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Received: 31 January 2020 Revised: 25 April 2020 Accepted: 27 April 2020

DOI: 10.1111/vru.12896


Radiographic vertebral left atrial size: A reference interval

study in healthy adult dogs

Tommaso Vezzosi Caterina Puccinelli Rosalba Tognetti Tina Pelligra

Simonetta Citi

Department of Veterinary Sciences, University

of Pisa, Pisa, Italy Abstract
Thoracic radiography is a useful technique for the evaluation of cardiac dimensions,
Rosalba Tognetti, Department of Veterinary especially when echocardiography is not possible. The vertebral left atrial size (VLAS)
Sciences, University of Pisa, Via Livornese, San has recently been proposed as a new radiographic method for quantifying left atrial
Piero a Grado, 56010, Pisa, Italy.
Email: rosalba.tognetti@unipi.it dimensions in dogs. The aims of this retrospective, reference interval, observational
study were to describe values for VLAS in a group of healthy adult dogs and to com-
pare intraobserver and interobserver agreement for VLAS versus vertebral heart score
(VHS) methods. Thoracic radiographs of 80 healthy adult dogs were evaluated. Nor-
mal left atrial size was determined based on an echocardiographic left atrial-to-aorta
ratio < 1.6. The VLAS and vertebral heart score values were measured from right lat-
eral radiographs. The correlations between VLAS, the vertebral heart score, and the
left atrial-to-aorta ratio were evaluated. The effects of body weight, sex, and age were
also tested using regression analyses. The median value of VLAS were 1.9, with a ref-
erence interval of 1.4-2.2. A positive correlation was found between VLAS and verte-
bral heart score values (r = 0.53; P < .0001). No effect of body weight, sex, and age on
VLAS was detected. Excellent intraobserver and interobserver agreements were found
for both VLAS and vertebral heart score methods (intraclass correlation coefficients ≥
0.91). Findings from this sample of healthy dogs indicated that VLAS is a repeatable
radiographic method for quantifying left atrial size. Further studies are warranted to
evaluate this measure in clinically affected dogs.

cardiac dimension, cardiology, radiography, reference range, VLAS

1 INTRODUCTION based on the evaluation of the size and shape of the cardiac silhou-
ette, pulmonary vessels, and signs of congestive heart failure. Most
Thoracic radiography is a key component for the study of the car- radiographic assessments of cardiovascular structures are performed
diovascular system.1 Radiographic diagnosis of cardiac disease is subjectively.2 However, quantitative methods to evaluate cardiac
dimensions have been developed. The vertebral heart score (VHS)
is the most commonly used method for the objective evaluation of
Abbreviations: ICC, intraclass correlation coefficient; LA, left atrium; LA/Ao, left cardiac size in thoracic radiographs in dogs.3 Differences in VHS
atrium-to-aorta ratio; VLAS, vertebral left atrial size.
according to the canine breed have also been described.4-11 However,
Previous presentation or publication disclosure: The results of the present study had not pre-
viously been presented at any scientific meeting and/or published in an abstract.
there are few studies in veterinary medicine aimed at standardizing
EQUATOR network disclosure: No EQUATOR network checklist was used. the radiographic left atrial (LA) size.12-15

Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2020;1–5. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/vru © 2020 American College of Veterinary Radiology 1

In dogs, myxomatous mitral valve disease is the most common

cardiac disease. Left atrial enlargement is considered a major indi-
cator of mitral regurgitation severity and has been recognized as a
strong predictor of outcome in dogs with myxomatous mitral valve
disease.16 There are numerous echocardiographic methods of mea-
suring LA size, with the most common being the left atrial-to-aorta
ratio (LA/Ao).17 Although transthoracic echocardiography is the non-
invasive, gold standard method to assess LA size, it is not always possi-
ble to perform because of the cost of the examination and the knowl-
edge and equipment required, or because of the critical clinical con-
ditions of some patients. Thoracic radiography is easily available, less
expensive, and faster to perform.
A newer index of radiographic LA size, the vertebral left atrial size
(VLAS), was recently included in the American College of Veterinary
Internal Medicine consensus guidelines for the diagnosis and treat-
ment of myxomatous mitral valve disease.17 One study proposed a cut-
off of VLAS ≥ 2.3 vertebrae as a radiographic indicator of LA enlarge-
ment in dogs, but only 15 normal dogs were included in the study.13 For
the definition of a reference range in the canine population, a larger
sample is desirable. In addition, no previous studies have evaluated F I G U R E 1 Lateral thoracic radiograph illustrating methods used
for measuring vertebral left atrial size in a dog of the study (kVp 61,
the effects of sex, age, and body weight on VLAS. Thus, the aims of
mAs 8.0). A line was measured from the center of the most ventral
our study were to describe a reference interval for VLAS values in a aspect of the carina to the most caudal aspect of the left atrium where
large population of healthy dogs and compare intraobserver and inter- it intersected with the dorsal border of caudal vena cava. The same
observer agreement for VLAS versus VHS methods. We hypothesized line, then, was drawn beginning at the cranial edge of T4 and extending
that body weight, sex, and age would have no effect on VLAS values caudally just ventral and parallel to the vertebral canal, and the length
was expressed in vertebral body units to the nearest 0.1 vertebra. For
(similar to VHS) and that this new radiographic measurement would
this dog, the VLAS was 2.2 vertebrae
have good intra- and interobserver measurement agreement.

