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This question paper contains 6 printed pages. 6881 Your Roll No. .... LL.B. / V Term e Paper LB-5033 : CRIMINOLOGY Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100 (Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.) NoTE:— Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi; but the same medium should be used throughout the paper. feuuit:— sa veqo7 aT sat Has? aT fee? frat TH an F adfre ater wet sat ar avery oe dt ar afezs _ Altempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Foret Wher ret. sax feafeac ant weal & ate wart 21 1. Attempt briefly any four of the following: (a) Legal and social definition of crime (b) Importance of the study of criminology PTO. 6881 2. 2 (c) Female victimity and female criminality are intertwined. (d) Cyber Crime (e) Human Trafficking. fra 4 2 fat ar & daa & oa che: (a) STE st dentres sit arnfers ofa (b) STEEN sera a ABTA (c) eet sraofem sik afeenat at anea da wT aanifed ¢ (d) FRR aRTT (e) Aa SIMI 1 20 “Greatest contribution of positivist school to the development of criminal scicnce lies in the fact that attention of criminologists was drawn for the first time towards personality of criminal rather than crime or punishment.” Comment. ‘oumara & faa F oqaerardl whe at aaa ast amen 2 fe are a aa & Beret sRTEMfaa aT "eat are & oafieaa at att Skfxa seer” feat ata 20 . “A person becomes criminal because of an excess of definitions favourable to law violation over definitions unfavourable to violation of law.” Do you agree? ace 3 6881 Critically analyse Sutherland’s differential association theory of crime causation. “ara seeded & va F uftareand, arg secier & faver # oft @ safes 8S aro ofed aad +4 art @1” aa am gaa wend 2? aque & aera % fates da faart a aneitearers Freee ahaa 20 }. (a) (b) What are the salient features of Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015? fai aa Get at tema a cam) afer 2015 at fagtrard sar 3? In many ways, the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 is a forward-looking and comprehensive enactment that provides for dealing with children in conflict with the law and those requiring care and protection. However, its laudable features have been overshadowed by one provision that states that children in the 16-18 age group will henceforth be tried as adults if they are accused of | committing ‘heinous offences’. Comment. fait =a (seal at taut a dem) afatran, 2015 &g wan a Gumi ai ame vente 2 at wae 8 oa seed ara @ a arg a aoa wt a fe a a dam at PTO. 5. (a) (b) 6. (a) 4 ware 21 wy saat auedta faeaait a We waar f 16-18 af at argh sedi wy gah arg & saat Bt We AEA TeTT ST are aA way “TET sae” a ants 2, fer a 2a @ 1 feoroh athe 20 “Retention of capital punishment is a necessary evil in prevalent Indian scenario.” Evaluate. “ada arate after ¥ yes at wat a we Sar UH araeas gud 21” ater athe “It has now been felt that we have cared too much for the criminal and his rehabilitation but very little for the victim.” Discuss in the light of judicial activism in granting compensation to the victim of crime. “aa ae weqa a ame fe eH amet sik sae ater W aga a 2 wg weg ties at arpa TET SA ate WE 1” aeTs & tifsa at afte 2 & fea antes afraare & wearer F fader aif ; 20 Probation balances the competing interests of an individual reformation and societal demand of prevention from criminal. Comment. “fate tafers yen cat ame & ds at 5 6881 wat at nin & sfametaes ere Faget aad B1" feorh athe | (b) X, aged 18 years, is convicted for the offence of selling counterfeit medicines over the counter. Can he seek release under the Probation of Offenders Act, 1958? 18 ata X A seat W Aa cas Fat arty Hwa a at 21 avr at oftdiqn afafran, 1958 & wea, Fat ae frarer ain wea eg? 20 7. Critically analyse the police reforms directed by the Supreme Court in Prakash Singh V. Union of India. wart fae aay ana ae A adiea =a Ent fréfeer yfera qent a1 aneitaarers fae afara 1 . . 20 8. “Prisons in modern India serve as institutions of reformation of offenders. However, they suffer from certain problems which need immediate attention otherwise they will be nothing else than the breeding grounds of delinquency.” In the light of above statement, briefly discuss the reforms which are on foot in India with regard to prisons. “maps ad F arr amafeat & qan at Weasit at ae at a @ gi Ww a ge arena a PTO. 6881 6 erated @, fa we qed em 7 fe wr a arm fat sme & weet aa we aa” sated He vert Y arom & watea st qe aa F feat aT Re Ta Gay F fades sta

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