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The Story of The Mouse Deer and Crocodile

One day, in a place very far away in a remote forest, there lived a herd of forest animals. This group
of animals is led by a crocodile. Not without reason, the crocodile was appointed to be the leader,
none other than because the crocodile had lived in the forest for 10 years .. hehe .. As the ruler of
the local nature the crocodile was highly respected by the forest dwellers. The wisdom he got
during his 10 years of living in the forest made all the forest dwellers always ask and ask the
crocodile for their opinion if they faced a problem. But recently the crocodile was sick, he felt that
his life was not long. He is also confused about the sustainability of the entire forest, because the
friends he has known since childhood have all died ... sob ... He is confused about placing people as
replacements, because it is not an easy task, requiring honed experience and wisdom. Not far from
the place. only the crocodile lived, lived an orphaned deer. His mother died giving birth to him,
while his father was shot dead by hunters. The only one guarding the deer since his father's death is
the crocodile. Seeing the crocodile was dying, the mouse deer felt sad. He also felt the pain
experienced by the crocodile when thinking about the sustainability of the life of the forest dwellers.

The hare also dared to ask his adoptive father,

Kancil: Father, why are you so sad?
Crocodile: I am confused, if my father dies who will replace my father ..
Kancil: You know? Isn't there a lot of intelligent animals here? Why don't you just leave it to them?
Crocodile: Father's job is not easy, not just anyone can carry it out.
Kancil: Why is it not easy? After all, my father has lived with them for a long time, surely they also
learned a lot from him. Just trust them.
Crocodile: Father still doesn't dare. Again this is not an easy task. They are still young, there are
still many things they don't understand.
Kancil: Ah, father's fear is actually groundless. It's not dad who taught them a lesson. But the whole
forest. You don't need to be burdened with this responsibility. What keeps us here is because we
learn a lot to adjust to the forest, sometimes it's not my father who teaches. Look at me, since the
departure of my biological father, I tried to get up on my own to accept the situation that I was
alone, alone, and in order to live, I had to work alone I can survive not because of help, not because
of your pity, I can live because I can adjust to this forest. And that's why I can speak like this in
front of you. Please let go of dad's burden, it's not dad's responsibility anymore.

The crocodile can only be silent, so far he considers the mouse deer as a small baby who is not ready
to live alone in the forest. What he had been thinking all this time was wrong. Learning to be able to
live is not because of being given directions and directions, but learning from situations that must be
faced every day at all times, learning to adapt to the forest where they live, learning from every event
that happens to themselves, again not because of being given directions and directions . Finally, the
crocodile agreed to give up his position as leader. And the one who was appointed as his replacement
was the mouse deer ... The crocodile was also resting in peace ... hehe ...

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