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Book Summary of I Bought The Monk's Ferrari

Excited and nervous, a fresher of twenty-three, takes his first career flight from Bangalore to
Delhi. He peeps out of the window as the flight takes off- and presto! He sees on the road
below, fast fading from his vision- an immaculate bright red Ferrari, begins the quest of his
life . . . for his own FERRARI. In this thought provoking book, the author, Ravi Subramanian
provides a step-by-step approach towards begins successful and acquiring one’s own
Ferrari. The Ferrari here is not a mere luxury car; it is way worthier than that . . . it is
something that even the monks wouldn’t want to relinquish. Inspired by he lives of
Individuals, who dreamt big and achieved big, whom the author has comes across in his
career and from his own personal experiences, Subramanian pens down the Ten
Commandments to motivate readers in acquiring the ‘success’ they have always wished for.
A must-read for those who dare to aspire and achieve nothing but the best. After all, the
FERRARI is something worth dying for!!!

I Bought The Monk''s Ferrari - The name of the book suggests it to be Robin Sharma''s —
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari''s next version. However, it is different on its treatment by the author. The book
starts with the experience of a 23 year old professional who sees a Ferrari on road and makes an aim to have his
It is a thought provoking book by Ravi Subramanian, in which he provides business thoughts and approach to
achieve what you aim for. It seems that FERRARI has become synonymous with SUCCESS. The author shares TEN
COMMANDMENTS with readers to motivate them in acquiring their success.

I Bought The Monk's Ferrari Book Description

Excited and nervous, a fresher of twenty-three, takes his first career flight from Bangalore
to Delhi. He peeps out of the window as the flight takes off- and presto! He sees on the road
below, fast fading from his vision- an immaculate bright red Ferrari, begins the quest of his
life . . . for his own FERRARI. In this thought provoking book, the author, Ravi Subramanian
provides a step-by-step approach towards begins successful and acquiring ones own Ferrari.
The Ferrari here is not a mere luxury car; it is way worthier than that . . . it is something
that even the monks wouldnt want to relinquish. Inspired by he lives of Individuals, who
dreamt big and achieved big, whom the author has comes across in his career and from his
own personal experiences, Subramanian pens down the Ten Commandments to motivate
readers in acquiring the success they have always wished for. A must-read for those who
dare to aspire and achieve nothing but the best. After all, the FERRARI is something worth
dying for!!!

Re: Review - I bought the Monk's Ferrari

The Ferrari here talks about Fortune for Every Right Rigorous and Resourceful Individual.

There are ten commandments stated for a person achieving his Ferrari , here the pinnacle
of success referred to as Ferrari.

1 . To acquire the Ferrari you need to ASPIRE and when you aspire, do not compromise for
anything but the best.
ASPIRE - A Strategic Plan for Individuals which Revisits and Restates Expectations.

2 .Be optimistic , chase the negative thoughts away. A positive frame of mind will surely get
you closer to your Ferrari..

3. Do not Whine and whimper about work -life balance.Be the winner, not the wimp and the
Ferrari will b yours.

4. Set and follow the highest standard of Integrity in your personal and Professional lives.
IF you are high on Integrity , people will respect and value you.The Ferrari when it comes
stay with you.

5. Value your own time and the rest of others , and be rest assured that Ferrari will come to

6. No one is perfect. The moment you think you are , it is the count down to doomsday.
Earning the Ferrari is all about constantly upgrading yourself,improving skill-sets and
equipping yourself for the future.And for this the initiative has to be yours.

7. Identify the owners of the Ferrari and align with them. If you are in the company of
successful people , their success will rub off on you . But you need to back it up with stellar
performance. If you live in Ferrari town chances are you will get to drive one sooner.

8. Share your success with others , if you commit to uplift the downtrodden , you will
become the true owner of Ferrari.

9.Remain fighting fit and be in perfect shape. No one will entrust with the Ferrari if you are
not fit enough to drive it.Work hard, exercise harder , build stamina , and keep illness at
bay.This is sure shot way of getting into the driver's seat.

10. If you have followed the commandments with dedication and determination , it is the
time to build a profile for yourself . Target your audience and announce your
achievements . You will own the Ferrari in no time.