As part of the inclusion criteria for the study, all thoracic radiographs
2 MATERIALS AND METHODS were acquired using the same high-frequency digital radiography sys-
tem (MAXIVET 400 HF, Multimage s.r.l., Cavaria, Varese, Italy) and
This study was a retrospective, reference interval, observational were analysed using the same image analysis workstation (Fuji Com-
design. Case inclusion was performed at the Veterinary Teaching Hos- puted Radiography Capsula X, FUJIFILM Corporation, Tokyo, Japan).
pital of the Department of Veterinary Sciences, University of Pisa. Due An Italian Recognized Specialist in Veterinary Radiology with 30 years
to the retrospective study design, no institutional animal care and use of experience in the field (S.C.) reviewed all radiographs and performed
approval or client consent was sought. However, all owners had signed measurements. The operator was blinded to the results of the echocar-
an informed consent based on which they had agreed on the possible diographic examination at the time of radiographic measurements. For
future use of the data acquired during the clinical evaluation of their each dog, the right lateral radiographic view was used for measuring
pets for teaching or medical research. The Hospital director approved the VLAS and the VHS, using a free and open source code software
the use of the clinical data for the present study. Medical records program (Horos, Horosproject.org, Nimble Co LLC d/b/a Purview in
from between January 2017 and November 2019 were reviewed for Annapolis, MD, USA). The VLAS was measured as established by Mal-
healthy, adult, client-owned dogs. Dogs were defined as healthy based colm et al.13 A line was measured from the center of the most ventral
on history, physical examination, thoracic radiographs, and echocardio- aspect of the carina to the most caudal aspect of the left atrium where
graphy. All cases had to have undergone an echocardiographic exam- it intersected with the dorsal border of the caudal vena cava. The same
ination within 24 h before or 7 days after the radiographic examina- line was then repositioned over the thoracic vertebrae, as described
tion. Exclusion criteria consisted of any finding indicating cardiac or for the VHS, and the length was expressed in vertebral body units to
systemic disease. Dogs were also excluded from the study if thoracic the nearest 0.1 vertebra (Figure 1). The VHS was measured as previ-
radiography showed malposition of the patient (eg, abnormal position ously described.3 Briefly, the long axis of the heart was measured from
of the thoracic vertebral column and the trachea) or thoracic vertebral the ventral border of the largest mainstem bronchus to the most dis-
abnormalities. All decisions for dog inclusion or exclusion were made tant ventral contour of the cardiac apex. The short axis was measured
by two observers, a third-year veterinary cardiology resident (T.V.) and in the central third region of the heart, perpendicular to the long axis,
an Italian Recognized Specialist in Veterinary Radiology (S.C.), based on from the cranial to caudal border of the widest portion of the heart.
a consensus opinion. Measurements of both long and short axis were then positioned over

