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HAA 128g Pro-Seminar: Syllabus and Readings Professor David J.

Spring 2005: Monday 3:00–5:00, Sackler 119 Sackler 410; (617) 496 1056
Office Hours: Wednesday 12:00–2:00



Examines the use of writing on different art forms including architecture from the Islamic lands
with an emphasis on the period between ca. 600 and 1500. The course will introduce key
methodologies in the study of writing and the full range of scripts, orthographic conventions, and
textual content. Aesthetic, cultural and sociopolitical questions will be treated and critical issues
such as the text as image debate. No knowledge of Arabic or Persian is required.


All required books and articles (from journals, conference proceedings, or edited books) are on
reserve at the Fine Arts Library and should be read before the weekly meeting for which they are
assigned. Some books are on open reserve, others on closed reserve; the articles are arranged
alphabetically by author in a binder.

The work of the seminar will involve discussion of the readings. A select bibliography
accompanies the syllabus. Studies marked with a double asterisk are also on reserve at Fine Arts


The final grade is broken down as follows: weekly participation in classroom discussion 30%;
research presentation 20% of no more than 20 minutes [to be accompanied by a bibliography
and an 8–page typed version of the paper]; final research paper 50% on a topic of the student’s
choice in consultation with the professor. The final paper is due on May 18.


February 7 Introduction: Epigraphy and Calligraphy in Islamic Art

February 14 The Features of the Arabic Script and Its Development

February 21 HOLIDAY

February 28 The Koran

March 7 Macrographia and Micrographia: Jerusalem and Cordoba

March 14 Fatimid Cairo: Case Study

March 21 Tiraz and Coins

March 26–April 3 SPRING BREAK

April 4 Samanid Epigraphic Ware

April 11 The Culture of Writing

April 18 Writing/Image: The Contested Meanings of Writing







February 7 Introduction: Epigraphy and Calligraphy in Islamic Art

February 14 The Features of the Arabic Script and Its Development


Nabia Abbott, “Arabic Palaeography”

Françoise Briquel-Chatonnet, “De l’araméen à l’arabe: quelques

reflections sur la genèse de l’écriture arabe”

John F. Healey, “Nabataean to Arabic: Calligraphy and Script

Development Among the Pre-Islamic Arabs”

Janine Sourdel-Thomine, “Les origines de l’écriture arabe: à propos

d’une hypothèse récente”

________. “L’écriture arabe et son evolution ornamentale”

________. “Quelques étapes et perspectives de l’épigraphie arabe”

February 21 HOLIDAY

Sheila S. Blair, Islamic Inscriptions

Richard Ettinghausen, “Arabic Calligraphy: Communication or Symbolic


J. Sourdel-Thomine, “Kitabat,” EI2, 5:210–16; and J. Sourdel-Thomine,

“Khatt,” EI2, 4:1113–28

February 28 The Koran


Jacques Berque, “The Koranic Text: From Revelation to Compilation”

J. Burton, “Mushaf,” EI2, 7:668–9

François Déroche, The Abbasid Tradition: Qur’ans of the 8th to 10th Centuries
AD, pp. 1–47 + browse catalogue entries

Yasin Dutton, “Red dots, green dots, yellow dots and blue: some
reflections on the vocalization of early Qur’anic Manuscripts, Part

Alain Fouad George, “The Geometry of the Qur’an of Amajur: A

Preliminary Study of Proportion in Early Arabic Calligraphy”

Solange Ory, “Du Coran récité au Coran calligraphié”

Yasser Tabbaa, “The Transformation of Arabic Writing: Part 1, Qur'anic


Estelle Whelan, “Forgotten Witness: Evidence for the Early Codification

of the Qur’an”

March 7 Macrographia and Micrographia: Jerusalem and Cordoba


Erica Dodd and Shereen Khairallah, The Image of the Word: A Study of
Koranic Verses in Islamic Architecture, 2 vols, 1:1–89 + browse vol. 2