"A must read for every individual working in a corporate

About the Author
Inspired by real life incidents and stories of Read About Author
people whom I have met and worked with in
my 15 year career, the book is all about -------------------------------------
achieving success and staying successful. “I ------
Bought the Monk’s Ferrari” is about aspiring
for success and going all out to achieve it on Writer's Blog
ones own terms. It’s about real people who, in Read writer blog
today’s age have dared to be different and step
out of the clutter, of people who have dreamt
big and achieved big. ------

Taking a leaf out of the lives of these Press Kit

individuals, I have outlined “The Ten Read our press Kit
commandments” or the ten characteristic traits
each one of these individuals has demonstrated -------------------------------------
in order to emerge as champions in their quest ------
for glory.
Set in the streets of Mumbai and other Indian
Message for the Author
Post your view message for author
metros, this is an extremely easy book to relate
to, is anecdotal and has real examples from the
lives of people like Naina Lal Kidwai, who have
achieved the pinnacle of success, and in the
authors own words are those who have
My Articles
achieved the Ferrari!!!.
See our articles
“I Bought the Monk’s Ferrari” inspires you to
dream, to think big, to work hard towards -------------------------------------
achieving your goals and eventually the elusive ------
Ferrari. This book also brings in a new
perspective to some ever popular concepts like Book Reviews
work life balance in modern day corporates. Read Book Reviews

In its flow, the book also sounds a word of

caution to all the aspiring Ferrari owners. In the
drive to own a Ferrari, if you forget your
scruples, forget your conscience and ignore the
fundamental ethics and moral values, it might
get you to a Ferrari… at times sooner too. But a
Ferrari acquired in such a manner with never
stay with you. It will disappear down the race
track of life, at a pace faster than at which it
came into your world.
The message to the readers of the book is
clear… play hard, play safe and play it right in
this game of life. Follow the ten
commandments and success will be yours for
keeps. The Ferrari will readily drive itself into
your driveway. Don’t be a “Monk” and sell your
Ferrari….acquire your own and keep it safely.
The decision to keep the Ferrari or sell it and
become is monk, is one to be taken once you
have the Ferrari safely parked in your garage.
As of now, go out and tell the world, “I
And what is this Ferrari, we are talking about
here? Is it merely an automobile manufactured
by the Fiat motor company? What are the Ten
Commandments? I will let you read the book
and find out for yourself.


A must read for every individual working in a corporate


Two young management graduates, with nothing similar in family backgrounds and
temperament, join the New York International Bank on the same day and take two
entirely different routes to success. Both rise up the ranks at breakneck speed: the fast
and aggressive Sundeep, who would stoop to anything to get ahead, and the mature and
sensible Swami, with a high regard for good old ethics. The racy narrative set in the
high-pressure milieu of competitive banking carries the undercurrent of a clash of
values, in the intermeshed realms of the personal and the professional. It’s a story
peppered with ambition and frustration, deceit and malevolence, love and lust, and the
desperate struggle for status and power. And, above all, there is a top-notch banker who
plays the benevolent God whenever crisis looms over the young guns…

An insider’s fictionalised account of how Indian professionals experience the world of

foreign banks, the story spans three continents.

"An insiders fictionalized account of what goes on in the murky

world of corporate politics."


A must read for every individual working

in a corporate

What do you do when your relationship with

your spouse metamorphoses to that of
professional colleagues? Chanda is ecstatic
when through a strange quirk of fate both Amit
and she end up working for the same foreign
bank. There on begins a roller coaster ride
which engulfs them in its talons and holds in it
the capacity to tear apart their lives for ever.
Will they be able to save their careers, their self
esteem. most importantly their marriage?

Devil in Pinstripes, through the life of Amit, a

starry eyed, ambitious MBA, who joins New
York International bank (NYB), takes you
behind the scenes and through the power
packed aisles of New York International Bank
and the sharpest of its minds. A racy narrative
set in the milieu of modern day high pressure
competitive foreign banking and the current
crisis that engulfs this sector, it is a curious
intermesh of the lives of Amit and three others
- Chanda, a biotechnologist turned retail
banker, Gowri, Amit’s arch rival, a full time New
York International Bank baiter and a political
maestro par excellence and above all Aditya,
who plays devious power games with almost
everyone in his quest for success and fame.

Join Amit as he blindly follows the Machiavellian

plans of Aditya Bhatnagar- his mentor, plays
power games with his antagonist Gowri and
walks a tight rope in the relationship with his
wife Chanda. Are they all Gods of Banking or
masquerading Devils in Pinstripes?

