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Please take note follow the steps in testing hypothesis. From 1 Define the hypothesis to 6 conclusion.

Test of hypothesis using Paired Samples t test.


1. Define the null and alternative hypothesis.

2. State the alpha.
3. Solve the degrees of freedom. N - 1 = df
4. Calculate the test statistics. ( Do the computation)
5. State the decision rule. If the computed value is less than the tabular value, accept the null hypothesis . If the
computed value is greater than the tabular value, reject the null hypothesis
6. State the conclusion.

SOP. Is there significant difference on the performance of the respondents during the Before (Score 1) and
After (Score 2) the treatment

1. Define the null and alternative hypothesis. ( this is based from the SOP)
Null - H0: There is no significant difference on the performance of the respondents between before (score 1)
and after (score 2) the treatment in symbol .

( no significant difference meaning equal performance)

Alternative- H1: There is significant difference on the performance of the respondents between pre test
(score 1) and post test(score 2) the treatment. In symbol

( no significant difference meaning equal performance)

2. State the alpha. In social sciences the alpha is 5%.

Level of significance or margin of error is 5%.
3. Solve the degrees of freedom. N – 1 = df
11 – 1 = 10
Degrees of freedom will be use to identify the tabular value of t . Tabular table t is usually at the back of the
statistics book.
4. Calculate the test statistics. ( Do the computation)
Paired Samples t Test
Sample question: Calculate a paired t test by hand for the following data:

Step 1: Subtract each Y score from each X score.

Step 2: Add up all of the values from Step 1.

Set this number aside for a moment.
Step 3: Square the differences from Step 1. Step 4: Add up all of the squared differences from
Step 3.

Step 5: Use the following formula to calculate the t-score:

ΣD: Sum of the differences (Sum of X-Y from Step 2)

ΣD2: Sum of the squared differences (from Step 4)
(ΣD)2: Sum of the differences (from Step 2), squared
5.State the decision

Find the Tabular value  in the t-table critical value , using the degrees of freedom  If you don’t have a
specified alpha level, use 0.05 (5%). For this sample problem, with df=10, the t-value is 2.228.

Computed t value is - 2.74 the tabular value 2.228 compare the two values.
Note: You can ignore the minus sign when comparing the two t-values, as ± indicates the direction; the p-value remains
the same for both directions.

2.74 > 2.228 ( greater than, reject the null hypothesis)

6.State the Conclusion

We can reject the null hypothesis that there is no difference between the performance.
There is significant difference between the performance of the respondents during the Before
(Score 1) and After (Score 2) the treatment

Goulden, C. H. Methods of Statistical Analysis, 2nd ed. New York: Wiley, pp. 50-55, 1956.

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