Oleg Grabar, The Shape of the Holy, pp. 56–71

P. Grierson, “The Monetary Reforms of ‘Abd al-Malik”

Adolf Grohmann, “The Origin and Development of Floriated Kufic”

Christel Kessler, “Abd al-Malik’s Inscription in the Dome of the Rock: A


Nuha Khoury, “The Meaning of the Great Mosque of Cordoba in the

Tenth Century”

Ernst Kühnel, Die islamischen Elfenbeinskuplturen VIII–XIII Jahrhundert, review

cats 19–51 and accompanying plates

E. Levi-Provençal, Inscriptions arabes d’Espagne, 2 vols, vol. 1, pp. IX–

XXXVI and cat. nos 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14; vol. 2, plates 3, 4, and 5

March 14 Fatimid Cairo: A Case Study


Irene Bierman. Writing Signs: The Fatimid Public Text

March 21 Tiraz and Coins


Sheila S. Blair, “Inscriptions on Medieval Islamic Textiles”

________. “A Note on the Prayers Inscribed on Several Medieval Silk

Textiles in the Abegg Foundation”

Sheila S. Blair, Jonathan M. Bloom and Anne E. Wardwell, “Re-

evaluating the Date of the ‘Buyid’ Silks by Epigraphic and
Radiocarbon Analysis”

Florence Day, “The Tiraz Silk of Marwan”

________. “The Inscription of the Boston ‘Baghdad’ Silk: A Note on

Method in Epigraphy”

Ernst Kühnel, Catalogue of Dated Tiraz Fabrics: Umayyad, Abbasid, Fatimid, pp.
1–4 + browse catalogue entries

Y. K. Stillman et al, “Tiraz,” EI2, 10:534–8; and C. E. Bosworth, et al,

“Sikka,” EI2, 9:591–9

M. Levey, “Medieval Arabic Minting of Gold and Silver Coins”

C. Toll, “Minting Technique According to Arabic Literary Sources”

March 26–April 3 SPRING BREAK

April 4 Samanid Epigraphic Ware


Oya Pancaroglu, “Serving Wisdom: The Contents of Samanid

Epigraphic Pottery”

Lisa Volov, “Plaited Kufic on Samanid Epigraphic Pottery”

April 11 The Culture of Writing


Ibn al-Nadim. The Fihrist of al-Nadim, pp. 1–40.

Seyyid Hossein Nasr, “Oral transmission and the book in Islamic

education: the spoken and the written word”

R. Sellheim, “Sama’, 2.” EI2, 8:1018–20

Georges Vajda, “De la transmission orale du savoir dans l’Islam


Franz Rosenthal, “Significant Uses of Arabic Writing”

________. “Abu Hayyan At-Tawhidi on Penmanship”


April 18 Writing/Image: The Contested Meanings of Writing


Sheila S. Blair, “Legibility versus Decoration in Islamic Epigraphy: The

Case of Interlacing”

Oleg Grabar, Mediation of Ornament, chap. 2, pp. 47–119

Anthony Welch, “Epigraphs as Icons”




‘Abd al-Baqi, Muhammad Fu’ad. Al-Mu’jam al-mufahras li-alfaz al-Qur’an al-Karim. Beirut, 1999.
[Widener WID-LC Mid East BP133.A18 199x]

Ali, Ahmed. Al-Quran. A Contemporary Translation by Ahmed Ali. Princeton, N.J., 1984.

** Atiyeh, George N., ed. The Book in the Islamic World: The Written Word and Communication in the
Middle East. Albany, NY, 1995.

Baltaci, Cahit. Islam Paleografyasi (Diplomatik-Arsivcilik). Istanbul, 1989.

Bayani, Mahdi. Ahval va athar-i khushnivisan. 2 vols., 4 pts. Tehran, 1363/1984–85.