F I G U R E 3 Echocardiographic image illustrating methods used for

measurement of the left atrium-to-aorta ratio in a dog of the study
(3 MHz phased-array transducer). The image was acquired from the
right parasternal short axis view in early diastole. For this dog, the left
atrium-to-aorta ratio was 1.5 [Color figure can be viewed at
F I G U R E 2 Lateral thoracic radiograph illustrating methods used wileyonlinelibrary.com]
for vertebral heart score measurement in a dog of the study (kVp 61,
mAs 8.0). For this dog, the vertebral heart score was 11 vertebrae
Statistical analyses were performed by a veterinarian with course-
work training in statistics, using commercially available statistical
thoracic vertebrae, beginning at the cranial edge of the fourth thoracic software (GraphPad Prism 5.0, GraphPad Software Inc, San Diego, CA,
vertebra and the number of vertebral units was estimated to the near- USA; IBM SPSS Statistics 21.0; IBM Corporation Armonk, New York,
est 0.1 vertebral body length. The sum of the two measurements was USA). Descriptive statistics were generated. The normality of data
used to calculate the VHS (Figure 2). distribution was tested using the Shapiro-Wilk test. An open-source
To asses intra- and interobserver agreement for VLAS compared to application to calculate reference intervals was used (Reference Value
VHS methods, two additional observers, an Italian Recognized Special- Advisor V2.1).20 The nonparametric method was used to determine
ist in Veterinary Radiology (S.C.) and a first-year PhD student in vet- the reference interval of VLAS using the entire eligible data set.
erinary radiology (C.P.), reviewed the right lateral thoracic radiographic The correlation between VLAS and VHS was obtained by means of
images of 10 randomly selected dogs on three separate occasions, each Spearman’s correlation. Multiple linear regression analyses were used
of them 7 days apart. The measurements were performed indepen- to explore the relationship between VLAS and body weight, age, and
dently by the two investigators, both of whom were blinded to the pre- sex. An intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was used to quantify
vious measurements and the order of radiographic studies was ran- intraobserver and interobserver measurement agreement for VLAS
domized (“RANDBETWEEN” function in the Excel software, Microsoft and VHS. For ICC calculations, a two-way single measures mixed effect
Office 365, Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA, USA). model for absolute agreement was used.21 The agreement of the
As part of the inclusion criteria for the study, all echocardiographic investigators performing the measurements was considered poor if
examinations were performed by the same third-year veterinary car- the value was 0-0.2, fair if 0.21-0.40, moderate if 0.41-0.6, substantial
diology resident (T.V.) on unsedated dogs that were positioned in if 0.61-0.8, and almost perfect if 0.81-1.22 Values of P < .05 were
right and left lateral recumbency. The same ultrasonographic machine considered statistically significant.
and phased-array transducers were used (Aplio 300, Canon Medical
Systems Europe, Zoetermeer, Netherlands). Simultaneous ECG trac-
ings were also recorded. Each dog underwent a complete echocardio- 3 RESULTS
graphic examination, which included transthoracic 2D, M-mode, spec-
tral, and color Doppler imaging.18 The measurement of the LA/Ao was The study sample consisted of 80 healthy, client-owned dogs. There
obtained from the right parasternal short-axis view, at the aortic valve were 37 males and 43 females, with a median age of 7.4 years (range, 1-
level, in early diastole (first measurable frame after aortic valve clo- 17 years) and a median body weight of 11 kg (range, 1.4-55 kg). Twenty-
sure) as shown in Figure 3.19 The correct timing was confirmed using one dogs weighed < 5 kg, 15 dogs weighed ≥5 to <10 kg, 14 weighed
the ECG trace on the monitor. The LA size was considered normal using ≥10 to <20 kg, 13 weighed ≥20 to <30 kg, and 17 were ≥30 kg. The
the reported cutoff of LA/Ao < 1.6.19 The operator was blinded to the breeds represented in the study were Chihuahua (n = 23), mixed-breed
results of the thoracic radiographs at the time of echocardiographic (n = 17), Golden Retriever (n = 6), Labrador (n = 5), Dachshund (n = 3),
measurements. Beagle (n = 2), German Shepherd (n = 2), Miniature Pinscher (n = 2),