What happens when God is dragged into a pit

full of muck? Does he come out completely
clean? Can he retain the status of being a God
or does this corporate world engulf him in its
talons..does he become the ultimate Devil in

An insiders fictionalized account of what goes

on in the murky world of corporate politics.
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I Bought the Monk’s Ferrari

by Ravi Subramanian

I Bought the Monk’s Ferrari 3.21 · rating details · 14 ratings · 4 reviews

Excited and nervous, a fresher of twenty-three, takes his first career flight from
Bangalore to Delhi. He peeps out of the window as the flight takes off- and presto!
He sees on the road below, fast fading from his vision- an immaculate bright red
Ferrari, begins the quest of his life . . . for his own FERRARI. In this thought
provoking book, the author, Ravi Subramanian p...moreExcited and nervous, a
fresher of twenty-three, takes his first career flight from Bangalore to Delhi. He
peeps out of the window as the flight takes off- and presto! He sees on the road
below, fast fading from his vision- an immaculate bright red Ferrari, begins the
quest of his life . . . for his own FERRARI. In this thought provoking book, the author,
Ravi Subramanian provides a step-by-step approach towards begins successful and
acquiring one’s own Ferrari. The Ferrari here is not a mere luxury car; it is way
worthier than that . . . it is something that even the monks wouldn’t want to
relinquish. Inspired by he lives of Individuals, who dreamt big and achieved big,
whom the author has comes across in his career and from his own personal
experiences, Subramanian pens down the Ten Commandments to motivate readers
in acquiring the ‘success’ they have always wished for. A must-read for those who
dare to aspire and achieve nothing but the best. After all, the FERRARI is something
worth dying for!!!(less)

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Life Lessons from The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma
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bookguide on 22/06/10 city: New-York tags: greatbooks book summary Comment: 0 Save: 0

In The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, Robin Sharma tells a fable about a
famous criminal lawyer who changes into a spiritual sage. Through his story,
Sharma illustrates the idea of an enlightened life:

[From the Great Books Series. Also see The Success Manual - Encyclopedia
of Advice, which contains summaries of 100+ Most useful books.]

The key things which are enlightened in our lives are:

1. Self-leadership
2. Personal responsibility
3. Spiritual Enlightenment

The seven principles to improve ourselves:

1. The Magnificent Garden – Master your mind
2. The Towering Lighthouse – Follow your purpose
3. The sumo Wrestler – practice Kaizen
4. The Pink Wire Cable – Live with Discipline
5. The gold Stopwatch – Respect your time
6. The Fragrant Roses – Selflessly serve Others
7. The path of Diamonds – Embrace the present

Quotes from the book:

Never give up.
Time is the most precious thing in life.
Live life fully

Dare to aspire and achieve

R. L. Singal
I Bought the Monk’s Ferrari
by Ravi Subramanian. Rupa. Pages 113. Rs 195.

FERRARI is the name of the luxury car built by an Italian

entrepreneur Enzo Ferrari (1898–1988) in 1940.
However, it was only after World War II that Ferrari came
on the roads, and over the past few decades its price has
raced ahead to over $1,50,000. The author pedalled a
bicycle all his life to both school and college although his
father, a college professor, became the proud owner of a
scooter when the author was at school.
The author took fancy to this luxury car when he
happened to see one on the road, and he resolved there
and then to own one. The Ferrari represented for him not
only excellence but also speed and sport. For the young
boy this racing car was a dream, an aspiration, his vision
of success, and the awaited destination at the end of his
long winding journey.
An alumnus of IIM, Bangalore, batch of 1993, the writer
got his posting in Delhi when he was just 23. Excited and
nervous, he took his first flight from Bangalore to Delhi to
join duty there. As the flight took off, he peeped out of the window and saw below on the
road, fast fading from his vision, an immaculate, brightly shinning red Ferrari, and that
immediately became the focus of his aspiration and the ultimate zenith of his ambition.
As you read this book you realise that Ferrari is not just a luxury car, it is the symbol of
success in this highly competitive world. It is something that even monks wouldn’t want to
relinquish, even the yogis wouldn’t forgo.
This slim volume should be an indispensable reading for all those who dare to aspire nothing
but the best, who would prefer death to failure and to ignominy, even mediocrity.
Subramanian lists ‘Ten Commandments’ in this book to motivate readers in acquiring the
success they have always aimed at. These commandments are not from God to Moses, but
from life itself to all those who dare to aspire. The author rightly explains that these are the
traits and characteristics of all those who have earned their Ferrari and that which the
readers need to imbibe and demonstrate to get closer to it.
The Ten Commandments include aspire high, stay positive, be the winner, not the wimp, be
honest to yourself, value time, strive for perfection, befriend achievers, share your success
with others, watch out on health (keep illness at bay) and build a profile (target your
audience and announce your achievements.
The author is sure that if you follow these commandments, you can own Ferrari in no time.
He again emphasises in the last chapter that Ferrari is not a mere four-wheeler,
manufactured by the Fiat-Group, it stands for Fortune for Every Right Rigorous And
Resourceful Individual.
He legitimately dedicates his book to all those:
Who are not astronauts but reach out to the stars
Who are not pole-vaulters but leap above the bars
Who are not in FI but drive in the fast lane
And for whom anything but a Ferrari, will be big shame.