** Blair, Sheila S. The Monumental Inscriptions from Early Islamic Iran and Transoxiana. Leiden, 1992.

** ________. Islamic Inscriptions. New York, 1998.

Bloom, Jonathan M. Paper Before Print: The History and Impact of Paper in the Islamic World. New
Haven, 2001.

Bosworth, Clifford. The New Islamic Dynasties. New York, 1996.

Combe, E., Jean Sauvaget and G. Wiet. Repertoire chronologique d’epigraphie arabe. Vols 1–17.
Cairo, 1931–82.

Encyclopaedia Iranica. London, 1982–.

Encyclopaedia of Islam, New Edition [henceforth EI2]. Leiden, 1960–.

** Endress, Gerhard. An Introduction to Islam. Edinburgh, 1988 [contains useful chapter on

structure of Arabic names]

** Freeman-Grenville, G. The Muslim and Christian Calendars. London, 1963.

or for hijri/miladi date converter, visit

** Gacek, Adam. The Arabic Manuscript Tradition. A Glossary of Technical Terms and Bibliography.
Leiden, 2001.

** Hanaway, William, and Brian Spooner. Reading Nasta’liq: Persian and Urdu Hands from 1500 to
the Present. Costa Mesa, Calif., 1995.

** Ibn al-Nadim. The Fihrist of al-Nadim: A Tenth-Century Survey of Muslim Culture. Edited and
translated by Bayard Dodge. New York: Columbia University Press, 1970.

Materiaux pour un corpus Inscriptionum Arabicarum

See monographs listed under INSCRIPTIONS

Pearson, J. Index Islamicus. Cambridge, 1958–74 [updates available on CD-ROM]

** Pedersen, Johannes. The Arabic Book. Princeton, N.J., 1984.

Taqizadeh, S. H. “Various Eras and Calendars Used in the Countries of Islam.” Bulletin of the
School of Oriental and African Studies 9 (1937): 903–22; Bulletin of the School of Oriental and
African Studies 10 (1939): 107–32.

Von Zambaur, E. Manuel de genealogie et de chronologie pour l’histoire de l’Islam. Hannover, 1927.

Wensinck, A. J. Concordance et indices de la tradition musulmane. 8 vols. Leiden, 1936–88; reprinted


Whelan, Estelle. “Early Islam, Emerging Patterns (622–1050).” In Islamic Art and Patronage:
Treasures from Kuwait, ed. Esin Atil, pp. 41–54. New York, 1991.


Gacek, Adam. “Technical Practices and Recommendations Recorded by Classical and Post-
Classical Arabic Scholars Concerning the Copying and Correction of Manuscripts.”
Varia Turcica 8 (1989): 51–60.

** Nasr, Seyyid Hossein. “Oral transmission and the book in Islamic education: the spoken and
the written word.” Journal of Islamic Studies 3, 1 (1992): 1–14.

** Sellheim, R. “Sama’.” EI2, 8:1019–1020.

** Vajda, Georges. “De la transmission orale du savoir dans l’Islam traditionnel.” L’Arabisant 5
(1975): 2–8.

________. “Idjaza.” EI2, 3:1020–1021.


Afshar, Iraj. “Two Twelfth-Century Gravestones of Yazd in Mashhad and Washington.” Studia
Iranica 2 (1973): 203–11.

Ahmed, Shamsud-din. Inscriptions of Bengal, vol. 4 (Being a Corpus of Inscriptions of the Muslim Rulers of
Bengal From 1233 to 1855 A.C.). Rajshahi, 1960.

Alexander, David. The Arts of War: Arms and Armour of the 7th to 19th Centuries. London, 1992.

Allan, J. W. Islamic Metalwork: The Nuhad Es-Said Collection. London, 1982.

________. Metalwork of the Islamic World: The Aron Collection. London, 1986.

Amari, M. Le epigrafi arabiche di Sicilia, inscrizione edili. Palermo, 1971.

Anglade, Elise. Catalogue des boiseries de la section islamique, Musée du Louvre. Paris, 1988.

