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o Briefly describe your academic and vocational interests and how they relate to this
The concept of vocation is frequently discussed here at Wheaton. This can be stressful for
me because I do not know what I want to do after college. Recently, I have been thinking about
the differences between career and vocation. I think of my career as the job that I will do, but
my vocation is broader. It is my calling as a follower of Christ. With that in mind, WIHL will have
a huge impact on my vocation. It will completely transform it. I believe that my vocation as a
Christ-follower has to ability to influence every other part of my life, including my academic and
vocational interests. Currently, I am a math major with a Spanish minor, but I am considering
adding art.

o Describe any previous cross-cultural experience and what you learned through the
The majority of my cross-cultural experience has been with the Spanish-speaking
community. I am passionate about learning Spanish, and my experiences have come from that.
I have worked with bilingual elementary school students at Douglas Elementary School in Tyler,
Texas, and I have been on a mission’s trip to Honduras. I have also visited several Spanish-
speaking churches and interacted with their congregations. These experiences have had a big
impact on my life. I love interacting with the global church and worshipping in different
languages. I have learned that we can be so similar to people who have had vastly different life
experiences; the body of Christ is enormous, diverse, and beautiful. These experiences may be
limited, but I desire to learn and experience more about cultures different than my own.

ESSAY QUESTION – 300 words or less – Describe why you want to participate in the WIHL
program and what your contribution will be.

I would love to participate in the Wheaton in the Holy Lands program for several
reasons. To begin with, I believe (and hope) that it will completely revolutionize the way I read
my Bible. I have grown up with both Christianity and the Bible, and I honestly cannot remember
a time in my life that the where the Bible was not present. With that said, I have always been
an extremely visual person. I understand and relate to things best when I am able to experience
them visually. For me, the danger of growing up with the Bible has been complacency. It is easy
for me to become accustomed to reading my Bible and not recognize it for the amazing gift that
it is. My desire is that WIHL will revitalize my Bible reading and spiritual life in general. I believe
that physically being in the Holy Lands, and seeing the locations with my own eyes, will be life-
changing. I cannot fathom the idea of walking where Jesus walked, and seeing the locations of
biblical stories. I hope to be challenged and find a new depth in my spiritual life. Another reason
I would love to participate is that I honestly think the trip will be fun. It will be amazing to travel
around the Holy Lands for six weeks with fellow Wheaton students who are also passionate
about learning about the life of Christ and growing in their own faith.
I can contribute joy and adventure to the WIHL group. I strive to be a source of
encouragement to those around me. Although I am introverted, I care deeply for people and
desire to relate to them. In addition, I enjoy adventure. I am passionate about meeting new
people, traveling to new places, and experiencing new things.

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