Individual Career Plan: DIRECTIONS: Answer The Following Questions in Paragraph Form (3-4 Sentences) Per Question

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DIRECTIONS: Answer the following questions in paragraph form (3-4 sentences) per question. Your
document should follow MLA format and be a
minimum of two pages.


1. What are you planning on doing as a life-long career?

As of right now, I really would like to be an interior designer. That career seem interesting to me
because it involve being creative. I’m the type of person that gets bored quickly, but with
interior design, there’s something new to do every time.
2. What career do you see yourself in five years?
I see myself working for a design company or even working on my own, finding clients. I could also see
myself starting a website selling furniture or décor that make designing a space easier for people.
3. What interests do you have to support your goal?
I really like drawing and creating things. I think I’m a very creative person. I love to fix things so if I can
create a new feeling in a space, it feels very rewarding.
4. What skills do you already have that might support your goal? Example: Computer skills, i.e.
The skill I have that is needed for interior design is creativity. I also have sketching ability and
organization. I can pay attention to detail and identify trends.
5. What knowledge do you already have to support your goals? Example: understand the
educational requirements to be an accountant.
I’ve taken a drafting class and that plays a large role in the process of interior design.
6. What Career Pathway are you currently pursuing?
I’m currently pursuing a culinary pathway.


1. What are your plans after graduating from high school?

I plan on attending college or a technical school.
2. What degree or educational program do you wish to pursue?
Interior design
3. What is the highest level of education you believe you will need to fulfill your career goals?

High School
Military Training
On-the-job Training
2-Year Technical College
2-Year State College
4-Year College or University
Master’s Degree
Other (please specify)

4. Where are you planning to continue your education?

I plan to go to KSU.
5. Have you met the requirements to begin your chosen degree or educational program?
I have not reached these requirements.

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