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MATH 2930 Assignment # 4 Solutions [27 marks] Fall 2018

1. [1 mark for stating the correct factor of c2 /d2 ; 2 marks for the work; total 3 marks] Based on a random
sample of size n, consider a confidence interval for the mean of a normally distributed population with
known population standard deviation. Determine the factor (in terms of c and d) by which the sample
size n must change by in order to change the width of the confidence interval by a factor of c > 0 if the
population standard deviation changes by a factor d > 0 but the confidence level remains unchanged.
Recall the relationship between the sample size, σ and width is
 σ 2
n = 2zα/2 .
If the width of the interval increases by a factor of c > 0 and sigma increases by a factor of d > 0,
then  2  2   2
dσ d σ 2 d
2zα/2 = 2zα/2 = n.
cw c w c
Therefore, the sample size increases by a factor of d2 /c2 .

2. [1 mark for the correct left endpoint; 1 mark for the correct right endpoint; 2 marks for the work; total
4 marks] A book company has just published a new cookbook. Before the company decides the price
at which to sell the cookbook, it wants to know the average price of all such cookbooks in the market.
The research department at the company took a random sample of 25 comparable cookbooks and
collected information on their prices. This information produced a mean price of $145 for this sample.
It is known the standard deviation of the prices of all such cookbooks is $25, and the population
distribution of such prices is approximately normal. Construct a 95% confidence interval for the true
mean price of all such cookbooks.
For a 95% confidence interval, α = 0.05 and since σ is known and the population is approximately
normally distributed, from the z-table, zα/2 = z0.025 = 1.96.Therefore, the confidence interval has
x̄ ± zα/2 √
where x̄ = 145, n = 25, σ = 25 and z0.025 = 1.96. It follows that the 95% confidence interval has
145 ± 1.96 √ = 145 ± 9.8
which implies the 95% confidence interval is (135.2, 154.8).

3. The fitness of 514 adults (aged 25 to 35) were sampled and their heart rates measured immediately
after exercise. This sample of adults was found to have a mean of 1427 beats (per 10 minutes) with a
standard deviation of 325 beats (per 10 minutes).

(a) [1 mark for the correct left endpoint; 1 mark for the correct right endpoint; 2 marks for the work; total
4 marks] Construct a 95% confidence interval for the true mean heart beat of all such adults.

(b) [1 mark for the correct value; 2 marks for the work; total 3 marks] After some research, it is estimated
the value of the sample standard deviation is closer to 320. Determine the sample size that would be
necessary to obtain an interval with width 50 for a confidence level of 95%.

(a) Let s = 325, n = 514 and x̄ = 1427. For a 95% confidence interval, α = 0.05. Because n = 514 > 40
we can assume normality. From the z-table, zα/2 = z0.025 = 1.96. Therefore, the confidence interval
has endpoints
x̄ ± zα/2 √ .
It follows the 95% confidence interval has endpoints
1427 ± 1.96 √ = 1427 ± 28.0969
which implies the 95% confidence interval is (1398.9031, 1455.0969).
(b) Let w be the width of the 95% confidence interval. Then
 s 2
n = 2zα/2
where zα/2 = 1.96, w = 50 and s = 320. It follows that
 s 2 320
n = 2zα/2 = 2(1.96) = 629.4077
w 50
and hence n = 630 or larger.

4. Suppose n test scores are collected with sample mean x̄ and sample standard deviation s. Assume the
population of test scores is normally distributed.

(a) [1 mark for the correct left endpoint; 1 mark for the correct right endpoint; 2 marks for the work; total
4 marks] Given n = 20, x̄ = 100, s = 15, find the 90% confidence interval.

(b) [1 mark for the correct left endpoint; 1 mark for the correct right endpoint; total 2 marks] Given
n = 25, x̄ = 10, s = 2, find the 95% confidence interval.
Hint: notice in both cases the value of n is less than 40.
Since n is less than 40 in both instances, the one-sample t confidence interval is used; that is,
s s
(x̄ − tα/2,n−1 √ , x̄ + tα/2,n−1 √ )
n n

(a) From the t-table, the critical value is t0.05,19 = 1.7291. The 90% confidence interval is
s s 15 15
(x̄ − tα/2,n−1 √ , x̄ + tα/2,n−1 √ ) = (100 − 1.7291 √ , 100 + 1.7291 √ ) = (94.200, 105.800)
n n 20 20

(b) From the t-table, the critical value is t0.025,24 = 2.0639. The 95% confidence interval is
s s 2 2
(x̄ − tα/2,n−1 √ , x̄ + tα/2,n−1 √ ) = (10 − 2.0639 √ , 10 + 2.0639 √ ) = (9.174, 10.826)
n n 25 25

[Note: round-off error may occur when calculating confidence intervals. For example, 9.18 would also
be acceptable for the left endpoint in the confidence interval.]

5. A random sample of 500 Canadian youths aged 12 to 14 found that 20.2% of the youth in the sample
are working part-time as babysitters.

(i) [1 mark for the correct value; no work required; total 1 mark] Find the value of the sample proportion,
p̂, of Canadian youth who work part-time as babysitters.

(ii) [1 mark for showing np̂ ≥ 10; 1 mark for showing n(1 − p̂) ≥ 10; total 2 marks] Show the random
variable P̂ is approximately normal.

(iii) [1 mark for the correct left endpoint; 1 mark for the correct right endpoint; 2 marks for the work; total
4 marks] Calculate a 90% confidence interval for the true proportion, p, of Canadian youths aged 11
to 14 that work part-time babysitting. You may assume n is large.
(i) We are given that p̂ = 0.202.
(ii) Since

np̂ = 504 ∗ 0.222 = 112 ≥ 10

n(1 − p̂) = 504 ∗ (1 − 0.222) = 388 ≥ 10

then P̂ is approximately normal.

(iii) From the z-table, the critical value for a 90% confidence interval for proportion is zα/2 = z0.05 =
1.645 (other values are acceptable such as 1.65, 1.64, 1.6449). The 90% confidence interval has end-
r r
p̂(1 − p̂) 0.202 ∗ 0.798
p̂ ± zα/2 = 0.202 ± 1.645 = 0.202 ± 0.0295
n 500
which implies the 90% confidence interval is (0.1725, 0.2315).
[Note: round-off error may occur when calculating confidence intervals. For example, 9.18 would also
be acceptable for the left endpoint in the confidence interval.]

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