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Inquiry based lesson plan relating to the project-based learning driving question:

Students will get this hyperdoc and circle around with their hyper doc/ Ipads and/or their

worksheet which can be printed on paper or completed within the hyperdoc.

What type of energy exists?

To use this HyperDoc template, make a copy, then follow the lesson design notes to add content, links,
and instructions. A completed lesson template is meant for students to use. HyperDoc templates are easy
to revise and customize to the structure of the lesson you are creating, just follow the instructions below.
Have Fun!

To engage students at the beginning of a lesson, insert video, image,
quote, or another inspirational hook in this box. 
The Goal:  Reveal Pre-existing ideas, Beliefs, Preconceptions. Pose
questions that students will begin to answer in “Explore”

Driving question: “How does energy effect the world around us.”

This question will be answered on the last day of class.

Engage: To engage the students at the beginning I have inserted memes as

to try to relate to students and pique their interest about the content we are

Essential question: What is energy and what types of energy exist?

Goal: Students should be able to name three different types of energy that
they learned about today.
Curate a collection of resources (articles, videos, infographics, text
excerpts, etc.) for students to explore the topic. 
The Goal: Students may be gathering data, sharing ideas, looking for
patterns, making conjectures, and developing further questions and
problem solving considerations with the use of the information/activity

Please use the resources below as additional information at your stations

and be ready to fill in your worksheet as you move through the stations
filled with energy. I will notify you when to move stations.

You will be exploring each station and you will have the option to work
with partners in your group or to work alone if that is what you prefer. I
want you to explore all the objects on each station and think about how
they relate to the energy described at the station.

I have listed resources for you to use during this lesson after you are done
with stations and throughout the ten-day lesson if you would like. These
are some great resources that will help you understand what some of the
objects are at the table if you are having trouble.

Resources to use for students: (types of energy) (different forms of energy) (light refraction

experiment at home) ( renewable energy 101) ( photon article) ( what is a laser?) ( video about light)

Use this section to allow students to explain their thinking and
move towards demonstrating mastery of the lesson’s objective. 
The Goal: Provide opportunity for students to compare ideas,
construct explanations, justify in terms of observations and/or data
collected in a collaborative large group environment.

I can expand on this lesson plan based on time and age group of the
students. Will need to add more to electrical and heat for older students
such as a circuit board with directions to turn on a specific light using the
circuit board items.

( There are laminated photos of what the activities should look like if you
get stuck.)

Station one: Mechanical energy


1. Place the cup over the end of the ruler. The end of the ruler should touch the
backside of the cup.

2.Raise the opposite end of the ruler and rest it on the colored marker.

3. place the marble in the center groove of the ruler at the highest end.

4. release the marble and observe.

5. now take with your partners at this station about what you all observed. Try it
again a few more times and answer the question on your worksheet.

6. Repeat this again but now use 3 blocks stacked instead of a marker.

7. Talk with your partners about what you think is happening and answer the
question on your worksheet.

Station 2: heat

1. Hold one end of the aluminum foil wire against each battery pole with
one hand.
2. 2. Continue to hold the aluminum foil against each battery pole and after
10 seconds touch the wire with your other hand
3. Collaborate with partners and ask other students what they felt.
4. Answer the questions on your worksheet.

Station 3: electrical

1. Place each prong into each part of the 9v battery

2. Repeat this a few times with other Christmas lights
3. Talk with the students at your group about what you see and what you
think is happening. why do you think this is happening?
4. Answer the questions on your worksheet.
5. Ask other students if they notice something different about the
experiments you did? Do you think we could expand on these
Use this section for students to apply information from the previous
sections to new circumstances or elaborate on a particular aspect at a
deeper level usually coming in the form of “What if” questions.  
The Goal: Allowing students the opportunity to discuss how their
thinking has changed or been solidified.

Apply the information you have learned from above by answering these
questions on your worksheet. Please answer them in this hyper doc or if
you have a paper worksheet answer them there.

Mechanical station:
1. Did you see the cup move? In your opinion why do you think this
happened? What was happening to make this happen?
2. How was your second experiment with the blocks different than the
experiment with the marker?
3. In all experiments what speed was the marble moving at? Was it the
same speed or did you notice different speeds?
4. What about the distance of the cup in the experiments? In all your
experiments did you see the cup moving the same distance or
different distances? Why or why not?
5. Remember displacement means the amount that something moves
from its place or position. Did you see evidence of energy being
displaced during any of your experiments? Why or why not?

Heat station:

1. What to you observe to be happening?

2. What forms of energy do you think are being used? Are there more than
one, why or why not?
3. Why do you think you feel the object warming up. What do you think is
happening to make this happen?
4. What do you think would happen if you kept the aluminum foil on for a
longer period?

Electrical station:

1. What do you observe to be happening after you placed the prong into
each part of the battery? Why do you think his is happening?
2. What types of energy do you think are being used?
3. Think of ways you use this type of energy, describe those to me.
Include an opportunity for face-to-face or digital reflection to guide
students along their learning progression, evaluating progress and
setting new goals for continued exploration.
The Goal: Refine initial answer to the “driving question” and reflect on
ideas, goals and beliefs concerning their progress.

Share your reflection here or on your worksheet:

What types of energy did you learn about today? Why is this important and
relevant in the real world and in your personal life?

Think about ways that you have in the past or ways that you currently use these
types of energy and write those down.

After you have completed that We will collaborate as a class and share out
ideas on the board about how and why we use these types of energy. This
should help you understand and prepare for the next 9 days of energy
related material.

At this point students should be able to name the three types of energy they
learned about and we will continue to move on and expand on these types
and other types of energy. This is the foundation and lays the groundwork
for what is coming up in the learning process.

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