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East West University

Department of Business Administration

Fall 2020
MKT 101 – Principles of Marketing
Section - 09
Case examination # 1
Course Instructor: Nurun Naher Popy (NNP)

Group - 3:

ID Name

Soaibur Rahman 2019-1-77-005

Monika Paul 2019-1-77-006

Mahia Binte Masud Munia 2019-1-77-017

Lubaba Tahia Reza 2019-1-77-018

Montaha Sharmin Moonmoon 2019-1-77-034

Tasmia Tabassum 2019-1-77-051

Nazmin Nahar Sweety 2019-1-77-052

Arman Husain 2019-1-77-057

Abid Hossain Susmoy 2019-1-77-070

1) How has the company positioned the Trap -Ease for the chosen target market? Could it

position the products in other ways?


• The company has positioned the Trap - Ease for the chosen target market as a environment
more options like, more distribution options; try to reach wider
friendly and innovative product market; more than one competitive advantage; changing pricing
strategy and etc.
• To position the Trap Ease, the company chose a target market including only women who are

not comfortable with the traditional mouse trap and want an easy to use or more hygienic


• They have ability to control disease and it is more safe. Because the mouse would be trapped

in a fully enclosed device and would capture life. There is little opportunity to capture or entire

marketing strategy

Other ways to position it:

• The Trap - Ease could also advertise themselves on social media platforms, through billboard,

by distributing leaflets and also on telemarketing channels

• They can position themselves in customers mind by using the slogan - “The most affordable

and innovative mouse trap", this will increase their demand

• They also can improve their customer service.

2) Describe the current marketing mix for Trap-Ease. Do you see any problems with this


Ans: The current marketing mix of Trap-Ease America is given below:

Product: Trap-Ease America more details of product (s).

Price: $5.99 (suggested retail price of two units to a package)

Place: National groceries, hardware shops, discount chains needs more details like, skipped middleman
and the reasons for skipping middlemen
Promotion: Trade show, Sales Call, Advertisement in magazines (i.e. Good Housekeeping,

home and shelter), recruiting more salespeople.

The price of Trap-Ease is very high comparing to its competitor (traditional mouse traps). Each

Trap-Ease costs five times more than the conventional mouse traps. It forces customer to buy a

pair whether they do not need two. It indirectly discourages customer to purchase. They used

only offline platform for selling. As a platform, they can use E-commerce to sell their product. In

case of promotion, they failed to cover enough market coverage. They could provide free

samples to their direct consumers and demonstrate uses instead of sales calls.

3) Who is Trap Ease America's Competition?

Ans: Trap Ease America's competition is any mouse trap creator company. Like other

companies, Trap Ease America's has competition also Example: The traditional spring loaded

trap or poison. Although the trap ease has some significant advantages like discount chain, high

investment, good quality products, its price was so high that low income people could not afford

the product. We can say that marketing strategy was not satisfactory. Trap-Ease America's had

followed product concept that's why they mainly focused on their product, not in consumers

interest. On the other hand, spring loaded trap was affordable for all kind of income people.

That's why spring loaded trap ease was very acceptable rather than Trap Ease America because

spring loaded was thought about consumers interest not only product. try to point out the competitions and then
explain on the basis of the points.

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