overall project

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown During this period, I spent the time with
my family, and this was something I dearly missed due to my job commitments. I exercised regularly
to improve my fitness and overall health. I also took up reading and learned technical analysis of
stock markets for trading.
Looking back, I would say, the pandemic has allowed me to take a pause and reflect on my life
journey. I analyzed what went wrong and what went right and realized the importance of goal setting
and how it acts as a motivating factor to persevere through tough times.

 What are your career goals in the immediate future (1-2 years) and medium term (4-
5 years after you graduate)?
How do you think a role with Godrej will help you progress in this direction?

In the immediate future my goals are to understand various business functions and
apply my learnings in the actual business scenarios. I want to work as a sales manager
to work on the sales and distribution and lead a sales team to drive revenue growth. I
want gradually transition into the role of marketing manager and apply my knowledge &
expertise to capture market opportunities.

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