January 20, 2008

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A protagonist?s pilgrimage
Book reviews by Manju Gupta
Ravi Subramanian: I Bought the Monk?s Ferrari, Rupa & Co., pp 163, Rs 195.00
A young 23-year old boy, excited and nervous, takes his first career flight from Bangalore to Delhi by IC 1812. He
peeps out of the window as the plane takes off and he sees the road receding before fading from vision and he
begins dreaming of making it big and having his own Ferrari?by Ferrari he does not mean the actual four-wheeler
which he has seen in magazines and movies nor ?an individual spec sheet of an automobile? but ?a dream, an
aspiration, a vision of success, and the awaited destination at the end of his long-winding journey.?

In this thought-provoking book by an alumnus of IIM-Bangalore working with a leading foreign bank, the author
provides a step-by-step approach towards being successful and acquiring one?s own Ferrari?not the car but
something which is far worthier than that; it?s something that even monks wouldn?t want to relinquish, he points out.

The first section of the book marks the beginning of the protagonist?s pilgrimage during which he faces hurdles and
adversities but also gets lessons that lead him towards making his dream real. On reaching the Delhi airport and on
disembarking from the plane he catches a glimpse of a Ferrari speeding by. A year later on his return from Rio he
sees Sachin Tendulkar?s Ferrari waiting to pick the latter up on his return from London. The author?s entire
exhaustion ?evaporated in a jiffy, my mood jubilant and when I turned towards the host of taxi drivers who had turned
their back towards the airport exit to see the Ferrari?, and he decides to own a Ferrari. In Hyderabad, he gets the
chance to drive a Ferrari and discovers an important fact of life?material success is only one of the several strata of
life that needs to be transcended for the fulfilment of one?s being, ?but to expand beyond success, one needs guts to
discard it for greater realities of life.?

The most important point here is self-realisation. Inspired by the lives of individuals who dreamt big and achieved big
in their career and from his own personal experiences, the author pens down ten commandments to motivate readers
to acquire ?success? they have wished forever. These are as follows:
• To acquire the Ferrari, you need to ASPIRE and when you aspire, do not compromise for anything but the
• Be optimistic; chase the negative thoughts away. A positive frame of mind will surely get you closer to your
• Do not whine and whimper about ?work-life? balance. Be the winner, not the wimp.
• Set and follow the highest standard of integrity in your personal and professional lives.
• Value your own time and that of the others.
• No one is perfect. The moment you think you are, it is the countdown to doomsday.
• If you are in the company of successful people, their success will rub off on you. But your need is to back it
up with a stellar performance
• Share your success with others.
• Remain fighting fit and be in perfect shape.
• If you have followed all the commandments with dedication and determination, it is time to build up a profile
of yourself. Target your audience and announce your achievements.
In the end, the author proves that his Ferrari stand for:

Fortune for Every Right Reasons And Resourceful Individual. He concludes by saying that we, engulfed in our
desperations and dauntless enthusiasm to acquire a Ferrari, often pay no heed to scruples, conscience, morals,
values, honour, pride?the traits that make a man. If we follow the ten commandments laid out by him, none can stop
us for achieving our objective.

(Rupa & Co., 7/16 Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110 002.)

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