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Item No.20
Court No.15
W.P. No. 8678 (W) of 2017
Pawan Kumar Ruia
- Versus –
State of West Bengal & Others
Mr. Ayan Bhattacharya,
Mr. Anand Keshari,
Mr. Soumyajit Ghosh,
Mr. Sekhar Mukherjee
… for the petitioner.

Mr. Rajdeep Majumder

… for the State respondents.

Pursuant to the order dated 16th April, 2018 the petitioner has effected service

upon all the respondents. The affidavit of service filed to that effect be kept on record.

Mr. Majumder, learned advocate appears on behalf of the respondents and files

the affidavit-in-opposition.

Mr. Bhattacharya, learned advocate appears on behalf of the petitioner and files

the affidavit-in-reply to the said opposition.

Let the affidavits as exchanged be kept on record.

List this matter for final hearing in the daily supplementary list of this Court on 7th

June, 2018.

(Tapabrata Chakraborty, J.)

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