possible factor affecting VLAS in small breeds could be breed-specific

variations in vertebral body length relative to overall body size, as
hypothesized for VHS by a previous study.7
For intraobserver and interobserver measurement agreement,
VLAS and VHS showed an almost perfect agreement. This finding pro-
vides evidence that VLAS and VHS are repeatable methods for measur-
ing cardiac chamber size, as confirmed by previous studies.10,11,13 Fur-
ther studied are needed to verify if veterinarians with different clinical
experience and specialization (eg, general practitioners, cardiologists,
intensive care clinicians) have the same measurement variability.
In our study, the interobserver measurement agreement for VHS
was slightly greater than for VLAS. This could be due to the fact that
VHS is a traditional measurement, and several studies have clarified
how to measure it.3,24 On the other hand, VLAS is a newer radiographic
F I G U R E 4 Graph illustrating a positive linear correlation between
VLAS and VHS values (r = 0.53; P < .001). VLAS, vertebral left atrial index. Another possible explanation could be that there is greater vari-
size; VHS, vertebral heart score ability among operators in establishing the decimal part of the number
of vertebrae, which could have a greater influence on VLAS measure-
ment than on VHS.
Poodle (n = 2), West Highland White Terrier (n = 2), and one of each Our results should be considered within the context of the study’s
of the following: Belgian Malinois, Bolognese, Border Collie, Boxer, limitations. First, the possible influence of the body condition score
Cavalier King Charles, Central Asian Shepherd, Cocker Spaniel, Dogo on VLAS was not evaluated. Previous studies have reported the possi-
Argentino, English Setter, Irish Setter, Segugio Italiano, Magyar Vizsla, ble influence of body condition score on VHS.7,9,11 However, all dogs
Maremma Sheepdog, Spanish Galgo, Spitz, and Yorkshire Terrier. included in the study were healthy, and no obese or cachectic dogs
The median value of VLAS was 1.9 (range, 1.3-2.2), with a reference were present in the study population. Second, the study population
interval between 1.4 (90% confidence interval 1.3-1.5) and 2.2 (90% included a large variety of dogs of different weights and ages; however,
confidence interval 2.1-2.2). No effect of body weight, sex, and age on no brachycephalic “screw-tailed” breeds (eg, English Bulldog, French
VLAS was detected based on multivariate analysis. The median value of Bulldog, Pug, Boston terrier) were included. These breeds present a
VHS was 10 (range, 9.2-11). A positive correlation was found between typical barrel-shaped thoracic conformation in comparison to other
VLAS and VHS (r = 0.53, P < .0001, Figure 4). dogs, and a greater occurrence of thoracic vertebral body anomalies25
For intraobserver measurement agreement, both VLAS and VHS that could alter the measurement of vertebral-based methods. The
methods showed excellent agreement with an ICC of 0.95 (0.82-0.99) reference interval for VLAS determined in this study may thus not
and 0.94 (0.82-0.98), respectively. Similarly, for interobserver mea- be applicable to brachycephalic dogs. Further studies on VLAS mea-
surement agreement, both VLAS and VHS methods showed excel- surements in different breeds are recommended. Third, for intraob-
lent agreement with an ICC of 0.91 (0.48-0.98) and 0.95 (0.83-0.99), server and interobserver variability, all radiographic measurements
respectively. were performed by operators working in radiology. Thus, the measure-
ment variability found in this study may not be superimposable on that
of non-radiology colleagues (eg, general practitioners, cardiologists,
4 DISCUSSION intensive care clinicians, etc). Lastly, the study did not include over-
weight, aggressive, severely panting or dyspneic dogs, nor did it include
This study described a reference interval for VLAS values based on a low quality thoracic radiographs, therefore it cannot be excluded
large sample of healthy adult dogs, and findings supported use of this that greater measurement variability may occur in such clinical
new index as a radiographic measure of LA size. One study showed that conditions.
subjective assessment of radiographic LA enlargement has only mod- In conclusion, the current study provided a reference interval for
erate agreement with echocardiographic LA enlargement severity.23 VLAS values in healthy dogs and indicated that measures of VLAS are
Only a few recent studies have reported a quantitative radiographic repeatable and reliable. Further studies evaluating the diagnostic util-
evaluation of LA size in healthy dogs.13-15 ity of VLAS in the clinical staging of dogs with myxomatous mitral valve
Our results showed that the reference interval of VLAS in dogs is disease and other cardiac diseases are needed.
between 1.4 and 2.2. This finding is in line with the preliminary study
of Malcolm et al, in which a VLAS ≥ 2.3 was proposed as a diagnostic LIST OF AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
cutoff for LA enlargement.13 Category 1
In our study, a positive correlation was found between VLAS and (a) Conception and Design: Vezzosi, Citi, Tognetti
VHS. This result can be explained by the fact that VLAS could be (b) Acquisition of Data: Vezzosi, Puccinelli, Pelligra, Citi
influenced by breed variations, as already shown for VHS.4 In fact, a (c) Analysis and Interpretation of Data: Vezzosi, Puccinelli, Citi

Category 2 13. Malcolm EL, Visser LC, Phillips KL, et al. Diagnostic value of vertebral
(a) Drafting the Article: Vezzosi, Puccinelli left atrial size as determined from thoracic radiographs for assessment
of left atrial size in dogs with myxomatous mitral valve disease. J Am Vet
(b) Revising Article for Intellectual Content: Tognetti, Pelligra, Citi
Med Assoc. 2018;253:1038-1054.
14. Sànchez Salguero XS, Prandi D, Llabrés-Díaz F, et al. A radiographic
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Tognetti, Pelligra, Citi
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