Asher, Frederick, and G. S. Gai, eds. Indian Epigraphy: Its Bearing on the History of Art. New Delhi,

Atil, Esin. Renaissance of Islam: Art of the Mamluks. Washington, D.C., 1981.

Atil, Esin, W. T. Chase and Paul Jett. Islamic Metalwork in the Freer Gallery of Art. Washington,
D.C., 1985.

Baer, Eva. Metalwork in Medieval Islamic Art. Albany, NY, 1983.

** Balog, Paul. “Pious invocations probably used as titles of office or as honorific titles in
Umayyad and ‘Abbasid Times.” In Studies in Memory of Gaston Wiet, ed. Miriam Rosen-
Ayalon, pp. 61–8. Jerusalem, 1977.

Berchem, Max Van. Matériaux pour un Corpus Inscriptionum Arabicarum II: Syrie du Sud, Mémoires de
l’Institut Français Archéologique du Caire 43–45. Cairo, 1920–22.

Berchem, Max Van, and Halil Edhem. Matériaux pour un Corpus Inscriptionum Arabicarum III: Asie
Mineure I, Mémoires de l’Institut Français Archéologique du Caire 29. Cairo, 1910–17.

Bergeret, Jean and Ludvik Kalus. “Analyse de décors épigraphiques et floraux à Qazwin au
début du Vie/XIIe siècle.” Revue des Études Islamiques 45, 1 (1977): 89–130.

Bernus, M., H. Marchal and G. Vial. “Le suaire de Saont-Josse.” Bulletin du Liaison du Centre
International d’Études des Textiles Anciens 33 (1971): 1–57.

Bierman, Irene. “Art and Politics: The Impact of Fatimid Uses of Tiraz Fabrics.” Ph.D. diss.
University of Chicago, 1980.

Bittar, Thérèse. Pierres et stucs épigraphiés. Paris, 2003.

Bivar, A.D.H., and Ehsan Yarshater, eds. Corpus Inscriptionum Iranicarum, Part 4, Persian Inscriptions
Down to the Early Safavid Period, vol. 6, Mazandaran Province. London, 1978.

Blair, Sheila S. “The Inscriptions From the Tomb Tower at Bastam: An Analysis of Ilkhanid
Epigraphy.” In Art et Société dans le Monde Iranien, ed. Chahryar Adle, pp. 263–88. Paris,

** ________. “Legibility versus Decoration in Islamic Epigraphy: The Case of Interlacing.” In

World Art: Themes of Unity in Diversity: Acts of the XXVIth International Congress of the History of
Art, ed. Irving Lavin, pp. 329–34. University Park, Penna, 1989.

** ________. “Inscriptions on Medieval Islamic Textiles.” In Islamische Textilkunst des Mittelalters:

Aktuelle Probleme = Riggisberger Berichte 5 (1997): 95–104.

** ________. “A Note on the Prayers Inscribed on Several Medieval Silk Textiles in the Abegg
Foundation.” In Islamische Textilkunst des Mittelalters: Aktuelle Probleme = Riggisberger Berichte 5
(1997): 128–38.

** Blair, Sheila S., Jonathan M. Bloom and Anne E. Wardwell. “Re-evaluating the Date of the
‘Buyid’ Silks by Epigraphic and Radiocarbon Analysis.” Ars Orientalis 22 (1992): 1–43.

Bombaci, Alessio. The Kufic Inscription in Persian Verses in the Court of the Royal Palace of Mas’ud III at
Ghazni. Rome, 1966.

Bourilly, J., and E, Laoust. Stèles funeraires marocaines. Paris, 1927.

Burgoyne, Michael H. “A Recently Discovered Marwanid Inscription in Jerusalem.” Levant 14

(1982): 118–21.

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** ________. “The Tiraz Silk of Marwan.” In Archaeologica Orientalia in Memorian Ernst Herzfeld,
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